Center for Teaching and Learning

This series creates opportunities for faculty to learn more about campus resources and timely topics. Designed to be interactive, the colloquia offer a chance to meet colleagues from across UMSL’s colleges.  All faculty members are welcome.

CTL programs are interactive, collegial, and designed to support professional success. They are open to faculty, staff, and teaching assistants. 

Register for Faculty Colloquia using the button below:

Program Schedule

Friday, February 28, 2014
Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS) Essentials
10:30-11:30 AM
CTL Conference Room - Lucas Hall 589
Take an hour to begin entering data for your annual report and learn some tips for efficiently using the FAS. Bring a laptop or an iPad to begin loading key information. Yes, FAS will be replaced, but not this spring. What you enter now will be swept into the new system this summer (we hope), but annual reports are due in the spring.

Friday, March 7
Writing Teaching and Research Statements
1:00 – 3:00 PM

CTL Conference Room - 589 Lucas 
Begin working on documents for third year, promotion, tenure review, and award nominations. Learn to craft these statements with structure, guidance, resources, and examples provided by faculty colleagues. Laptops helpful, but not essential.  Reserve one now from the Technology Support Center in 211 Lucas (314.516.6034).

Friday, April 4
UMSL’s Tenure/Promotion Procedures and Guidelines for Preparing Dossiers: Guidance from the Senate Committees for Chairs of Departments and Ad Personam Committees
9:00 – 10:30 AM
CTL Conference Room – 589 Lucas
Members of the Senate ATP and NTT Promotion Committees clarify areas of the UMSL Tenure and Promotion Procedures that are often misinterpreted, and offer wisdom about preparing and formatting dossiers. This colloquium reviews the procedures that kick into action after candidates file their initial factual record, alerting responsible faculty to frequently-made mistakes, and providing hints about what committee members look for in a dossier.

Friday, April 4                                     
Preparing the Factual Record
1:00 - 2:30 PM 

CTL Conference Room - 589 Lucas 
You plan to submit your papers for review, but what goes into the all-important Factual Record?  How do you work with your ad personam committee? What’s a dossier? Whether you will be reviewed for promotion or promotion with tenure, bring your questions and ideas to this informal session. Guidance and coffee will be served.

Thursday, April 24
Building a Bridge to Civic Engagement: Using Newspapers and other Resources for Service Learning in Your Classes 

2:00 – 3:30 PM
204 JCP Conference Center
Members of the Service Learning Leadership team host an interactive discussion with panelists Nicole Rome (New York Times), Tabitha Underwood (Missouri Campus Compact) and Kathleen Nigro (English and Gender Studies) who suggest how faculty can contribute to meeting UMSL’s goals for civic engagement in upcoming classes by using resources from the New York Times, Missouri Campus Compact, and Civic Engagement Readers to develop Service-Learning projects.

Friday, April 25
Preview MyVita
10:30-11:30 AM
213 Clark Hall (CH)
Interested in learning what will replace the FAS?  Preview MyVita, the customized name of the new Faculty 180 software that’s been selected to replace FAS across the UM System. At this open session Chris Weisbrook, UM Director of Academic Programs and project leader for implementing MyVita, will preview the software and explain how it will be adapted for use on the four UM Campuses.  Faculty and staff are welcome. No registration is needed.


Fall 2013

Thursday, August 29
Writing UM Research Awards
3:00 - 5:00 PM
CTL Conference Room - 589 Lucas
Recent award recipients and faculty who have served on the UM Research Board answer questions and offer insights into writing a successful proposal.  Fall submissions are due October 8.
Co-sponsor: Office of Research Administration.

Friday, October  18
Creating Academic Service-Learning Experiences
10:00 - 11:30 AM
JCP Conference Center Room 403 

Could your course include a community-based experience? Are you considering challenging students to use  what they are learning in an applied setting? Academic service-learning integrates a community-based experience into the curriculum as it enhances students’ comprehension of course concepts, strengthens their research and inquiry skills, and instills the value of civic responsibility.  Learn more from colleagues who find that these experiences strengthen students’ learning. 

Friday, November 1
Fundamentals of the Faculty Accomplishment System (FAS)
1:00 - 2:00 PM
CTL Conference Room -589 Lucas
Get to know the FAS and begin working on your annual review by uploading and entering files into the University of Missouri FAS software. Bring a laptop and flash drive with a current C.V. (Reserve a laptop, if needed, by calling the Technology Support Center (211 Lucas), 314.516.6034).  

Tuesday, December 10
Preparing for Promotion and Tenure Review for Tenure Track Faculty
10:00 - 11:30 AM

CTL Conference Room -589 Lucas
Colleagues serving on tenure and promotion committees and those recently reviewed offer advice about documenting one's accomplishments and preparing for review. Co-sponsor: Faculty Senate.

Wednesday, December 11
Preparing for Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty Members
10:00 - 11:30 AM
CTL Conference Room -589 Lucas
Colleagues share strategies for documenting effective teaching and/or research. Learn what constitutes evidence and how to collect and present it in an Electronic  Portfolio. Co-sponsor: Faculty Senate.
Document - Preparing for Promotion for Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Wednesday, December 11
Preparing for Promotion to Full Professor
Noon-1:30 PM
CTL Conference Room - 589 Lucas
Colleagues serving on UMSL’s ATP Committee and those recently reviewed offer information about the process and advice about preparing for review. Co-sponsor: Faculty Senate.
May we order a boxed lunch for you? Please register by December 5. 

“I Paid My Tuition; Where’s My A?” Moving From Consumerism to Professionalism
Thursday, December 12
9:00 - 10:30 AM
CTL Conference Room
Give advance thought to planning spring semester syllabi by joining this roundtable discussion on classroom civility.