Center for Teaching and Learning

2007 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference Schedule


J.C. Penney Conference Center, University of Missouri - St. Louis Campus

Thursday November 1

9:30-11:30 AM 
Pre Conference Workshops (Register for one when registering for conference; limited seating)

E. Desmond Lee Technology and Learning Center, 100 Marillac Hall
UMSL South Campus
iMovie: Adding Sound and Image to Instruction
The workshop offers a hands-on demonstration of how to add pictures, audio, and video to iMovie. Participants will produce a video, using images and sound that they bring to the workshop. Create a history documentary, poetry reading, or add music to art. 
Seating is limited to 10 participants.
Judith Repke, Harris-Stowe

105 Music Building
UMSL North Campus
Podcasting 101: Using Podcasts in an Academic Setting
To increase awareness of library services, SLU’s Pius Library launched a series of student to student podcasts. As a result of their popularity, SLU produced a new series highlighting the potential of faculty and library collaborations. This workshop offers an analysis of the production process as participants learn to create and post a podcast of the session.
Seating is limited to 10 participants.
Jodie Borgerding and Martha Allen, Saint Louis University

121 J.C. Penney Conference Center (JCP)
UMSL North Campus
Gearing Up for Large-Scale Online Development
What should a well designed online class look like? What can you do to sustain student engagement in the asynchronous environment? In this workshop learn key strategies, activities and Blackboard tools to create your online class.
Seating is limited to 20 participants.
Jyoti Pande, St. Louis Community College

126 JCP 
Using PowerPoint Interactively to Facilitate Learning in the Classroom
PowerPoint, the prime tool for classroom presentations, can be used interactively to motivate students to discover scientific concepts. Interactive games and activities from an entry-level chemistry class are presented to engage participants in interactive learning experiences.
Seating is limited to 45 participants.
Klaus Woelk, UM-Rolla

11:30 AM-4:30 PM 
J.C. Penney Conference Center Lobby

LUNCH available for those participating in morning workshops
Vendors’ Exhibits (open from 11:30 AM-4:30 PM)

1:00-1:45 PM 
Concurrent Sessions

78 JCP
The Use of Edublog toEnhance Reflective Learning
What is an edublog? How can I construct and use a blog to facilitate reflective learning? What are the student outcomes as a result of blogging? This presentation demonstrates how to use blogging, a powerful instructional tool, and presents data from one class to identify and discuss student outcomes. 
Carrie Ellis-Kalton and Julie Bergfeld, Maryville,

121 JCP 
Interactivity and Engagement in a Blended Class: Wimba Live Classroom
“Live Classroom” is a flexible teaching tool that can be used to promote student interaction and engagement in “blended classrooms.” Data from 700 students is presented to document student use and students’ perceptions of the collaborative software. Examples from classroom use of the software are presented.
Rocky Keel, UMSL

JCP 126
Early Alert: Improving Student Performance through Improving Connections to Campus Resources
The presentation focuses on the assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation of an online early alert referral system designed to identify, report, and provide feedback for students who are identified as at risk of failing a course.
Jennifer Taylor & Greg McCalley, UMSL

Using Course Management Software for Early Identification of At Risk Students
Early assessment of academic performance and identification of students at-risk academically is critical in large enrollment classes. With this technique students’ use of a course management site may be used to identify at-risk students.
Shawn Nordell, Saint Louis University

222 JCP 
Using Blackboard to Make a Large Freshman Class More Personal
Large classes can seem impersonal. The Introduction to Interprofessional Health Care class enrolls 150-170 students who benefit from interaction, reflection papers, and journaling. We’ve worked with TAs to use Blackboard so that students receive more feedback, making the entire class experience more personal.
Ginge Kettenbach & Nina Westhus, Saint Louis University

Assessment of the Design of an Online Course
This session presents an approach to quality assurance for the design of online courses. QM@FBU, a rubric for Quality Matters @ FontBonne University, is used to peer review each online course at Fontbonne before it is taught.
Mary Abkemeier, Fontbonne

229 JCP
Promoting Deliberation: Using Democracy Lab as a Teaching Tool
This presentation introduces and discusses the practicality of using Democracy Lab, a national on-line learning community that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and deliberation on public issues. Over the course of the 10-week sessions, students discuss viewpoints, gather information, and develop a plan of action. 
Laura Westhoff, UMSL

