Center for Teaching and Learning

Community Partner FAQ's


How are service-learners different than traditional volunteers?
Service-learners have the unique opportunity to apply their course knowledge to the project provided for the community partner. In return, they also gain valuable knowledge and skills from the hands-on experience. Thus, the non-profit representative becomes a co-educator in the learning-by-serving process.

Will I know what the faculty member's expectations are?
Yes. We will arrange a meeting between you and the faculty/staff member before the service begins, at which point expectations from all parties will be discussed. The faculty member will also be asked to share a course syllabus and explain the course objectives.

When and for how long will students be serving?
A course project will typically begin near the beginning of each semester in September/February and continue to the end of November/April. The schedules of each student are bound to vary but should be flexible to your needs. The number of service hours depends greatly on the project but are typically about 20 hours total for each student.

*Adapted from Saint Louis University
