
Common Searches

Principal Investigator

Carissa Philippi, Ph.D

I am an Associate Professor and Behavioral Neuroscience Graduate Program Director in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. My research uses fMRI, psychophysiology, and a variety of behavioral paradigms to study different types of self-related processing—such as self-reflection and rumination—with healthy subjects and psychiatric patient populations. Specifically, my current research interests include the following:

  • Examining dimensional relationships among self-related processing, psychopathology, and resting-state brain activity
  • Developing and validating performance-based assessments of self-related processing in healthy populations
  • Using self-related processing tasks to predict treatment response in psychiatric patient populations, such as noninvasive brain stimulation interventions for depression


Outside of the lab, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling and being outdoors, reading mostly non-fiction, listening to scientific podcasts, exercising, and advocating for women in STEM.