Center for Teaching and Learning

2005 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference 2005


2005 Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference
Theme: Supporting Learning Outcomes with Technology
Friday, November 4, 2005

8:30 - 9:00

Registration and Coffee
MSC Century Rooms A B
Supported by Allyn & Bacon/Longman and Dell Inc.

Refreshments will be available throughout the day.  

9:00 - 10:25

Conference Introduction: UM System President Elson Floyd

Welcome: Provost Glen Cope

Plenary Address: Plenary Address:
Learning In and Through Community

MSC Century Rooms A B

Dennis Jacobs, Professor of Chemistry and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, University of Notre Dame
Learning reaches new heights when students apply new knowledge and skills to real problems facing a community. At the University of Notre Dame, science students are collecting and analyzing soil, dust and water samples from homes of children with lead poisoning. Students work creatively with the families to reduce the risk of further exposure. This interdisciplinary experience combines lab science, socioeconomics, race relations, public health, landlord-tenant law, government policy and community organizing - and leads students to discover how their academic lives uniquely prepare them for lives of civic engagement.

Thanks to HP and the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education and Nursing for their generous support of the Plenary Speaker

Concurrent Sessions
10:30 - 11:20

Research Methods Pedagogy Exchange - MSC 315
Shirley Porterfield, Social Work; Kim Stieglitz and Kuei-Hsiang Hsueh, Nursing; Virginia Navarro, Teaching and Learning
Provides a forum for discussion of active learning strategies to teach complex concepts in research design and methods classes face-to-face and online.

A Community College Paves the Road to Student Success - MSC 313
Diane Savoca and Teresa Huether, St. Louis Community College
Focuses on successful partnerships between faculty/staff and student development offices. Data from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement will be shared. Orientation is a two way street for students and institutions.

Video-tutorials Deliver Technical Material Efficiently and Effectively - MSC 316
Bud Banis, Logistics and Operations Management
Video technology leads students step-by-step through technical projects. Participants receive a Course Resources CD and 30-day-trial of Camtasia.

Promoting Active Learning in Large Intro Courses - MSC A B
Dennis Jacobs, University of Notre Dame
To promote extensive discussion and debate in a large lecture environment, remote keypads (clickers) engage simultaneously 200 students in an intro science course. Students are challenged to predict the outcomes of an experiment before it is performed in class. Frequent response opportunities help deepen and assess conceptual knowledge.

Vendors Display - 3rd Floor MSC Hall, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Take the opportunity to visit with technology and publishing vendors who support instruction and research at the University of Missouri-St. Louis

Concurrent Sessions
11:25 - 12:15

Successful Teaching with Technology:
Tips from Teaching Award Winners - MSC 315
Sally Ebest, English; Vinita Henry, Optometry; Gwen Moore, Business Administration
Teaching with technology entails more than reserving a computer classroom or clicking through PowerPoint. Campus teaching award winners offer insights and practical examples to illustrate ways to get and keep students' attention!

Web Resources and Impacts on Teaching - MSC 313
Jim Tom, ITS; Jerrold Siegel, Math and Computer Science; Marcel Bechtoldt, ITS; Philip Fraundorf, Physics and Astronomy; Andrew Hurley, History; Joe Naumann, Geography/Economics; Patti Wright, Anthropology
Rather than reinventing the wheel, faculty are finding and adapting instructional resources authored and available from others. Examples include MIT open courseware, Research Channel.

Systems and Strategies for Improving Writing - MSC 316
Bill Klein and Scott McKelvie, English; James Duffy, Geri Friedline, Victoria MacGregor, Senior Graduate TAs, English/Honors; Heather Rodgers, English/ Honors
Technology is a powerful tool to teach writing. Features of Comment and MyGateway support effective peer collaborations and improve student engagement and learning.