2:00-2:45 PM 
Concurrent Sessions

126 JCP
Teaching Public Policy: Integration of Current Legislation, Media and Technology in the Classroom
Innovative methods are presented for teaching classes that involve public policy with a focus on integrating current legislative proposals (national, state and local levels) into the curriculum. Technology and the media can be used to assist in the analysis of current policy topics.
LeaAnne DeRigne, UMSL

Cross Talk and the Digital Divide 
Participants from all disciplines will learn in this discussion how the shift from passive use of media to active authoring is blurring the lines among disciplines and changing the way educators approach teaching and learning.
Cindy Pulley, Maryville and UMSL

222 JCP
Electronic Whiteboard Technology for Teaching
Tablet PCs create a bridge between chalkboard usage and electronic resources in the classroom. This session will highlight the outcomes of linking this technology with other software, the Internet, and instructional activities. Feedback from students in organic chemistry courses is presented.
David Van Horn, UMKC

Use of Video Library for Teaching Organic Chemistry Labs 
Funding from an Innovation Grant is allowing us to create a library of video clips showing the proper technique for performing experiments in the Chemistry laboratory. Sample clips are presented.
Valerian D’Souza & James Chickos, UMSL

229 JCP
Nihongo Online: Course Supplements for Teaching Japanese Reading
Online exercises, homework, and assessments were developed to teach a challenging language so that class time was devoted to acquiring basic reading skills. Data comparing students learning, with and without the online tools, show promise for increasing students’ Japanese reading proficiency.
Elizabeth Eckelkamp, UMSL

Redesigning the Basic Spanish Curriculum:
Innovative technologies enabled the redesign of the basic Spanish sequence by redistributing tasks performed in class and online. We present these technologies, new student assessments, and the evaluation of the redesign.
Beth Landers, Martha Caeiro, Kimberley Sallee, & Susan Yoder-Kreger, UMSL

121 JCP 
Not Just for Power Users: Using Basic Blackboard to Enhance Service Learning
Instructors don't need to be power users to make technology work for them in the classroom. In one Business Writing class, Blackboard facilitated communication and helped students raise funds for children half-way around the world.
Lynn Staley, UMSL

Planning and Developing a Hybrid Course
Careful planning ensures effective delivery of courses using online platforms. The stages of planning and developing a hybrid class are presented by focusing on the best of both worlds: classic face-to-face and distance learning. Participants will apply the ADDIE steps to begin developing hybrid classes.
Patricia Parker, Maryville

3:00-4:30 PM
J.C. Penney Auditorium

Conference Welcome and Plenary
Welcome and Introductions: UMSL Chancellor Tom George 
Plenary Address:
 Writing before Reading: The Pay-Off of Student Written Texts
Dwight W. Allen, Eminent Scholar of Educational Reform, Old Dominion University 

Student-written texts–Wikibooks – provide powerful evidence of how students rise to the challenge of responsible involvement- includingassessingtheir peers' wiki articles. Dwight W. Allen, Eminent Scholar of Educational Reform, Old Dominion University

Vendor's Exhibits continue through 4:30 PM

4:30-6:00 PM 
J.C. Penney Summit

Conference Reception
Music by UMSL Touhill String Quartet, Teodor Dimitrov, Renita Compton, Tzveta Koicheva, and Natalie Raney 
Attendance prize drawings (must be present to win)

Friday, November 2, 2007

8:00-1:00 PM 

J.C. Penney Conference Center Lobby

8:00-9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast

Vendors’ Exhibits (open from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)

8:30-9:20 AM
Concurrent Sessions

121 JCP
Vendor Presentation
Blackboard: New Developments and Innovations
Scholar, Blackboard’s social bookmarking tool, will be launched at UMSL immediately following the conference. Hear how it can be integrated into your courses. This session is being held in conjunction with the Central States Blackboard Users Group (CSBUG) meeting.
John Morrison, Blackboard

126 JCP
They're coming! The impact of K-12 online classroom users on higher education 
This session explores how virtual k-12 initiatives will impact higher education in our region and offers strategies to prepare faculty to challenge students with technology expectations and expertise.
Amy Peach, UMSL

222 JCP
Using Screencast to Promote Learning in Online Math and Science Courses
One of the fundamental problems of teaching complex math and science courses is the ability of instructors to show the work. This can now be done easily using screencasting. This session will preview software and create a simple screencast.
Clarence Maise, UMSL

Innovation Grant: Digital Image Delivery: A New Approach to Teaching Art History Classes
This session is a demonstration of the MDID (Madison Digital Imaging Database), an online searchable database and flexible user interface that provides a superior image search, retrieval, and delivery system in the Art History classroom.
Anuradha Vedagiri, UMSL

