The UMSL Department Logotype creates and maintains a partnership between the university and its individual units, colleges, divisions or departments. It can be used for print publications, webpages and other electronic communications.
Units should not develop their own logotypes. Only University Marketing and Communications may develop and approve individual unit logotypes. Need a copy of an existing unit logotype or need a new unit logotype created? Fill out a work order request .
The UMSL Department Logotype is required on all printed and electronically displayed materials to visually reinforce the relationship between the unit and UMSL as a whole and includes the block UMSL logo along with the unit name and full university name. Acronyms are, generally, not to be used in unit logotypes (ex. COBA or CAS), however, abbreviations may be approved (ex. Business or Arts & Sciences). As needs vary, two different versions are available.
Version A [example] is the primary unit logotype and should be used on all content whether in print or digital directed to external, non-UMSL affiliated audiences.
Version B [example] is the secondary unit logotype and should only be used on internal content when the audience has a direct affiliation with the university such as current students, faculty and staff.
Department Logotype Colors
The unit logotypes are produced using colors based on Pantone Matching System 200 (red) and 100 percent black.
Reproduce the unit logotype to match (as close as possible) the coated PMS color chips found in the most recent Pantone Color Matching Formula Guide. Depending on production technique and printing substrate, your printer may suggest using a different ink color to ensure the closet match in the final printed product to the PMS color chips. Contact Marketing and Communications for support.
Reverse Logotype
The unit logotype is used primarily in 2-color and full-color, however, it may also be used in one-color, black on light backgrounds and white on dark backgrounds. Specifically, white is the only logotype that may be used on black backgrounds. Examples of Version B:

Unit Logotype File Formats
The unit logotype is available in various file formats, however, .PNG files will be shared for broad university use with departments as .PNG may be used in many formats. However, trained graphic designers and outside vendors often need additional formats such as EPS vector files, which University Marketing and Communications at a unit's request.
Presenting the Unit Logotype
The minimum width of the unit logotype is 1.25 inches in printed publications. On webpages, the unit logotype can be no smaller than 120 pixels wide.
An ample cushion of space no less than .25 inches for print or 24 pixels for webpages should border the logotype. The unit logotype should not overlap or be overlapped by type, illustration, photos, other logos or other design elements.
Improper uses
Do not skew, scale, stretch, extrude, emboss or otherwise distort the unit logotype by any means, including using special effects software filters. Do not change colors, add type, drop shadows or any other graphical flourishes that affect the integrity of the designs.