Center for Teaching and Learning

Part-time Faculty Orientation Schedule


Spring 2014 Orientations
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Saturday, January 11, 8:30-12 Noon
Express Scripts Hall 103 (ESH103)

8:30 - Welcome from Chancellor Tom George

8:40 - Messages about Teaching and Learning and the Syllabus
Representatives from the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Faculty Resource Center lead this hands-on session to introduce best practices for teaching and learning on campus and online.

9:35 - Instructional Computing and Technology Classrooms
Meet representatives from Instructional Support Services to learn the technology supports in UMSL classrooms.

9:40 - Campus Libraries: Supports for Students and Faculty
Reference Librarians join us to introduce the supports offered for teaching and research at UMSL Libraries.

10:00 - Break

10:10 - Promoting Student Success: What Would YOU Do?
Representatives from four key offices lead a discussion to  introduce  UMSL policies and procedures essential to our work.

11:10 - Promoting Safety, Preventing Violence, Practicing Respect and Integrity: What Every Faculty Member Needs to Know
Case studies based on authentic campus situations steer this discussion of policy and procedures related to  three key topics. Discussion is led by representatives from:

Friday, January 17 - 1:00-4:30 PM
Express Scripts Hall 103 (ESH103)

1:00 - Welcome from Provost Glen Cope

1:10 - Messages about Teaching and Learning and the Syllabus
Representatives from the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Faculty Resource Center lead this hands-on session to introduce best practices for teaching and learning on campus and online.

2:05 - Instructional Computing and Technology Classrooms
Meet representatives from Instructional Support Services to learn the technology supports in UMSL classrooms.

2:10 - Campus Libraries: Support for Students and Faculty 
Reference Librarians join us to introduce the supports offered for teaching and research at UMSL Libraries.

2:30 - Break

2:40 - Promoting Student Success: What Would YOU Do?
Representatives from four key offices lead a discussion to  introduce  UMSL policies and procedures essential to our work.

3:40 - Promoting Safety, Preventing Violence, Practicing Respect and Integrity: What Every Faculty Member Needs to Know

Case studies based on authentic campus situations steer this discussion of policy and procedures related to  three key topics. Discussion is led by representatives from:
