Center for Teaching and Learning

Orientation for New Full-Time Faculty


Monday August 13 - 14, 2007


Monday, August 13, 2007 - Millennium Student Center Century Room A
Campus map and Written directions

Coffee, juice and bagels
Opening Remarks to Introduce UMSL
and the UM System

Glen Cope, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Thomas F. George, Chancellor
Margaret Cohen, Associate Provost for Professional Development and Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Meet UMSL Students
Students will introduce you to campus, themselves, and their expectations of their professors during these roundtable discussions.
Engaging UMSL Students: An Interactive Discussion
Curtis Coonrod, Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Bridgette Jenkins, Counseling Psychologist, Multicultural Relations
Rachel Sommerer, Assistant Director, Student Support Services Lori Tagger, Counseling Psychologist, Counseling Services
Campus Policies: Creating a Positive Work and Learning Environment
Deborah Burris, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity
Judith Walker de Felix, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
Orinthia Montague, Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Dean of Students
Jeanne Zarucchi, Coordinator, Campus Mediation Service
Luncheon and Informal Discussions with the Deans
Learning from the Wisdom of Experienced Colleagues
Colleagues new to campus in 2006 will offer their perspectives insights, and wisdom for acclimating to campus and St. Louis. 

Nuts and Bolts Every Faculty Member Needs to Know
Floyd Welsh, Manager, Center for Student Success
Sharon Clark, Associate Dean, Colleges of Arts and Sciences & Fine Arts and Communication
And representatives from the Math Lab and Writing Center

Campus Tour
Shuttle buses depart from the MSC, navigate the North and South Campuses, making brief stops for welcome gifts and information. Final stop: MSC parking lot E.
Reception at the Chancellor's Residence

Orientation for New Full-time Faculty Tuesday, August 14, 2007 

Orientation activities convene on Tuesday, August 14 in the Computer Center Building (room 003) and continue in the Millennium Student Center- Century Room A. Representatives from Human Resources are available to discuss faculty benefits.

Essential Technology for UMSL Faculty - CCB 003
Jim Tom, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology
Colleagues from ITS, CTL, Continuing Education, and Campus Libraries introduce software supports for research and teaching.
Research and Scholarship at UMSL - MSC-Century A
Nasser Arshadi, Vice Provost for Research
Office of Research Administration staff and faculty colleagues describe supports for faculty research and scholarship.
Lunch will be served during the session.
Campus Governance and Accreditation
Tim Farmer, Chair, Faculty Senate and University Assembly
Judith Walker de Felix, Associate Provost and Dean, Graduate School
First Impressions Last: Setting the Stage for Learning
Exploring the Millennium Student Center
Tour the MSC by visiting the offices that support students and faculty. The bookstore provides bags for the welcome gifts waiting for you. Stop by the Center for Student Success for your ID card.
Reception for New Faculty with Student Affairs Directors and MSC Colleagues
Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs
