Center for Teaching and Learning

Focus on Teaching and Technology: A Regional Conference


November 11-12, 2010
University of Missouri - St. Louis

Program in PDF

All Thursday workshops are scheduled on South Campus

   Thursday November 11

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Marillac Hall Lobby

Registration, Workshop Check-In, and Coffee

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Concurrent Workshop I (choose one)

Music Bldg 105 South Campus

Teaching Music With a Smartboard 
Fred Willman, UMSL 
Hands-on opportunity to develop an original short interactive music lesson using Smart Notebook tools, various web resources, and Powerpoint to create Smartboard lessons appropriate for music classes.

Sigma-Alderich Science Education Lab 
TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

Blogging: A tool for enhancing student's writing skills.
Heidy Cuervo Carruthers, SIUE
Explore using blogs in your courses by creating one, adding images and videos, and discovering other tools and gadgets useful for teaching.

Boeing Room TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

Making transcription easy: converting audio to text 
Olena Zhadko, UMSL 
Develop technical research skills and add efficiencies to your qualitative data analysis. Participants will increase their knowledge of digital tools that they can use to record and transcribe meetings, interviews, and focus groups.

Monsanto Education Bio-Lab TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

Aligning Course Objectives to Online Assignments and Assessment
Lisa Dorner, UMSL
Angela Layton, UMSL 
Using examples and small group work, this workshop examines best practices for aligning course objectives with assignments and assessments, especially for online and distance courses.

12:00 pm-1:00 pm

TLC, Marillac Hall 
Suite 100

Lunch is included in the $25.00 workshop fee.


1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Concurrent Workshop II (choose one)

Sigma-Alderich Science Education Lab
TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

PowerPoint: An Interactive Tool that Engages Students
Sandy Gambill, SLU 
This interactive workshop presents simple methods of designing PowerPoint shows that engage students in learning. Learn how PowerPoint can be used for assessment, collaborative learning techniques, quizzes, and lecture notes.


Monsanto Education Bio-Lab TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

Communicate with the World using Google Apps and Web 2.0 Tools
Elvir Mandzukic, Webster University
Integrating free Web 2.0 tools, you can mobilize a world-wide community and collaborate on projects around the globe. This workshop goes beyond the basics of Google and introduces, calendar, pictures,, and more.

Music Bldg 105
South Campus

Teaching, Learning, and Student Engagement in an Online Environment
Tiffany Smith, Webster University
Learn practical strategies for incorporating online tools into your courses. Through structured open class and group activities, as well as independent study and sharing, you will learn methods to communicate in a virtual classroom.

Boeing Room
TLC, Marillac Hall, Suite 100

Creating Virtual Centers to Support Students’ Learning 
Carl Hoagland, William Klein, Chris Schott , UMSL
Ronald Phillips, So-Yeon Yoon, and Ngoc Vo, University of Missouri-Columbia
Randy Barns, Katie Stuhlsatz, and Christine Hagy, Special School District
Margaret Scordias, Maplewood Richmond Heights
Dave Irby, Parkway School District
Learn how UMSL uses SecondLife to engage and teach: create an avatar and explore learning activities in 1) a virtual park for students with special needs and 2) a virtual writing lab. Bring your experiences to the evolution of similar projects.

The Friday concurrent sessions scheduled in the J.C. Penny Conference Center on North Campus

  Friday November 12, 2010

7:30 am -8:30 am

J.C. Penny Lobby

Registration and Continental Breakfast

7:30 am -12:30 pm

Vendors’ Exhibit

8:30 am – 9:20 am Concurrent Session I (choose one):
JCP 78

Voice Recording and the Creative Writing Workshop
Stefanie Wortman, University of Missouri-Columbia
This presentation describes how Wimba voice tools was used to run an audio-only poetry workshop. Voice tools challenged the way students think about composing and responding to their peers.

A Chat about Virtual Office Hours
 Qiang Dotzel, UMSL
Stay in touch with your students and learn how to personalize online educational experiences using Blackboard's chat/virtual classroom. Learn to use office hours productively and draw students into online course work.