Supported by Blackboard
Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education and Nursing
Bedford St. Martins
Prentice Hall

12:30 - 1:15
MSC Century A B

Vendors Display Continues - 3rd Floor MSC Hall

Concurrent Sessions
1:30 - 2:20

Service Learning: Innovations and Experiences - MSC 315
Andrew Hurley and Louis Gerteis, History; Susan Catapano, Teaching and Learning
Missouri Campus Compact grant recipients who developed service-learning components in courses describe their innovations and offer tips for winning grants during the January competition.

Computer User Security and Resource Awareness - MSC 313
Kyle Collins and Brian Allen, ITS
ITS system administrators reveal the top 10 computing security issues and offer advice to protect your computer from threats.

What Students Tell Us about MyGateway and Their Learning - MSC 316
Cheryl Bielema, CTL and Robert Keel, Sociology
Four years of data indicate increasing student satisfaction and engagement with MyGateway. In fact, students say they are more likely to stay at UMSL because MyGateway is used frequently and consistently.

Documenting Learning and Teaching: e-Portfolios Transform the C.V. - MSC A
Margaret Scordias and Carl Hoagland, Teaching and Learning, Karen Montgomery, SBC, and Morrie Reese, Apple
e-Portfolios present the opportunity to document student's learning projects and preserve artifacts to support faculty promotion and tenure dossiers.

Workshop with Dennis Jacobs
2:25 - 4:20 p.m.

Engaging in a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - MSC Century A
Effective teaching is elusive without investigating the student learning that ensues. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) invites all faculty to consider students' learning as a subject of inquiry - appropriate for study and discourse. In this workshop, faculty will explore how a SoTL investigation can be designed around a compelling and generative question within their discipline.

Concurrent Sessions
2:25 - 3:20 p.m.

Opening Virtual Windows to Future Work Settings - 313 MSC
Pam Morris and Carl Hoagland, Teaching and Learning
Imagine visiting work settings with your students without leaving campus. Virtual Classroom Visits (VCV) bring K-12 classes to campus for education majors' observation and discussion. This innovation adds reality and relevance to University courses.

Technology Innovations, Tools, and Applications - 316 MSC
Jennifer Siciliani, Psychology; Jerrold Siegel, Mathematics and Computer Science; Morrie Reece, Apple
Learn how the clicker system enhances student learning in large classes, how Mimeo can capture what you write on the classroom blackboard, and how i Pods can be integrated into classroom instruction.

Concurrent Sessions
3:25 - 4:20 p.m.

CENTRA-based and Online Courses: What We're Learning - 316 MSC
Peter Acsay, History; Marcel Bechtoldt, ITS/Communication; Lindell Chew, Business; Rocky Keel, Sociology
Faculty who are blending face-to-face and online learning strategies to engage students will discuss what works well for them.

Online Labs: Hands-On Physics via the Ether(net) - 313 MSC
Mary Jane Kernan and Wayne Garver, Physics and Astronomy
With the Lab@Home device, software, and website, students can perform actual laboratory experiments at home with the same equipment as on-site courses. Guided tutorials, streaming video, and nested hyperlink help menus enhance the learning experience.

Conference Wine and Cheese Reception
4:30 - 5:30
Supported by SBC and Polycom and Apple Computer, Inc

MSC Rotunda

Attendance prize drawing (must be present to win)

We express a special thank-you to the following supporters of the 2005 conference:

Gold Level Contributors ($500-$1000) Silver Level Contributors ($100-$499)
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Education

College of Nursing
Allyn, Bacon and Longman Publishing Group
Apple computer
Bedford St. Martins
Dell Inc.
Millennium Student Center and Bookstore
Prentice Hall

Thanks to the companies who support the conference with displays and attendance prizes.
The list of campus vendors who participate in our Vendor Display will be available on the day of the conference.

FTTC Planning Committee:
John Crane, Optometry; Mary Fowler, ITS; Joe Naumann, Economics; Joe Polman, Education; Melodie Rowbotham, Nursing; Jennifer Siciliani, Psychology; Jeff Sippel, Art and Art History; Keith Stine , Chemistry and Biochemistry; Rhonda Tenkku, Business; Jim Tom, ITS; Cheryl Bielema CTL, and Peggy Cohen, CTL.


Co-sponsored by
Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services

