
Email Signature

This tool is designed to create an email signature for your University email account. Fill out the fields you'd like to use in your signature and select the Create Signature button. Once you are happy with the results, click the Copy button and the signature will be held on your clipboard and you can paste it into the signature box in Outlook. You can further edit your signature once it is pasted in Outlook.

Directions on how to add an email signature to your Outlook are available from Microsoft.

(Eg. he/him, she/her, they/them, ze/zir)

Your New Signature

Louie Newt (he/him)
Professional Mascot
University of Missouri–St. Louis
366 MSC, 1 University Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63121

| 314-516-4300 | cell: 314-516-4300 | fax: 314-516-4300 | www.umsl.edu

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