JCP 126

Instant Text Messaging Can Augment Student-Faculty Classroom Interaction
Klaus Woelk, MO S & T
Large-enrollment courses can inhibit students' participation in class. Experience how social texting can be incorporated in everyday classroom routines and provide an additional avenue for effective student-faculty interactions and communications.

JCP 222 Constructivist Course Design: Student Centered Online Learning
Arleen Fearing and Marguerite Riley, SIUE
Support student-centered experiences in online learning environments by developing a curriculum, assessment format, and examining teaching strategies that promote constructivist learning.
229 JCP Innovation Award Winners
Michael Costello, Mimi Duncan, Sandra Lindquist, Douglas Hughey, Kimberly Allen, and Kathleen Burns UMSL Innovation grant award winners share their successful strategies for integrating technology with teaching and learning!
65 UC Analyzing Teaching Techniques with Digital Interactive Video Exploration and Reflection tool (WebDiver)
 Barbara O'Donnell, Ann Taylor and Karla Danford, SIUE
A community of practice (mathematician, math educators, and pre-service teacher) uses video analysis software (WebDiver) to analyze math discourse in diverse classrooms. Teaching techniques, teaching improvement, and learning environments will be highlighted.
9:30 am – 10:20 am

Concurrent Session II (choose one):

JCP 78 Implementing an Online Teaching Academy
Jyoti Pande and Randy Malta, Saint Louis Community College - Forest Park
An Online Teaching Academy implemented at St. Louis Community College Forest Park offered faculty the opportunity to experience an online class and explore the technology available to teach an online class.
JCP 126 Technology and Mathematics: Who Knew? 
Angie Hammons and Barbara Wilkins, Missouri S&T
Technology and mathematics may appear incompatible, but there is a growing population of tools and software that support math learning. We'll discuss Wacom Slates, Livescribe Smart Pens, Tablet PCs, MathType 6.6 and how to integrate these tools with Blackboard.
JCP 222 Building a Blended Class: Face-to-Face, Online, Anytime
Robert Keel, UMSL
This blended class model includes multiple modes of teaching and learning (face-to-face, online, synchronous, asynchronous, individual, group) and allows students to learn on their own time and in their own way, while providing a structure for consistency and community.
229 JCP Innovation Award Winners
Kathryn Walterscheid and Lorraine Simeone, Susan Yoder-Kreger and Martha Caeiro, Brian Hutchison, Rebecca Rogers, UMSL
Innovation grant award winners share their successful strategies for integrating technology with teaching and learning!
65 UC Digitizing Developmental Writing
Mirra Anson, UMSL 
 This collaborative presentation explores techniques to infuse technology in a developmental writing course using Google and Office applications. We'll share students’ reactions and invite others to share experiences incorporating technology in writing pedagogy.
10:30 am – 11:20 am Concurrent Session III (choose one):
JCP 78

Best Practices for Service Learning in Virtual Environments
Mary Rose Grant, UMSL and Ellen Rehg, SLU
Service learning enhances learning objectives while fostering a consciousness of social justice and civil engagement. We will showcase courses designed to deepen students’ comprehension of course content, integrate theory with practice, increase understanding of the complexity of social issues and sharpen problem-solving.

JCP 126 Clickers: How to Implement them Quickly and Easily
Gregory Geisler, UMSL
Use clickers to increase student participation when responding to objective questions. You will experience the ease of using a clicker, and learn how to set up and develop a plan to use clickers in your course.
JCP 222 Tools that Support Graduate Student Research
Olena Zhadko, UMSL
Learn to use Word 2007 features to streamline time spent on your thesis or dissertation. Learn to use EndNotes to create bibliographies, to find resources, and to bookmark searches.
229 JCP Using SCOPE: System for Comprehensive Ongoing Program Enhancement
Michael Bahr and Carl Hoagland, UMSL
SCOPE for Improved Data Collection, Assessments, and Evaluation. Learn how this online system can be used for program quality control, evaluation, and continuous improvement. SCOPE offers a spectrum of assessment styles, data collection, and both student and faculty reporting activities.
65 UC Paperless Papers: Problems and Possibilities for Responding to Student Writing Electronically
 Jesse Kavadlo, Maryville University
Explore the link between the pedagogical and technological possibilities for reviewing and responding to student writing electronically. Find out how to adapt and improve your teaching style to the new digital medium.
11:30 am – 12:20 pm Concurrent Session IV (choose one):
JCP 78

