
Class Rosters and Grades

Class Roster

Following registration each semester, adjunct faculty will be able to view their class roster online in MyView for the Advanced Credit Program course(s) they are teaching at their high school. Adjunct faculty members are asked to check the accuracy of the rosters. Any discrepancies should be reported to the Advanced Credit Program office immediately to ensure that all students registered or believed to be registered are properly identified.


Upon completion of the Advanced Credit Program course(s), adjunct faculty will issue a grade to students enrolled in their course(s) for college credit. Grades will need to be submitted by the date indicated in the email. Once undesired grades are posted, they cannot be removed from a student's official university transcript. Students should be advised accordingly. The grade a student earned in an Advanced Credit course appears as part of the student's permanent university record and cannot be dropped. After the grades have been posted to the students' transcripts, they will be available on MyView.

Entering Grades


Grade Submission Troubleshooting


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

All instructors are required to complete and pass the FERPA training with a score of 70% or higher. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Learn more about FERPA. This training should not take more than thirty minutes to complete.

  1. Reset your password -------- Click the button that says “SECUREAUTH NEW USER”
  2. Complete FERPA. You will have access to your MyView account 24 hours after your successful completion of 70% or better. There may be other courses available, but you only need to take FERPA
  3. 24 hours after you complete FERPA you will log into MyView at umsl.edu
  4. Follow the path of the picture below to view your class roster and enter your grades

If you do not know your Username/SSO or eight-digit ID number contact our office at (314) 516-7005 or acp@umsl.edu

If you are having issues resetting your password contact tech support at (314) 516-6034.