
Accounting Department


Our Mission

The educational mission of the UMSL Accounting programs is to foster excellence in accountancy by providing a rigorous educational experience as a framework for lifelong learning to individuals of diverse academic backgrounds. 

Our Programs

We are proud of our Bachelor of Science in Accounting program and our Master of Accounting program. Each is accredited by AACSB International. We were the first Accounting program in the St. Louis region to earn dual accreditation in both Business and Accounting by the premier global business accounting accrediting body. 

Our Students

We are proud of our diverse, talented, hard-working students that earn paid internships, earn positions at great CPA firms and companies upon graduation, successfully complete the CPA exam, and quickly rise to leadership positions. 

Our Faculty

We are proud of our world-class faculty. UMSL Accounting faculty members hold Ph.D's from top doctoral programs in Accounting, have published in premier academic journals, and have won numerous prestigious teaching awards. Before entering academe, each gained extensive professional experience at organizations including the "Big Four" CPA firms, local CPA firms, and prominent corporations.

Our Alumni

We are proud of our alumni base. Our alumni are leaders of corporations, CPA firms, and other organizations across the country. They are Chief Executive Officers, Chief Operating Officers, and Chief Financial Officers of corporations large and small. They are Partners at CPA firms of all sizes – global, national, regional, and local. They lead governmental and regulatory agencies. They also lead not-for-profit organizations where they contribute their business expertise to further the important missions of these organizations. 


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