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Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Applicants and nominees for the award will be evaluated based upon benchmark considerations found under each award category that demonstrate various aspects of the successful candidate’s entrepreneurial approach to business and its future. 

Click on an award category to learn more:



The UMSL Student Entrepreneur Award is intended for the individual that has a thirst for learning, is naturally curious, grows their network, takes smart risks, and is trusted and respected by peers and faculty. This award is intended to honor students who have demonstrated innovativeness, originality, and entrepreneurial spirit. This can be accomplished through the development of ideas, processes, products; excellence in the classroom, clubs, and through leadership; or an initiative of benefit to students.

Benchmarks for Consideration:

  • How much traction the nominee's business has achieved.
  • How much the nominee helps other students and/or members of the community pursue entrepreneurship.


EYA presenter


The Entrepreneur Advocate Award is intended for the individual who shows a strong commitment to assisting entrepreneurs, startups, and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through both personal and professional service, the recipient exhibits a steadfast commitment to helping entrepreneurs in a variety of ways and industries. These honorees provide entrepreneurs with the resources they need to give our community its competitive edge.

Benchmarks for Consideration:

  • How much the nominee educates entrepreneurs through mentoring, coaching, and/or advising.
  • How much the nominee connects entrepreneurs through local/regional entrepreneur support organizations or other networking efforts.
  • How much the nominee supports entrepreneurs through direct investment or mobilization of financial investment.


The Social Entrepreneur Award is intended for the individual or organization that is using entrepreneurship to address environmental or social challenges. This award recognizes individuals who are willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in society through their initiatives.

Benchmarks for Consideration: 

  • How much the nominee's entrepreneurial efforts have addressed environmental and/or social challenges.
  • How much evidence is available to suggest that the nominee's efforts will continue to have an impact in the future.


EYA presenter


The UMSL Lifetime Achievement Award is intended for the individual who has documented experience in entrepreneurship and who has contributed significantly toward socioeconomic growth and impact on a large number of individuals, their organization, and the community. Recipient has contributed to the growth of the business community and provides inspiration to younger entrepreneurs by examples of community mindedness and success.

Benchmarks for Consideration: 

  • How much impact (e.g. innovations developed, jobs created, revenue generated, IP licensed, businesses sold) has occurred due to the nominee's entrepreneurial efforts?
  • How much evidence is available to suggest that the nominee's efforts will continue to have an impact in the future.
  • How much the nominee has shared the benefits of their success through philanthropy, volunteering, and related efforts.


The Entrepreneur of the Year award is intended for the individual who does not stand still – a mover and shaker. The award recognizes an individual whose company or organization has shown great promise and achievement. The winners and finalists represent the most innovative and inspirational leaders in the UMSL entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Benchmarks for Consideration:

  • How much traction (e.g. innovations developed, jobs created, revenue generated, IP licensed, businesses sold) has occurred due to the nominee's entrepreneurial efforts?
  • How much evidence is available to suggest that the nominee's efforts will continue to have an impact in the future.