Center for Teaching and Learning

Focus on Teaching and Technology: A Regional Conference


October 15-16 - J.C. Penney Conference Center
University of Missouri - St. Louis

Program in PDF

October 15
JCP Lobby
JCP Lobby

Pre Conference Workshops, North and South Campuses
Shuttle bus available for workshops on south campus
(NOTE: Must be pre-registered to attend)

UC 65
North Campus

Getting Started on Your Web Site: FINALLY!
Paul Wilmarth and Joe Naumann, UMSL
Come to this workshop and see how easy it is to start with a small or modest web site and gradually expand it as needed.

JCP 126
North Campus

The Roles of a Successful Blended/Online Instructor
Karen Swan, University of Illinois Springfield
Participants will share their own experiences and explore the teaching component of the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI) that will be described in Dr. Swan's keynote presentation.

SCC 103
South Campus

Designing and Managing Effective Online Discussions
Jyoti Pande, St. Louis Community College
Interactive workshop where tips for establishing rapport and collaboration will be shared as well as rewriting discussion questions for clarity, focus, and deep learning.

Marillac 100
South Campus

Online Videos for Distance Education: Every PC Can Make One
Chris Niemeyer and Helen Shaw, UMSL
Participants will be guided through the easy process of making instructional videos using Windows Movie Maker and other applications that come pre-bundled with every PC.

JCP Lobby
JCP Lobby
12:30-1:20 CONCURRENT SESSION I (choose one)
JCP 72

Using Wimba to Support Online and On-Ground Courses
Matthew Grawitch & Stephanie Granda, Saint Louis University
This presentation will introduce the use of Wimba in three primary ways: (1) to deliver lecture in online courses, (2) to supplement on-ground course requirements, and (3) as a stand-alone tool for webinars.

JCP 126

Universal Design and Adaptive Technologies - Is Your Course Accessible?
Margaret Gunderson and Abbie O'Sullivan, University of Missouri-Columbia
Explore planning and designing courses universally to encourage learning access for all students. Join a lively discussion on how to effectively help students and witness some adaptive technologies being demonstrated.

JCP 222

Fundamental Designing and Teaching an Online Course
Mary Abkemeier, Fontbonne University
The presentation will focus on the fundamental elements to consider as you plan, design and then finally teach your first online course.

UC 65

Video Case Stories of Innovative Course Design to Better Engage Students
Cheryl Bielema, Marcel Bechtoldt, Kent Farnsworth, Bill Klein, Abadi Kurniawan, Amy Peach, Shahla Peterman, and Margaret Scordias, UMSL
Have you wondered how to improve students' engagement with content and their classmates? Presenters will introduce several video-based cases of innovative course redesign using technology for your consideration.

1:30-2:20 CONCURRENT SESSION II (choose one):
JCP 78

Mastering Oral Foreign Language Proficiencies withCALL: Pedagogical Implications
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri University of Science and Technology
The role of communication technologies, learning outcomes, and acquisition of Foreign Language listening and speaking are examined through the prism of multi-user, interactive learning tools (e.g. Audacity, Blackboard's Voice tools).

JCP 126

Navigating the Digital Video Divide
Ronald Hawley, Washington University in St. Louis
From capturing to serving, a budget-oriented approach for those new to digital media. Information will cover hardware, editing software, codecs and content delivery.

JCP 222

Integrating Multi-modal Technology Applications to Enhance Student Community Involvement
JoAnn Klaassen & Anita Skarbek, University of Missouri-Kansas City
The presentation will describe the use of multi-modal technology by distance learnerpracticum project groupsand how technology provided for project effectiveness and positive impact on community health issues.

JCP 225

Creating Interactive Course & Research Notes @
Philip Fraundorf, UMSL
Limited-access joint-editing spaces, powered by Wikipedia's software, offer powerful tools for research and teaching. Use them to collaborate on research protocols and manuscripts, increase class participation, and paper-trail interactions 24-7 between course and research collaborators.

UC 65

LIGHTNING ROUND: UMSL Innovation Grant Winners
Carl Bassi, Stephen Purdy, Stephanie Merritt, and Michael Porterfield, UMSL
Brief ten-minute presentations will describe funded projects: Use of video and podcasts to review for National Boards of Optometry; use of video-based interactive case studies in Industrial/Organizational Psych; and, using iPod Touchs in the classroom and beyond, followed by question and answer period.


