Center for Teaching and Learning

Student FAQ's


Is there a way to be involved in service without taking a service-learning class?
Absolutely. A sector of the Office of Student Life focuses solely on connecting students to the community by organizing ongoing volunteer projects. The Community Service website can help you find a non-profit organization that interests you as well as direct you to the service student organizations on campus.

Is a service-learning course more work than a regular course?
It depends. In most cases the service component replaces the traditional coursework that would be required. It is not uncommon for students to spend more time on service-learning projects because they have the opportunity to work with a real organization and, therefore, become more invested in their work.

How many hours of service are required for a service-learning course?
There is not a minimum hour requirement for service-learning at UMSL, but each professor may recommend or require a base number of hours. The typical average is about 20 hours.

Is the service component a required part of a service-learning class?
In most cases, yes, but there are some courses that offer the service component as extra credit or an optional project. The expectations will be made clear to you at the beginning of the course.
