
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Technology


Quick Facts

  1. Program Length: 120 Credit Hours; 4 years full-time.
  2. STEM Designation: Yes
  3. Admission Requirements:
    • UMSL undergraduate admissions requirements


The B.S. in IS program provides students with a foundation in both the functional areas of business and in computing technologies. This unique blend enables graduates to appreciate the strategic role of technology, formulate a vision for IS, and communicate that vision to stakeholders. Students are prepared to pursue both technical and managerial careers incorporating leading edge technologies in public and private organizations.

Admission Requirements

First year and transfer students must meet the admission requirements of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. 

See admissions requirements

Degree Requirements

General Education Requirements

Students must satisfy the university general education requirements. Many of the courses for the degree may be used to fulfill general education requirements. There is no foreign language requirement for this degree.

Business Core Requirements

Students must satisfy the College of Business Administration undergraduate program requirements.

BS IST Coursework Requirements

Coursework RequirementsBS IST 4-year Course Plan

2+3 BS plus MS in Information Systems and Technology

Finish both your undergraduate and graduate degrees in a shorter time.

The 2+3 Combined BS/MS program in Information Systems and Technology provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to complete the requirements for both degrees in 5 years of full-time study.

The combined program allows students to complete both the undergraduate and graduate degrees in Information Systems and Technology with a total of 135 credit hours instead of the typical 150 credit hours if the degrees were pursued separately. When all the requirements of the BS/MS program have been completed, students will be awarded both the BS and MS degrees.

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Related Minors / Certificates

By choosing appropriate electives, students can earn the Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity or Undergraduate Minor in Cybersecurity simultaneously with the BS IST.

See the College of Business Administration bulletin page for a list of other possible undergraduate minors.