PLENARY PRESENTATION: Developing Knowledge-Building Communities Auditorium Online: The Community of Inquiry Framework
Karen Swan, Stukel Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois Springfield

The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2000) is a process model of online and blended learning. The model is grounded in the collaborative view which assumes that effective learning requires a community that supports meaningful inquiry and deep learning. The model looks at the processes of teaching and learning and was designed to replicate the learning community found in the typical classroom by focusing on the relationship of three elements: Social, Teaching and Cognitive Presence.

In this presentation, Dr. Karen Swan will explain the CoI framework and describe each of its elements. She will share a recent survey designed to measure student perceptions of the model and to provide feedback for future improvements.
CONFERENCE RECEPTION (Good food, conversation, music and attendance prizes)
JCP Lobby
8:15-9:05 CONCURRENT SESSION I (choose one):
JCP 78 Hablar, Parler, Sprechen…: Foreign Language Learning with Everyday Software
Chris Niemeyer, UMSL
Much can be done for foreign language learning using built-in Windows applications, browsers like Firefox (we don't mean Googling!), plus library databases. Come hear and see what it's about!
JCP 126 Foundational Online Marketing Tools and How to Use Them
John Edward Matthews, UMSL
Maximize your online marketing effectiveness and minimize your expense. We will discuss the essential online marketing tools needed to build the foundation of an effective online marketing strategy and how to put them into action.
JCP 222 LIGHTNING ROUND: UMSL Innovation Grant Winners
Kersten Horn, Kimberly Allen, Douglas Hughey, and Donald Gayou, UMSL Brief ten-minute presentations will describe funded projects: Developing interactive online video modules, using a social network to increase student retention, and interactive graphical simulation of Internet concepts. Q & A follows.
UC 65 Effective and Practical Use of eTextbooks
Roger Von Holzen and Darla Runyon, Northwest Missouri State University
The full capabilities of eTextbooks for online, blended and face-to-face classes will be demonstrated for session participants along with key practical considerations with respect to costs, infrastructure and academic issues.
9:15-10:05 CONCURRENT SESSION II (choose one):
JCP 78 No-Doze PowerPoint: Tips and Tricks
Andrea Compton, St. Charles Community College
Do your PPT presentations consist of outlines of course materials? Are they dangerously doze-worthy? Hear ways to make presentations more interactive, more engaging and more storytelling than lecturing.
JCP 126 Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Deviation in Learning
Susan Duff, Learning & Development Consultant
Would you like to inspire your students to think differently about a topic? Through interactive discussion, the audience will learn the four-step Appreciative Inquiry framework and learn how discussion threads, live chats and online meetings support this teaching technique.
JCP 222 Using Discussion Board to Engage the Community
Steve Bailey, UMSL
Students interacted with small business managers during a semester-long written project. Discussion Board provided a peer review medium for students to seek and receive advice about their projects. Required postings helped pace the projects and improved students' writing, focus and clarity.
JCP 229 Using Wikis for Case Studies and Group Work
Carrie Ellis-Kalton and Julie Bergfeld, Maryville University
From this presentation, participants will gain information about wikis and be presented with specific examples of the integration of wikis into course curriculum. Benefits and challenges will also be discussed.
10:15-11:05 CONCURRENT SESSION III (choose one):
JCP 78 Assistive Technology: Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities
Bob Cunningham, Maryville University
This presentation will introduce assistive technology as tool to support the learning of college students with disabilities. Text-to-speech, voice recognition and MP3 file creation are examples of the technology presented.
JCP 126 Incorporating Handheld Technologies: Moving from PDAs to Mobile Devices
Kathy M. Ketchum and Kathlyn Behm, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
A PDA research projectwill be discussed, including survey data, advantages, and disadvantages of the project. New strategies to enhance use of technology including "mobile devices" (phones versus PDAs), a technology club, and a technology newsletter will be introduced.
JCP 222 Student Expectations, Perceptions and Realities of Hybrid Classes
Patricia Parker, Maryville University
Anonymous surveys were administered at the beginning, middle and end of a semester to understand students' expectations and perceptions of hybrid classes. The results will be presented and discussed.
JCP 229 Teaching Blended Courses: Ensuring Success by Avoiding Pitfalls
Barbara Petzall, Maryville University
This presentation is designed to help ensure success by identifying problem areas that might be encountered when instructors are beginning to design blended classes. Tactics are then presented to deal with these issues.
11:15-12:05 CONCURRENT SESSION IV (choose one):
JCP 78 Providing Lab Courses to Distance Students
David Gellego and Shoaib Usman, Missouri University of Science and Technology
A discussion of the methods developed to offer remote access lab experiments in radiation measurement to distance students, using Internet and video methods
JCP 126 Effective Teaching: Tips from Award Winning Faculty
Carrie Ellis-Kalton, Maryville University, Laura Pawlow, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Peggy Cohen, UMSL Moderator
2009 teaching award winners offer insights and practical examples to illustrate low and high tech ways to hold students' attention and focus on learning.
JCP 222 Exploring a Model for Teaching Interactive MBA Case Stories
Brad Wolaver, Webster University
Amodel for case studies that combine rich interaction with new teaching opportunities for faculty to begin their own convergence of new media for deeper, more meaningful student learning.
JCP 229 Feedback for Learning through Gadgets
Dave Knowlton, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
This session will describe three methods for providing online learners with feedback on their work. Emphasis will be placed on strategies for crafting feedback from the instructor directly to students.
JCP Summit
LUNCH (Concluding remarks, attendance prize drawings)
JCP Lobby
Post Conference Workshops, North Campus
Check for location and directions at Registration Desk
(NOTE: Must be pre-registered to attend)
SSB 449 Automated Grading to Help Disadvantaged Students Overcome Initial Deficits and Succeed
Curt Atkisson and Edward Brent, University of Missouri-Columbia
SAGrader is an automated writing evaluator thatallows students unlimited revisions on assignments. Disadvantaged students can interact with the system to increase their grades and learning.
SSB 134 Assessment of e-Learning: From Dream to Delivery
Douglas Eder, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Principles for assessment of learning in the E-nvironment resemble those for the F2F environment. This interactive workshop uses research-based principles to assemble turn- key assessments of student learning in technology-assisted environments.
TBA The Joys and Challenges of Assigning Digital Video Projects
Tom Meuser, UMSL
Participants will learn the basics in how to structure, assign and implement a digital video project to promote student service learning. The instructor will speak from personal experience.
CCB 103 Beyond Email and Course Documents: Extensive Uses of Blackboard to Engage Students
Denise Mussman, Bill Klein, Margaret Phillips, and Maria Snyder, UMSL
Hands-on activities with wikis, blogs, and audio tools will focus on their value in fostering collaboration and self-paced learning; and, for offering feedback on student presentations and recordings.

