
Global Leadership and Management Faculty

Faculty GLAM faculty are widely recognized for their excellence in teaching, research, and service by their various constituencies (e.g., students, local business leaders, community organizations, faculty at other universities). During the course of their careers, GLAM faculty have won campus teaching awards, served as editors of professional journals, authored leading textbooks, chaired professional societies, consulted with major corporations, been awarded federal grants, served on community boards and provided thousands of hours of non-compensated community service.

We believe that what we learn from our research and our consulting work shapes what we teach in our classes, producing an educational experience that is grounded in what goes on today in business with an eye to business in the future. GLAM faculty are quite active in interacting with students. For example, numerous students have participated in management-oriented internships under faculty direction. Other students have worked closely with faculty on special projects of mutual interest. Still other students have benefited from working with faculty on projects that were carried out in conjunction with trips to other countries.

Global Leadership and Management Faculty 
Imag of Bindu Arya Arya, Bindu -- Ph.D., Chair & Professor
Office: 225 Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ Voice: (314) 516-4620
Email:  bindua@umsl.edu
jdakich-2.jpgDakich, Joy L.  -- M.A., Teaching Professor
Office: 1006 SSB Tower ~ Voice: (314) 516-6266
Email:  dakich@umsl.edu
Emily-Lane-Head-Shot.pngLane, Emily K.  --  M.S., SPHR - Assistant Teaching Professor
Office: 456 SSB ~ Voice: (314) 516-6297
Email:   laneem@umsl.edu
alice lee-yoonLee-Yoon, Alice -- Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Office:  218 Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ 
Email:  alice.lee-yoon@umsl.edu
meriac-web-pic.jpg Meriac, John -- Ph.D., Associate Professor
 Office: 215 Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ Voice: (314) 516-5467
 Email: meriacj@umsl.edu
stephanie-merritt-2.png   Merritt, Stephanie - - Ph.D., Professor
 Office: 219 Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ Voice: (314) 516-5882
 Email: merritts@umsl.edu
brandon ofemOfem, Brandon --  Ph.D., Associate Professor
Office: 216 Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ Voice: (314) 516-6146
Email:  ofemb@umsl.edu
john palmerPalmer, John  -- Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor
Office: 440G SSB ~ (314) 516-6138
Email: palmerj1@umsl.edu 
ekin pellegriniPellegrini, Ekin K. -- Ph.D., Associate Professor
Office:  202H Anheuser-Busch Hall ~ Voice: (314) 516-4528
Email:  pellegrinie@umsl.edu
Retired Management Department Faculty
Balser, Deborah  -- Associate Professor Emeritus
Email:  balserd@umsl.edu
Breaugh, James -- Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
Johnson, Jr., Julius H. -- Ph.D., Assoc. Professor
Email:  johnson@umsl.edu
Lambing, Peggy -- M.B.A., Lecturer
Email:  plamb@umsl.edu
Ricks, David A. -- Ph.D., Missouri Board of Curators' Professor