Center for Teaching and Learning

2008 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference: Program Schedule


Enjoy this regional conference which is hosted free-of-charge to participants. We thank our generous campus vendors, businesses, and individuals who underwrite expenses for the benefit of enhancing teaching and learning with technology.

Register for conference

Thursday November 13, 2008

NOTE: Shuttle bus will run between Parking Lot C outside the J. C. Penney Conference Center and the workshop locations on south campus, 8:30 AM-12:00 Noon. Return trips from south campus will begin at 11:30 AM.

9:30-11:30 Pre Conference Workshops
(Pre-registrations only)

A. Technology and Learning Center, 100 Marillac Hall
Second Life: Department. Islands and their Potential Instructional Value
Carl Hoagland, Randal Barnes, Rachel Bock, and Lucian Biesiadecki, UMSL

B. 126 J.C. Penney Conference Center.
Screen Captures Using Camtasia: How They're Useful for Instruction
Theresa Flett, St. Charles Community College

C. Technology and Learning Center, 100 Marillac Hall
Podcasting 101: Using Podcasts in an Academic Setting
Jodie Borgerding, Webster and Martha Allen, SLU

D. 103 South Campus Classroom Bldg.
Two Technologies to Transform Your Teaching Tomorrow!...and Give Reach to Your Research
Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois-Springfield

11:30 -12:30 REGISTRATION -- J.C. Penney Conference Center Lobby
Lunch is available for those participating in morning workshops.

Vendors' Exhibits (open from 12:30 -5:00 PM)

12:30- 1:20 Concurrent Sessions

A. Concurrent Session - JCP 72
Challenges of Implementing Web 2.0 - Survey Results
A report of MOREnet's year-long survey of teachers, librarians, and technology coordinators about their roadblocks, successes, and worksarounds for implementing Web2.0 technologies in the classroom.
Bob Martin, MOREnet

B. Concurrent Session - JCP 78
Blending Statistics Using Desire2Learn
This presentation focuses on how to design and deliver a blended course in Elementary Statistics using as anchors the five attributes of meaningful learning. Technology engages students in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative learning.
Julieta Arano-Ocuaman, Maryville

C. Concurrent Session - JCP 126
Ubiquitous Presenter (UP)
UP is a program that uses Tablet PC ink to allow instructors to annotate pre-prepared slides and provide a mechanism for students to interact with the presentation. UP offers the structure and detail of pre-prepared slides with the flexibility of on-the-fly inking.
Dennis Bouvier, SIUE

D. Concurrent Session - JCP 229
Increasing Instructional Efficiency: Maximizing Content and Student Empowerment through Technology
This presentation will show how a class management system can work with a web page and other specialized servers (e.g. video streaming) to save instructor time while improving content delivery and empowering students to take charge of their learning.
Joseph Naumann Jr. and Jennifer Simms, UMSL

E. Concurrent Session - Hawthorne
The Snow Day Solution: Using Online Resources to Continue Student Learning
Conferences, illness, and unexpected circumstances (like the weather) often cause faculty to cancel classes. This session will demonstrate some online tools andthe meansto use them effectively to continue your class in a virtual environment.
Amy Peach, UMSL

1:30-2:20 PM Concurrent Sessions

A. Concurrent Session - JCP 72 (Note: Two presentations)
1: 30 PM Practical Experiences with Electronic Portfolios
Glimpse examples of portfolios on LiveText's flexible Accreditation Management System that provides institutions with an advanced, complete, and user-friendly web-based tool for developing, assessing and measuring student learning.
Olena Zhadko, UMSL

1:55 PM Improve Student Learning with Immediate, Automatic Feedback
A report on this semester's strategy to replace textbook homework problems with automatically-graded, objective questions that give students immediate performance feedback on all answers.
Greg Geisler, UMSL

B. Concurrent Session - JCP 78
No-Doze PowerPoint: Tips and Tricks
Do your PPT presentations consist of outlines of course material on slides? Are they dangerously doze-worthy? This session offers ways to make presentations more interactive, more engaging, and more storytelling than lecturing. Learn tools and techniques to pump up PPTs.
Andrea Compton, St. Charles Community College

