
IB Academic Internships

Employers are looking for students like you, learn more about College of Business Administration internships and receive notifications on upcoming internship opportunities.

Successful internships often lead to full-time employment in your field of choice; many times with the company that hired you as an intern. 

Undergraduate IB
International MBA
Boeing Caleres (former Brown Shoe)
Scottrade Express Scripts
French Embassy Peabody Coal
Ernst & Young H-J International
World Trade Center Unigroup
Anheuser Busch Emerson Motors
Novus International Sigma Aldrich
Expeditus International Ingersoll-Rand
Junior Chamber of Commerce Scottrade
U.S International Foods Dow Screw
Scarborough International Build-A-Bear
Midwest China Hub Commission Commerce Bank
Fleishman Hillard Metal Exchange Co.
U.S Department of Commerce Ungerboeck Systems International

Resources: GOINGLOBAL   

One of the highlights of our IMBA program is the opportunity for each student to participate in an internship placement the summer after they complete their classroom studies. UMSL works in cooperation with some of the premier companies in St. Louis to place the IMBA students from our partner universities to work in those companies for their International Internship as part of their IMBA programs.