Power to the Students: Using Inquiry Learning in Online and Hybrid Courses
Amy Peach, Fontbonne University
How happy are you with your online or hybrid course? Find out how to maximize your course potential through online inquiry-based learning, and address the fourteen learner-centered principles outlined by the American Psychological Association.

Distilling Digital Data and Promoting Critical Thinking
Karol Chandler-Ezell, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
Catherine Chmidling, University of Missouri-Columbia
Help students think critically while doing internet searches. Students learn how to produce information-rich, concise reports, develop presentation skills and learn how to offer a peer critique.

JCP 126 Effective Teaching: Tips from Award Winning Faculty
Sonya Bahar, Michael Fix, and Jennifer Siciliani, UMSL
Jesse Kavadlo, Maryville University
Valerie Yancey, SIUE
Bryan Clair, Saint Louis University 
Amy Kausler, Jefferson College 
2010 teaching award winners from St. Louis campuses offer insights and practical examples to illustrate low and high tech ways to hold students' attention and focus on learning.
JCP 222 Case Studies, Clickers, Deep Learning
Deborah Allen, Jefferson College
Case studies can capture students’ interests while encouraging application and learning outside of class. In this session, learn to design a case study in class using clickers, involve students in the presentation, and assess students’ understandings and attitudes.
229 JCP Myths and Misconceptions of Online Learning
Becky Lopanec, UMSL
This hands-on session debunks some of the common myths and misconceptions regarding teaching and learning online. Participants will collaborate and take part in a live text session via PollEverywhere.
65 UC Creating a Virtual Writing Lab to Support Students’ Learning 
Carl Hoagland and William Klein, UMSL
Ronald Phillips, So-Yeon Yoon, and Ngoc Vo, University of Missouri-Columbia
Randy Barns, Special School District
Margaret Scordias, Maplewood Richmond Heights
Dave Irby, Parkway School District
Learn how UM campuses will use Second Life to engage students and improve their writing skills in a virtual writing center.

12:30 pm

JCP Summit


1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

JCP Summit

Plenary Presentation: “Teaching Naked: Why Removing Technology from Your Classroom Will Improve Student Learning”, José Bowen, Dean of the Meadows School of the Arts and Professor of Music at Southern Methodist University
Dr.Bowen's Chronicle Video

2:30 pm – 3:20 pm

Concurrent Session V (choose one):

JCP 78 Helping Students Think Critically Using Automated Essay Grading
Colin Monaghan, Curtis Atkisson, and Edward Brent, Idea Works, University of Missouri-Columbia
Learn about an automated assessment of critical thinking that can be applied to writing assignments in a wide range of large introductory courses.
JCP 229 Gallery: A Flexible Image and Document Management Program for Interactive Internet Pedagogy
Cory Willmott and Matt Schmitz, SIUE
Gallery allows instructors to deliver lesson content in multiple formats and to receive equally diverse student assignment content. Learn how Gallery extends student learning into new media formats and functionality, while simultaneously fostering a collaborative virtual learning community.
JCP 222

Transforming Teaching Using Livescribe SmartPen
Shahla Peterman and Emily Ross, UMSL
This presentation shows how we use the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen to create lectures for an online College Algebra course. Learn to use the pen to support instructional strategies in class.

2:30 am – 4:30 pm
JCP 126
“Strategies for Teaching Naked”
José Bowen, Dean of the Meadows 

School of the Arts and Professor of Music at Southern Methodist University
Technology is the most powerful way to increase your naked, non-technological face-to-face interactions with students. This workshop offers tools to improve student learning by suggesting new resources, acknowledging cultural assumptions, and planning virtual communities that force students to engage with course materials before they arrive in class.

Please direct questions or comments to:
Center for Teaching and Learning

