Center for Teaching and Learning

Civic Engagement Week 2011: April 11 Events, A Closer Look


Let Us Eat Cake Flyer

April 11 Events

All Day: Let Us Eat Cake

3:30 pm: Community Engagement: Why Should We Care?

Let Us Eat Cake

Join us to celebrate UMSL's investment in the community!
Download the "Let Us Eat Cake" Flyer

Since our founding in 1963, community engagement has been a central focus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Help us celebrate the Carnegie Foundation's selection of UMSL for its 2010 Community Engagement classification.

Please join us as you are able to have cake and celebrate at the following times and locations:

Start Time


Sponsoring Department

Project highlights

10:00 a.m.

RCEW Lobby

Volunteer Services

Volunteer Services/
Employee Program

10:30 a.m. to noon

315 Thomas Jefferson Library

UMSL Libraries

UMSL Libraries
Service Outside the Lines

11:00 a.m.

Seton Hall Lobby



11:30 a.m.

MSC Nosh, Patio & Bridge

Division of Student Affairs
with UMSL Students of Service

Service activities,
Bridge Program/
Students of Service


Provincial House

Honors College



331 SSB

Center for International Studies

2011 Africa Film Festival preview

12:30 p.m.

Marillac Lobby

College of Education with
College of Optometry

Des Lee Collaborative Vision;
Mobile Eye Center;
Students of Service

1:00 p.m.

Kathy Weinman Building. Auditorium

Children's Advocacy Services/
College of Arts and Sciences

Children's Advocacy Services

1:15 p.m.

Outside 126 J. C. Penney

Center for Humanities
with Continuing Education

Humanities and Continuing
Education programs

2:00 p.m.

Bellerive Hall, Student Lounge, Lower Level

College of Social Work/

Service of Students and Faculty

2:30 p.m.

401 SSB

College of Business

CoBA Community Engagement

2:30 p.m.

411 Woods Hall

Economic Development

Great Street/
Great Rivers Greenways

3:00 p.m.

Lobby outside 150 Villa -Provincial Hall

College of Fine Arts & Communication

Programs of the Des Lee Fine Arts Education Collaborative
and UMSL Department of Music

4:45 p.m.

MSC Century Room C

Provost's Civic Engagement Steering Committee

UMSL Community Outreach & Engagement

7:30 p.m.

Oak Hall

Residential Life

Community Service Programs

Community Engagement: Why Should We Care?


Monday, April 11, 2011: 3:30 p.m.
Millennium Student Center (MSC) Century Room C

Remarks about the Carnegie classification followed by a discussion on what "Community Engagement" means for UMSL students, faculty, alumnae and partners.

Setting the stage:
Thomas F. George, UMSL Chancellor
Glen H. Cope, UMSL Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Chris Krehmeyer, Director of Beyond Housing, an UMSL partner organization
Patty Parker, UMSL Faculty, E. Des Lee Endowed Professor in Zoological Studies
Kelcy Siddall, UMSL Student
Katie Trouton, UMSL alumna, Service Specialist at Edward Jones

Moderator: Kay Gasen, UMSL Community Partnership Project

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