C. Concurrent Session - JCP 126 (Note: Two presentations)
1:30 PM Oogle the Library Before You Google
University libraries provide extraordinary amounts of online information and research that won't be found on Google or at the reference desk. This session provides insight into what university libraries can do for instruction.
Chris Niemeyer, UMSL

1:55 PM Camtasia Software: Enhanced Learning via Math Movies
Using animated movie formats, guided solutions to difficult problems in College Algebra were produced using Camtasia Studio.Past and current student volunteers pilot-tested and responded to a questionnaire about their efficacy.
Shahla Peterman and Emily Ross, UMSL

D. Concurrent Session - JCP 229
Learning Spaces
Designing learning spaces on campus is both fun and challenging. Based on projects completed at MO S&T, this presentation shares processes for design and the development of standards.
Angie Hammons and Lauren Oswald, MO S&T

E. Concurrent Session - Hawthorne
Education and SecondLife
SecondLife has emerged on the educational horizon with considerable fanfare. This presentation examines the scope of this virtual world using the College of Education's island in SecondLife. Future projects being discussed for the island include foreign language usage, an art gallery, guest speakers, and streaming musical performances.
Carl Hoagland and Randal Barnes, UMSL

F. Concurrent Session - University Center 63
Teaching Strategies and Approaches Using the Blackboard Enterprise Learning System
The goal of this session is to discuss the pedagogy of online teaching and learning and share ideas, tips, and best practices for how faculty can leverage Blackboard to explore new ways to engage students, provide pedagogically sound learning opportunities, and increase student satisfaction through the intrinsic need for social interaction in the learning environment.
Donna L. Jones, Senior Pedagogical Solutions Engineer-Assessment, Blackboard and Central States Blackboard Users Group

2:30-3:20 PM Concurrent Sessions

A. Concurrent Session - JCP 72 (Note: Two presentations)
2:30 Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts: Promoting Learning With a New Generation of Technologies
Learn the advantages and disadvantages faculty, staff, and students experience as faculty redesign courses to use social networking applications for teaching and learning.
Cynthia Amyot, UMKC

2:55 Wikis in a Blended Class: a Two-Year Follow-up
This session provides examples of how wikis can be used to increase student-to-student interaction, enhance student learning, and serve as a vehicle for group projects and presentations.
Robert Keel, UMSL

B. Concurrent Session - JCP 78
Using Interactive Narrated PowerPoint Presentations for Asynchronous Learning and Review
Narrated online or CD modules incorporating student quizzes with immediate feedback can be effective in traditional, online, and web-enhanced learning environments. This presentation will walk through a case study and offer suggestions for other applications.
Kevin Patton, St. Charles Community College

C. Concurrent Session - JCP 126 (Note: Two presentations)
CANCELLED 2:30 PM Developing Online Presentation, Practice, and Assessment Modules
A shift from achievement-based to proficiency-based learning resulted in developing online practice materials using tools such as Wimba Presentation, Respondus, and StudyMate. The effectiveness of using online vocabulary presentations, practice exercises, homework, and assessments in one section was compared to a 'control' section without these learning supports.
Kimberley Sallee, UMSL

2:30 PM RESCHEDULED Using Podcasting to Facilitate Attainment of Advanced Physical Assessment Skills
This presentation shares how Nursing has incorporated audio and screen capture, media streaming, and podcasting into an advanced clinical course. Other practical applications of these tools will be discussed.
Dawn Garzon and Douglas Hughey, UMSL

D. Concurrent Session - JCP 229
Clickers in the Classroom: Increasing Student Interaction
Following a review of the research on personal response systems, participants will use clickers in a variety of formats, discuss how to use them for teaching and assessment, and explore the research questions they raise.
Allison Fahsl, Linda Forbringer, and Vicki Scott, SIUE

