
ACP High School Partner Scholarship Policy

ACP Partner Scholarship

There are two types of scholarships available through the Advanced Credit Program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis: 1. Partner and 2. Professional Development. These scholarships will be awarded to individual high school faculty or staff in accordance with but not limited to the following:

Partner Scholarships:

a)    Teachers may earn up to two - 3 credit hour scholarships per year (one 3 credit hour scholarship for the first 22 credit hours generated via the students enrolled for dual credit in their classroom, and a second 3 credit hour scholarship will be generated if 44 credit hours are generated in their classroom). No more than two scholarships will be awarded per academic year per ACP instructor.

b)    Transfer of Partner Scholarships. In order to assist high school instructors not currently working with the ACP to become eligible to offer dual credit courses in compliance with the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) guidelines, i.e., completion of a master’s degree, with at least 18 graduate credit hours in the content area they will be teaching, ACP instructors may transfer their earned Partner Scholarships to non-ACP instructors at that school at the direction of the high school principal and with approval by the ACP Director for use only in meeting MDHE/HLC compliance guidelines to teach dual credit courses in their content area. (Receiving teachers must complete an ACP teacher application prior to using any scholarships.)

c)    Earned scholarships must be used within the academic year (August thru July). Scholarships may not be banked for future use.

Limitations of Partner Scholarships:

  • Scholarships must be used within the academic year in which they are awarded.
  • Covers resident (in-state) educational tuition only.  Any and all additional fees are the responsibility of the UMSL student.
  • Adjunct Scholarships may be used by the ACP instructor for courses taken through the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Fine Arts and Communication, the College of Education, the College of Business Administration,
  • Transferred Adjunct Scholarships may only be used in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Fine Arts and Communication, the College of Education, and the College of Business Administration, for use in obtaining MDHE/HLC compliance to teach dual credit courses.
  • The maximum number of Partner scholarship hours that may be awarded to professional staff who are not yet part of the Advanced Credit Program is thirty (30).
  • Scholarships do not cover non-resident fees. High school teachers currently teaching one or more courses in the Advanced Credit Program and who live outside the state of Missouri and pay Missouri state income tax may qualify to receive a non-resident tax credit to offset the non-resident fee charged.
  • This Partner Scholarship Policy supersedes all previous scholarship policies and is subject to annual review.

Professional Development Scholarships.

a)    Are given to high school principals for award to high school faculty that they have identified who are not currently teaching in the Advanced Credit Program at their schools, and who wish to do so, but do not meet the guidelines, i.e. master’s degree, including 18 graduate credit hours in the content area.  

b)    Or to any professional staff member, who is not currently partnering with the ACP (teachers, counselors, administrators) in their schools to help address the overall professional development needs of the high school and courses must be taken at the graduate level.

c)    Each scholarship will be equivalent to one 3 graduate credit hour course at UMSL.

d)    Principals will be notified of the number of professional development scholarships that their schools will be provided each school year.  Scholarships must be used within the academic year (August to July) and may not be banked for future use. The number of scholarships provided will be based on the following table:

Previous Year's Enrollment in ACP

# of Scholarships

10-100 students

1 per year

101-200 students

2 per year

201-300 students

3 per year

301 or more students

4 per year

Limitations of Professional Development Scholarships:

  1. Professional Development Scholarships must be used within the academic year in which they are awarded.
  2. Covers resident (in-state) educational tuition only.  Any and all additional fees are the responsibility of the UMSL student.
  3. Professional Development scholarships may only be used in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Fine Arts and Communication, the College of Education, or the College of Business Administration, for use in obtaining MDHE compliance to teach dual credit courses or as part of an Educational Leadership/Counseling program requirement, subject to approval by the high school principal and the Advanced Credit Program Director.
  4. The maximum number of Professional Development Scholarship hours that may be awarded to any particular person is 18.
  5. Scholarships do not cover non-resident fees.
  6. This Professional Development Scholarship Policy supersedes all previous scholarship policies and is subject to annual review.

For more questions regarding scholarships, please contact Hailey Coleman at hcoleman@mail.umsl.edu.