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Explore our degree programs

Choose your major. Discover your passion.

From undergraduate to graduate, professional programs to certificates, you'll find the program that works for you at UMSL.

Visit Campus

We invite you to visit our beautiful 450-acre campus to see all that UMSL has to offer. We host daily tours, virtual and self-guided tours.

close up of american flag patch on military uniform

Veteran Admissions Checklist

A step-by-step guide specifically designed to help military families stay on track throughout the admissions process. 

Admissions Checklist
a group of veterans in the vet center listening to a presentation

Campus and Community Resources

We aim to support veterans and their families by providing first-class resources, services, and guidance as well as on campus programs, organizations and amenities.  

Campus Resources
older veteran student

Military and Academic Credit

Learn how your military experience and education gained while serving can help you finish your degree faster. 

Military and Academic Credit

UMSL by the Numbers


in Missouri for veterans
2021 Military Times


in scholarships, fellowships and grants awarded


in the nation for veterans
Military Times


of UMSL students are veterans