E. Concurrent Session - Hawthorne
CANCELLED Beyond Posterboard: The Effect of Cell Phones, Digital Cameras and the Internet
This session will explore the use of digital media to teach abstract theories of leisure and recreation through a photo scavenger hunt. Concepts from the participants' disciplines are explored and ideas are developed for adapting the photo scavenger hunt to participants' classes.
Beverly Evans, SEMO

F. Concurrent Session -University Center 63
Central States Blackboard Users Business Meeting
All interested conference participants are invited to attend.
Coordinators: John Floyd, Blackboard and Kyle Collins, UMSL

3:30-5:00 PM Plenary Address: Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois-Springfield
J.C. Penney Auditorium
Introduction: Provost Glen Cope

Plenary Address: Transparent Technologies Transforming TeachingNew and emerging technologies can transform the way we teach and can extend our reach beyondthe traditional limits oftime (the academic semester) and space (location of the faculty member and the student). These technologies are increasingly transparent (do not get in the way of learning) as they enable us to more effectively engage our students.

5:00-6:00 PM Conference Reception
J.C. Penney Summit
Musicians: UMSL Jazz Combo
Attendance prize drawings (must be present to win)


Friday, November 14, 2008

8:00-9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast -- J.C. Penney Conference Center Lobby

Vendors' Exhibits (open from 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.)

9:00-10:30 Plenary Address: Alison Morrison-Shetlar, University of Central Florida
J.C. Penney Auditorium

Introductions: Chancellor Tom George
Welcome: University of Missouri President Gary Forsee

Plenary Address: Interactive Teaching Techniques With and Without Technology
During this presentation the audience will experience interactive classroom techniques that can be applied to any size class in any discipline. This active involvement will enable you to determine the value of the methods from both the student and faculty perspectives.

10:45-12:30 Workshops
(Pre-registrations, only)
A. 005 Computer Center Bldg.
Social Networking Tools Use in Distance Learning
Marcel Bechtoldt, UMSL

B. 103 Computer Center Bldg.
Let There Be Lively: Working with Google's New Virtual World
Matt Schmitz, SIUE

C. 449 Social Science Business Bldg.
Just in Time Teaching
Alison Morrison-Shetlar, UCF

D. 106 Computer Center Bldg.
Integrating Google Earth and other Visual Media into Learning
Todd Brenningmeyer, Maryville

10:45-11:35 Concurrent Sessions

A. Concurrent Session - JCP 78
Using Adobe Captivate for eLearning
Learn how Captivate, an easy-to-use software, can be used to create professional quality content for elearning by developing engaging, interactive online tutorials and quizzes.
Jane O'Donnell, St. Charles Community College

B. Concurrent Session - JCP 126
Strategies for Encouraging and Increasing Class Attendance
Techniques developed to increase class attention in blended, hybrid, and f2f classes are described. Consider how to strategically use feedback, quizzes, and clicker systems.
Cheryl Bielema, Jennifer Reynolds-Moehrle and Ann Steffen, UMSL

C. Concurrent Session - JCP 222 (Note: Two presentations)
10:45 AM Microteaching in the Professional Development of Art Educators
Reflective student and instructor responses indicate how using video can be an effective tool in the professional development of art educators.
Karen Cummings, UMSL

11:10 AM Developing the Virtual Faculty and Student Resource Site (VFSRS)
A description of the development and use of the Virtual Faculty and Student Resource Site including the challenges encountered along the way and the goals to improve the site.
Alina Slapac and Carolyn Brown, UMSL

D. Concurrent Session - JCP 229
Global Classroom Initiative
Through the Global Classroom Initiative students from AAA/Busch Middle School collaborate with peers from Gymnasium Carolinum in Germany and gain a wider perspective of issues such as ways of living, geography, history, and the environment
Svetlana Nikic, UMSL and Matthew Hoertel, St. Louis Public Schools

