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Entrepreneurship Certificate

Module 4:  Entrepreneurial Finance


  • Statements
  • Forecasting
  • Financing
  • Funding

Module Dates: 10/11
When: Friday afternoon from 9am - 4pm 

Entrepreneurship Certificate


Finance can be a pandora’s box for founders.  In the first class, we will do a quick review of the basics of financial statements. The bulk of our time will be spent on forecasting.  Investors, customers, and employees all count on us being able to forecast our business with a reasonable amount of accuracy.  The more accurate we can be, the better for all involved and the better for our financial performance.

Module 4Our second meeting will focus on various sources of financing and funding that are available and what each of these sources mean to us as founders.  Some require giving up equity now, some give equity later, and some require no equity but other effects on the business.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Use various techniques to forecast your business
  • Anticipate your funding needs
  • Know the different types of funding that are available
  • Know the steps and processes required to obtain the different sources of funding
  • Know how each type of funding impacts you as a founder