College of Arts and Sciences


College of Arts and Sciences Home Page

General Information

The College offers a wide range of accredited baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees and multi-disciplinary certificates through 14 departments, the School of Social Work and the Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies.

Anthropology (B.A.)
Biochemistry & Biotechnology (B.S., M.S.)
Biology (B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D.)
Chemistry and Biochemistry (B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D.)
Criminology and Criminal Justice (B.S., M.A., Ph.D.)
Economics (B.A., B.S., M.A.)
English (B.A., M.A., M.F.A.)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (B.A. in French and B.A. in Spanish)
History (B.A., M.A.)
Liberal Studies (B.L.S.)
Mathematics and Computer Science (B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., Ph.D.)
Philosophy (B.A., M.A.)
Physics and Astronomy (B.A., B.S., M.A., Ph.D.)
Political Science (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.)
Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.)
Psychology (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.)
Social Work (B.S.W., M.S.W.)
Sociology (B.A., B.S., M.A.)
Women’s and Gender Studies (Certificate)

The College of Arts and Sciences consists of some 220 full-time faculty members in the following departments and school, each offering work in specific undergraduate degree programs: anthropology, biology, chemistry, criminology and criminal justice, economics, English, foreign languages and literatures, history, mathematics and computer science, philosophy, physics and astronomy, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
In addition the College offers a Bachelors Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology and a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies.

Graduate study degree programs, administered through the Graduate School, are also offered in the following  departments of the College of Arts and Sciences: biochemistry and biotechnology, biology, chemistry, criminology and criminal justice, economics, English, history, mathematics and computer science, physics and astronomy, philosophy, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology. An interdisciplinary master's degree in public policy administration is offered in cooperation with the College of Business Administration. Specific degree requirements for both undergraduate and graduate degree programs are described in the departmental sections which follow this general information on the college.

Coursework in the evening or through on-line and/or video instruction is made available by all departments of the College and the School of  Social Work. The following degree programs can be completed in the evening:

Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.

Bachelor of Science in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics Mathematics, Physics, and Sociology.

Bachelor of Social Work

Bachelor of Liberal Studies

Consult the website of the department in which you plan to major for details on degree requirements and a three year schedule of planned course offerings.

Requirements for Undergraduate Study
All majors in the College of Arts and Sciences, including Bachelor of Liberal Studies, must meet the following requirements:

Academic Policies

Grade Requirements
To graduate, all majors in the college must satisfy one of the following grade point options:

Cultural Diversity Requirement
To expand cultural awareness, all students are required to complete a course that emphasizes Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Pacific aboriginal, Native American, or a comparable culture.  A list of courses which satisfy this requirement can be found in the introductory section of this Bulletin.

Residency Requirements
Transfer students must complete at least 30 of the last 36 hours of their degree program in residence at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Unless otherwise specified, a transfer student must complete 12 hours of graded work at UMSL at the 2000 level or above within the minimum number of hours required for each major.

Unless otherwise specified, a transfer student must complete at least six hours of graded work at UMSL at the 2000 level or above within the minimum number of hours required for each minor. Students should consult the minor department for specific residency and grade requirements.

Specific Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

Course Requirements
After fulfilling the general education and specific major degree requirements, students are to take the remaining hours required to complete the bachelor's degree from courses (which the appropriate department has evaluated as being of university-level quality) from one or more of the following areas or their university-quality equivalents at other institutions: anthropology/archaeology, art (appreciation, history, studio), astronomy, biology, chemistry, communication, criminology and criminal justice, economics, English, foreign languages/ literatures, geology, history, mathematics/computer science, media studies,  music (appreciation, history, performance), philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, theatre and dance, business, education, engineering, or interdisciplinary. Other areas or courses not listed require approval by the chair of the student's department.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
All B.A. degree candidates must successfully complete a curriculum which includes a departmental major or an approved interdisciplinary field. A major must include at least 30 credit hours but no more than 45 hours. The College offers the B.A. degree in anthropology, biology, chemistry, economics, English, French, history, mathematics, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, and Spanish.

Foreign Language Requirement
Candidates for the B.A. degree are required to complete 13 credit hours or the equivalent in proficiency in one foreign language. Foreign language guidelines are as follows:

1) Students entering with no high school language units must enroll in Language 1 or may enroll in the 2115 series (see section 4).
2)Students with the degree of proficiency equivalent to 13 hours of college-level work in French, German or Spanish may obtain exemption by passing the department's placement exam. The specific dates for the exam are posted on-line or may be obtained from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at 314-516-6240.
3) Native speakers of language other than English may meet the foreign language requirement by presenting a transcript from a university or secondary school of their native country. The department will certify native speakers of those languages which are taught at the university. Those who are proficient in other languages must submit certification of competence to the college.
4)Language 2115 A, B, C (Intensive) will satisfy the foreign language requirement.  Aptitude testing is required prior to enrollment.  For more information, call the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department at 314-516-6240
5) Students may not repeat, for either credit or quality points, an elementary course if they have already completed a higher-level course for which the elementary course, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite.

Applied Music and Studio Art
Students not majoring in music may count no more than eight hours in music ensemble performance (Music 1400, 1410, 1500, 1520, etc). Students in the college not majoring in studio art may count any number of studio art hours toward a degree in the college.  This includes transfer credit.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
The College offers the B.S. degree in mathematics, biochemistry and biotechnology, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, computer science, criminology and criminal justice, economics, physics (with emphasis in applied physics, astrophysics, engineering physics, or optical biophysics), and sociology. The requirements are generally the same as for the B.A. degree with the following exceptions:
1) More credit hours in the major discipline may be counted toward satisfying the 120 hours needed for graduation. See departmental degree requirements for information.
2) Not all departments require foreign language proficiency. See departmental degree requirements for information.

Bachelor of Liberal Studies
(See Interdisciplinary Programs for complete description)

Bachelor of Science in Public Policy and Administration (B.S.P.A.)
The B.S.P.A. degree program is administered through the Political Science Department and offers two emphasis areas. Public Administration emphasizes management in the public and nonprofit sectors. Public Policy allows focus on a particular policy area with attention to analytic training and research skills.

Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)
The School of Social Work offers the B.S.W. degree, stressing the scientific and applied aspects of social work.

A number of minors are available at UMSL. Some are offered by individual departments, while others, such as Classical Studies are interdisciplinary in nature and involve a number of departments. The requirements for the various minors are listed in either the departmental or interdisciplinary sections of this Bulletin.

Special Programs

Certificate Programs
Graduate and undergraduate certificate programs are offered in archaeology biochemistry, biotechnology, forensic economics, labor studies, gerontology, studies in religions, trauma studies, tropical and conservation biology, nonprofit organization management and leadership, psychology-clinical respecializtion, women's and gender studies, and writing.

International Studies Certificate
In cooperation with the Center for International Studies and other Colleges, the College offers certificate programs in African, East Asian, European, Greek, International, and Latin American studies.  The College also cooperates in offering the International Business Certificate.

Departmental Honors
Majors in the following departments may pursue departmental honors: biology, chemistry, economics, English, foreign languages and literatures, history, and political science.

Cooperative Education and Internship Programs
Cooperative education and internship programs are available for students seeking career-related employment while enrolled in school. These programs afford Arts and Sciences students an opportunity to gain practical experience and earn a substantial income. Co-ops and internships are administered through Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center.

College of Arts and Sciences Extension
Credit courses are offered at off-campus locations through the continuing education branch of the College of Arts and Sciences. These courses are open to UMSL students and qualify for regular academic credit toward degrees in the college. In addition, noncredit courses are offered in a range of disciplines within the college.