Center for Teaching and Learning

Missouri Campus Compact Micro-Grant Proposals for Individual Faculty


A Call for
Missouri Campus Compact Grant Proposals
Submissions Due to MOCC by May 20, 2009

UMSL Procedures for submitting the Campus Compact mini-grants.

Missouri Campus Compact will offer micro-grants of up to $300 for proposals regarding the development of new civic engagement projects by individual faculty members that seek to educate, create, or enhance the civic engagement of students for the 2009-2010 academic year. Faculty members may only submit one proposal.

The goal of this micro-grant program is to provide an opportunity for faculty members to explore new projects and avenues in civic engagement. This grant is not limited to service-learning, but to civic engagement initiatives including service-learning, community service, and civic action (including Constitution Day and Voter Initiatives). All projects must be non-partisan - promotion of one political party over another will not be funded. A goal of this grant program, is to foster engaged citizenship in students as a means to a healthier democracy.

More information about this opportunity is available from Missouri Campus Compact. Application materials, including eligibility requirements, evaluation criteria, and proposal format may be downloaded.

Be sure to follow the UMSL campus procedures for submitting the proposal through the Office of Research Administration. Inform Ginny Schodroski of your intent to submit a proposal at least two weeks before the proposal is due. Submit the final budget and signed PeopleSoft signature page one week in advance.

1. Complete the Proposal Signature Routing Sheet that accompanies all external grant proposals.

a.Ginny Schodroski (x 5284) is happy to steer you through this process.

b. Complete the PeopleSoft Grants Module and enter the data for the proposed Budget (the Budget for the proposal must be completed in PeopleSoft).

2. Begin this process well in advance of the submission due date. Signatures are needed from your chairperson, your dean, and V.P. Arshadi (signed when delivered to ORA).

3. Submit two printed copies of the proposal with the signature page to the Office of Research Administration. One copy is filed in ORA; one copy is filed in Academic Affairs at the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Questions? Contact Peggy Cohen or Megan Hill