E. Concurrent Session - Hawthorne
The Use of Wimba and Other Low-Cost Technologies in Disparate Courses
Blackboard and Wimba provide an inexpensive alternative to expensive distance delivery systems. Using pre-existing file management tools in a computer Operating System (such as MS Windows) also provides instructors and students with a variety of enriching learning environments. We'll demonstrate the setup and use oftechnologies such as MathCAD, Notepad, and Wimba in two courses with different content and course expectations (one computationally intensive; the other communication intensive).
Matt Insall and Angela C. Hammons, MO S&T

11:40-12: 30 Concurrent Sessions

A. Concurrent Session - JCP 78
Effective Teaching: Tips from Award Winning Faculty
2008 teaching award winners offer insights and practical examples to illustrate low and high tech ways to hold students' attention and focus on learning.
Bernard Feldman, Martha Caeiro, Matthew Lemberger, Ken Owen, Kimberly Sallee, UMSL; Nadine Ball and Dan Rocchio, Maryville; Brian Harward, SIUE

B. Concurrent Session - JCP 126
Web 2.0 - Applications for Educators
Web2.0 is a term used to describe a new interactivity in Web technology that is designed to enhance creativity, information sharing, and collaboration among users. This session will explore Web2.0 tools and their potential worth to educators.
Molly Mead, UMKC

C. Concurrent Session - JCP 222 (Note: Two presentations)
11:40 AM Using Video to Create Health Policy Public Service Announcements
This project teaches students a multimedia approach to providing information and/or influencing change in health programs and policy through the design and creation of a short, informational, web-based video on a health policy topic.
Shirley Porterfield, UMSL

12:05 PM Participatory Learning and Digital Videography
Student-created videos from start to finish. Students conducted interviews, highlighted different aspects of aging, and created edited clips through PowerPoint or Flash. In addition to learning about interviewing, students gained experience in videography and basic editing using Adobe Premier Elements.
Tom Meuser, UMSL

D. Concurrent Session - JCP 229
Requiring Reading: Select Strategies to Insure that Students Do Their Work
Raise the bar from mere reading to applying and challenging content. Assignments designed to insure students read also prepare them for longer, future projects where they learn to use and synthesize material reviewed online and in class.
Michael Bahr, UMSL; Nicole Klein, SIUE; Jesse Kavadlo and Johannes Wich-Schwarz, Maryville

E. Concurrent Session - Hawthorne
Video-Streamed Instruction Embedded in On-Line Courses
Video-Streaming is a technology strategy for adding a 'human factor' to personalize the online learning environment. This presentation offers two examples designed around a primary principle of adult education thatproposes "anything that delights or surprises is more likely to be remembered."
Darlene Sredl, UMSL

12:30 - 1:30 Conference Lunch
J.C. Penney Summit
Attendance prize drawings (must be present to win)

Conference Sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors and supporters who assist us in offering this excellent conference, free-of-charge to participants. Visit their Vendor Exhibits and thank them.

Platinum Level

Gold Level
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Bronze Level
Academic Management Systems -
Online Evaluation System

Wimba, Inc.

We are grateful to UMSL's Deans and colleagues for supporting the keynote speakers: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Fine Arts and Communication, College of Nursing, College of Optometry, Honors College, Campus Libraries, and Endowed Professor Carl Hoagland.

2008 Planning Committee
Julie Bergfeld and Jing Yang, Academic Technology, Maryville University. Matt Schmitz, Information Technology Services, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Nancy Piringer, MOREnet. Vicky Herbel, Sociology, St. Charles Community College. Katie Dodwell and Randy Malta, Technology and Educational Support Services, St. Louis Community College. D'Anne Hancock and Rhonda Tenkku, Business Administration; Gina Ganahl, Kate Moore and George Ruh, Continuing Education; Carl Hoagland, Education; Robert Keel, Sociology; Bill Klein, English; Cheryle Cann and Joan Miller, Libraries; Denise Mussman, Foreign Languages & Literatures; Joe Naumann, Geography; Jeff Sippel, Art and Art History; Keith Stine, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Mary Fowler, Jennifer Simms, Jim Tom, and Paul Wilmarth, ITS; Peggy Cohen and Cheryl Bielema, CTL, UMSL.