229 JCP
Assessing the Impact of Technology Enhanced Education: Opportunities and Challenges
This (2 hour) session summarizes the results for a decade of assessment in distributed learning -concentrating on success, withdrawal, student and faculty satisfaction, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Charles Dziuban, University of Central Florida

9:30-10:20 AM
Concurrent Sessions

78 JCP
Central States Blackboard Users Group (CSBUG)
CSBUG is a newly formed users group open to anyone interested in the support or use of Blackboard, WebCT or other online Learning Management Systems.  This meeting is for the informal sharing of ideas and information between members as well as addressing any procedural items for the group.
Steering Committee: Kyle Collins, Mary Fowler, UMSL, and Jack Dozier, Ozark Technical College

121 JCP 
Vendor Presentation 
New Faculty Tools to Simplify the Creation and Delivery of Podcasts
How will new software tools, such as Apple’s new Podcast Producer, make it easier for faculty in higher education to create and deliver podcasts? Apple's Senior Education Development Executive for Higher Education presents on these topics. 
Morrie Reese, Apple

126 JCP
Integrating Student Response Systems into the Classroom
Learn how to integrate Student Response Systems into your classroom as a way to increase student participation, critical thinking processes, and discussion. Clickers are an effective tool for evaluating student progress, and improving student feedback and preparation.
Jennifer Rigdon, Kevin Patton, & Curt VanGeison, St. Charles Community College

222 JCP 
Ivanhoe House: A Community Building Collaborative Mentoring and Tutoring Initiative
This session describes an innovative community collaborative that strengthens and enriches the educational experiences and lives of African American youth while preparing university students to work effectively and proactively with these youth. Technology is focal to designing tutoring experiences and assessing their effectiveness.
Valerie Blackwell & Kimberly Baker-Flowers, UMKC

Assessing Course Content that is Difficult, Challenging, and Political 
It is challenging to balance assessments of student learning when emotionally charged course material is also political and often controversial. Current technology offers alternative methods to assess difficult-to-measure teaching and learning outcomes.
Betty Blackmon, UMKC

229 JCP
Assessing the Impact of Technology Enhanced Education: Opportunities and Challenges
(continued from 8:30 session)
Charles Dziuban

10:30-11:20 AM
Concurrent Sessions

78 JCP
Vendor Presentation
Blackboard CE / Vista - The Integrated Environment
Question and answer session for system administrators and other support staff on technical implementations, Content and Community System integration, Powerlinks, integrations, Hardware and Database sizing. This session is being held in conjunction with the Central States Blackboard Users Group (CSBUG) meeting.
Jack Sharon, Blackboard

121 JCP
Vendor Presentation
Instruction That Engages Students
Use of response pad technology can engage students and provide immediate feedback to both instructors and students.
Lyle Britt, e-Instruction & The Clicker Guys

126 JCP
Effective Teaching: Tips from 2007 Award Winners
Teaching with technology entails more than reserving a computer classroom or clicking through PowerPoint. 2007 teaching award winners offer insights and practical examples to illustrate low tech and high tech ways to get and keep students' attention! 
Angela Coker, Steven Moehrle, Jody Miller, Shahla Peterman, UMSL; Michael Kiener, Alice Jensen, Maryville; Anne Wessely, SLCC-Meramac; & Margaret  Cohen, Moderator

222 JCP
Using PDAs and Classroom Observational Software to Improve Training for School Psychologists
The use of personal digital assistants (PDA) and classroom observational software enhanced the training of school psychologists, who worked with pupils with learning problems. Research findings show that the PDA improved several outcomes related to training school psychologists.
Michael Bahr, Donald Gouwens, Maureen Dunn-McCarthy & Judy Felts, UMSL

Exploring Fieldwork through Spatial Analysis Software and Application
This presentation discusses the development and early results of an inter-disciplinary program that encourages students to explore topics outside of the classroom environment. GIS, GPS and tablet PCs are used to examine the spatial characteristics of phenomena in Art History, Biology and Environmental Science.
Todd Brenningmeyer, Maryville

229 JCP
Online Assessment Using Blackboard: Lessons Learned
Several aspects of online assessment including test creation and administration, and reporting results and offering feedback are presented. Although the results are derived from the Computer Science curriculum, they are relevant to any faculty member using or considering online testing.
Donald E. Gayou, UMSL

