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Annette House (MSW 2003)

As a young child growing up in St. Louis, Annette House was enthralled with people and their interactions with each other.

"I enjoyed watching behaviors, listening to the verbalization of thoughts and feelings and watching how this governed actions," Annette said.

This early fascination was the spark that grew to a flame as Annette pursued the study of the mind and human behavior and how to offer support. The result is a nearly four-decade career protecting children, families and the child welfare workforce in Missouri and across the country.

Education was one of the cornerstones of her vocation. After attending St. Louis Public Schools, Annette earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Oberlin College in Ohio, then continued her education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, where she received a master’s in social work and a certification in nonprofit business while working for the Missouri Children’s Division as a social worker and manager. As a grad student, Annette was able to leverage UMSL’s partnerships with the Missouri Children’s Division and other state agencies to broaden her scope in the field of social work and human behavior to include expertise in the systemic organizational approach to social work and its impact on families and communities.

Annette House

"I was always encouraged throughout my educational experience at UMSL to identify and speak about issues affecting our communities and the importance of collaborations and partnerships,” Annette said. “I came to further embrace that social work is so much more than working with individuals and communities – it is also about many broader issues that cross multiple systems and institutionalized behaviors and policies."

Today, Annette provides consulting services to local social service organizations with an emphasis on systems integration after retiring as the St. Louis regional director from the Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division. Throughout her life of achievement and impact in the field of child welfare, Annette is grateful for the foundational moments she experienced at UMSL for preparing her for success.

"I have been fortunate to embody in my work and volunteerism what I acquired through my studies and experiences at UMSL," she said. "Through countless interactions with professors and fellow students, I have had and continue to have countless collaborations with diverse individuals, faith-based groups and other community organizations and national foundations. Thank you UMSL, and congratulations on 60 years of excellence."