The biology major has requirements in several fields and requires appropriate planning to successfully complete. Students should seek advising in the department of biology as soon as they have chosen biology as their major. It is strongly recommended that biology students review their course plan with their biology advisors and College of Arts and Sciences advisors each semester before registering for courses.
Biology Department Advisors:
Name | Location | Phone | Advises students with last name beginning: | Advising Times | |
Dr. Christopher Wolin | 241 Research Bldg | 516-6210 | A - E | By appointment | |
Dr. Rebecca Polich | 224 Research Bldg | 516-6217 | F - J | By appointment | |
Dr. Meghann Humphries | 204B Stadler Hall | 516-6206 | K - N | By appointment | |
Dr. Ambrose Kidd | 204A Stadler Hall | 516-6209 | O - S | By appointment | |
Dr. Marc Spingola | 242 Research Bldg | 516-6749 | T - Z | By appointment |
College of Arts and Sciences Advising
Advising for the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Biotechnology:
- For majors with last names beginning A-F, contact Dr. Marc Spingola (see above).
- For majors with last names beginning G-N, contact Dr. Lynda McDowell (
- For majors with last names beginning O-Z, contact Dr. Chung Wong (
Advising for the Bachelor of Science in Education with Emphasis in Biology and the Bachelor of Arts in Biology with Teacher Certification
Contact Dr. Charles Granger, 239 Research Building, 516-6220,
Advising for the Accelerated Master of Science in Biology (allows students to simultaneously earn their BS and their MS in Biology)
Contact Dr. Wendy Olivas, 204b Stadler Building, 516-4241,
Advising/Credit Transfer Policy
A. Biology advisors shall waive one credit each for Biology 1821 and Biology 1831 equivalent courses (5 credits each) that carry only four credits at the transfer college.
B. For one credit labs at the 2000 level or above (genetics lab, micro lab, ecology lab, etc. which are all 2 credits at UM-St. Louis in Biology) that transfer from other institutions, Biology advisors shall count them as satisfying one lab requirement and allow them to count as two credits towards the total number of biology credits required (by waiving one credit).
Updated 11/2023