2009 Sponsors

Diamond Level
UMSL Information Technology Services
UMSL Colleges & Libraries

Gold Level

Silver Level
Maryville University

Bronze Level
Missouri University of Science and Technology
St. Louis Community College -- TESS

2009 Planning Committee
Julie Bergfeld and Jing Yang, Academic Technology, Maryville University. Matt Insall, Mathematics & Statistics, Missouri University of Science and Technology. Nancy Piringer, MOREnet. Matt Schmitz, Information Technology Services, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Vi Rajagopalan, Psychology, St. Charles Community College. Katie Dodwell, Technology and Educational Support Services, St. Louis Community College. Catherine Chmidling, Writing Program, University of Missouri. Susan Sanders, Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri - Kansas City. Rhonda Tenkku, Business Administration; Gina Ganahl and Kate Moore, Continuing Education; Robert Keel, Sociology; Cheryle Cann, Libraries; Tom Meuser, Gerontology Program; Denise Mussman, Foreign Languages & Literatures; Joe Naumann, Geography; Jeff Sippel, Art & Art History; Christopher Boyce, Mary Fowler, Holli Kubly, Tempeste Reese, Jennifer Simms, and Paul Wilmarth, ITS; Peggy Cohen and Cheryl Bielema, CTL, UMSL

Please direct questions or comments to:
Cheryl Bielema, Conference Coordinator
Center for Teaching and Learning