Lessons Learned Improving Student Writing through Computer Grading: The Promise, Reality, and Possibilities
Data is presented on using computer grading software in a First Year Composition course. We will offer suggestions for using the software more effectively with the goal of improving student writing.
Nancy Bauman & William Klein, UMSL

11:30-12:20 PM
Concurrent Sessions

121 JCP
Challenges to Wiki Integration in the Writing (and General Ed) Classroom
After examining common problems that arise when implementing wikis, participants will brainstorm useful assignments that capitalize on strengths in the wiki environment and develop questions that students may pose. Responses to the questions will be discussed based on specific examples.
Toby Coley, Bowling Green State University (OH)

126 JCP
Using Peer Tutors to Support Learning: Opportunities Across the Disciplines 
Panelists offer strategies and assessment plans on efforts to develop Learning Centers that rely on undergraduates as peer tutors. Each innovation is tailored to the discipline and relies on varying levels of technology to support students' academic success. 
Keith Stine, Beth Landers, Shahla Peterman, Jennifer Taylor, & Iris Hinderliter, UMSL

222 JCP
Technology Integration in Teacher Education
This study investigates the development of technology integration by teacher educators at UMSL’s College of Education. It explores the experiences of faculty who are attempting to integrate technology in their courses.
Patricia Suess, UMSL

Integrating Technology into Active Learning Strategies
We present practical ways that technology can be integrated into active learning strategies, both in the classroom and through web resources such as Blackboard.
Cassie Gross & Leesa Althen, UMSL

229 JCP
Building Confidence and Competence Utilizing Human Patient Simulators:
Implementation Strategies and Student Learning 
Human patient simulators and simulation scenarios are integrated into the undergraduate Nursing curriculum. This presentation describes the role of simulation as a teaching tool and the evaluation strategy developed to assess student learning.
Diane Saleska, UMSL

Web-based Optometric Procedure Video Instruction
A web-based tool was developed that allows students the opportunity to use demonstration videos as little or as much as they would like in learning to perform patient examination techniques.
Timothy Wingert & Gary Bachman, UMSL

449 Social Sciences Business Building
Technology, Innovation, and Learning Spaces: Lessons from Our First Online Learning Studio
We describe the design and processes used in the creation and assessment of UMSL’s first Learning Studio in SSB 449. Assessment methods and results are emphasized.
William Klein, Chris Scheetz, & Kenneth Voss, UMSL

12:30-2:00 PM

JCP Conference Center Summit-

Lunch and Plenary

Introductions: UMSL Provost Glen Cope
Plenary Address: Information Fluency in the Digital Age 
Charles Dziuban, Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Central Florida

This session will describe the status of the information fluency initiative at the University of Central Florida as it relates to national trends in information literacy and how students gather, evaluate and use information.

Attendance prize drawings (must be present to win)


We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors and supporters who assist us in offering this excellent conference, free-of-charge to participants. Please thank them during the Vendor Exhibit.

2007 Sponsors and Supporters

Diamond Level ($1500+)

Platinum Level ($1100-$1499)

Gold Level ($750-$1099)
Schiller’s Audio Visual
TechSmith Corp.

Silver Level ($500-$749)
World Wide Technology, Inc. (WWT)

Bronze Level ($300-$499)
e-Instruction & the Clicker Guys
McGraw-Hill Companies

We are grateful for the UMSL support of the keynote speakers from: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Fine Arts and Communication, College of Nursing, College of Optometry, Honors College, UMSL Libraries, Endowed Professors Lynn Beckwith and Carl Hoagland.

2007 Planning Committee

Julie Bergfeld, and Jing Yang, Academic Computing & Instructional Technology, Maryville University; Sandy Gambill and Mary Stephen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Saint Louis University; Craig Klimczak, Technology and Educational Support Services, St. Louis Community College; John Crane, Optometry; D'Anne Hancock and Rhonda Tenkku, Business Administration; Gina Ganahl, Clarence Maise, Kate Moore and George Ruh, Continuing Education; Carl Hoagland, Education; Robert Keel, Sociology; Bill Klein, English; Joan Miller, Libraries; Denise Mussman, Foreign Languages & Literature; Melodie Rowbotham, Nursing; Jennifer Siciliani, Psychology; Jeff Sippel, Art and Art History; Keith Stine, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Mary Fowler, Jennifer Spearman-Simms, Jim Tom, and Paul Wilmarth, ITS; and, Peggy Cohen and Cheryl Bielema, CTL.
