Estimate your UMSL tuition

Use our net price calculator to estimate the cost of attendance for your UMSL degree.

Net Price Calculator

Estimate your tuition and fees
Learn about which tuition rate you qualify
for based on where you live.

Financial Assistance

More than 1,200 Pell Grant eligible students earn UMSL degrees every year as a result of increased investment in support services and need-based financial aid. There are several types of financial aid opportunities to bring down the cost of a University of Missouri–St. Louis education, including:

Two students reviewing document together
We recognize your potential 75%

of our students receive some sort of financial aid

Work Study Opportunites

At the University of Missouri–St. Louis, you can earn money while working on campus with Federal Work-Study (FWS). FWS is a need-based financial aid initiative supported by the federal government, enabling you to receive income while pursuing your UMSL degree.

Parents of students, you can find comprehensive information here about UMSL financial aid options and discover ways to finance your child’s UMSL degree.

Financial Aid info for Parents