Department of Art and Art History Course Descriptions


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Course Descriptions

Courses in this section are grouped as follows: Art Education, Art History, and Studio Art. Prerequisites may be waived by consent of instructor. For the nonmajor, any number of studio courses will be accepted as electives.

Art Education

ART ED 2179 Art Activities for Elementary Schools (3)
Same as ELE ED 2179. A study of art principles and laboratory experiences with various media and materials. Stresses curriculum planning and development of the elementary school program in art. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ART ED 3328 Art Education: Theory to Practice (3)
Prerequisites: TCH ED 2210, TCH ED 2211, TCH ED 2212 and completion of Foundation Art Program. Development and application of concepts related to comprehensive art education and standards-based curriculum in art education, with an examination of current theories, trends, publication, and on-line resources in the field.

ART ED 4260 Art Museum as Teaching Resource (3)
Prerequisites: TCH ED 2210, TCH ED 2211, TCH ED 2212, 9 hours of Art History, and completion of Foundation Art Program. Should be taken concurrently with ART ED 3328. Students will learn how to strengthen K-12 art education by utilizing the collections and resources of the St. Louis Art Museum. A variety of teaching approaches and learning activities for galleries and classrooms will be employed, focusing on art from around the world and throughout history.

ART ED 4273 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Art (3)
Same as SEC ED 4273. Prerequisites: SEC ED 3328 and completion of, or concurrent enrollment in TCH ED 3310, TCH ED 3312, TCH ED 3313, TCH ED 3386. A study of the scope and sequence of art education in the school curriculum with emphasis on the preparation, selection, organization and application of materials and methods of instruction and assessment. Attention is also given to learning the research tools of the scholar in the field of art education. Not available for graduate credit.

ART ED 4290 Special Study in Art Education (1-6)
Prerequisites: Junior, senior, or graduate standing and consent of instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, field research, or special projects. May be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of six credit hours.

ART ED 5334 Topics in Contemporary Art Education (3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Intensive study for advanced students and art teachers, emphasizing specialized techniques and innovative concepts. Topics to be announced. May be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of 12 credit hours.

ART ED 5588 Museum Education and Visitor Research (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of director of Museum Studies Program. Development and operation of museum educational programs: learning theory; program design; relationships with exhibit development; programming for children and adults. Visitor research: theoretical foundations; research design; impact on programming and strategic planning.

ART ED 5590 Special Study in Art Education (1-6)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, field research or special projects. May be repeated for credit.

Art History

ART HS 1100 Introduction to Western Art (3) [H]
An introduction to major historical movements in Western art.

ART HS 1101 Ideas in Art History (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 1100 or consent of instructor. Studies of selected works of art, with attention to the social and cultural factors surrounding their creation. This course does not count toward a major or minor in art history.

ART HS 1102 Art of Egypt and the Ancient Near and Middle East (3)
A survey of art in Egypt, the Ancient Near East, and the Middle East. A variety of artistic genres will be studied in relation to their social, political, and religious contexts. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.

ART HS 1104 Indigenous Arts of North America(3) [CD]
A survey of the indigenous arts of North America from pre-contact through the present. Cultures to be covered include Iroquois and Ojibway of the Northeast; Navajo and Pueblo of the Southwest; Kwaguith and Gitsxan of the Northwest Coast; and Inuit from the Arctic. The relationship of art to religion, philosophy, politics, and social life will be explored.

ART HS 1105 Introduction to the Arts of Africa (3) [H, CD]
A survey of the major art forms of Africa and the African diaspora. The course addresses traditional media, such as architecture, masquerade, regalia, sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, and textiles, as well as contemporary sculpture, painting, photography, and performance.  This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.

ART HS 1108 Introduction to the Arts of Asia (3 ) [H, CD]
A survey of the major achievements in architecture, sculpture, and painting of India, China, Japan and Southeast Asia, with an emphasis on religious, historical, and social context of the arts. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.

ART HS 1175 Arts and Ideas (3) [H]
Same as ENGL 1175, HIST 1175, M H L T 1175, PHIL 1175, TH DAN 1175. An interdisciplinary course tied to the semester’s offerings at the Blanche Touhill Performing Arts Center as well as other events on campus featuring the visual arts, literature, music, and film. Each semester the course will provide background on the arts in general and will critically examine particular performances and offerings. Special themes for each semester will be selected once the Touhill schedule is in place. Students will be expected to attend six-eight performances or exhibitions. Can be repeated once for credit.

ART HS 2211 Art and Archaeology of the Ancient World (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. A survey of art in Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome, beginning in the Neolithic era (8000-4000 BC) and ending with the Barbarian invasions of Italy in the fifth century A.D. The major highlights of architecture and city planning, sculpture, painting, pottery, and the minor arts will be covered.

ART HS 2212 Greek Art and Archaeology (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. General survey of material culture in the Aegean basin, beginning with the Bronze Age (third millennium BC), and terminating in the late Hellenistic period (second century BC). For the Hellenistic period the course will trace Greek developments and influences outside of the Aegean, for example, in Italy and in Egypt.

ART HS 2213 Roman Art and Archaeology (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. General survey of material culture in Italy and its dependencies beginning with prehistoric Italy (ninth and eighth centuries B.C.) and terminating in late antiquity (the fifth century A.D.). The course will focus on the regional variants of Roman art in such places as Gaul, Spain, Great Britain, North Africa, and the Greco-Roman East.

ART HS 2225 Medieval Art (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. A survey of the art and architecture of the Mediterranean World and northern Europe from late antiquity to the Late Gothic period (300-1300 A.D.). Focus on new styles and subject matter in painting, sculpture, and architecture.

ART HS 2235 Italian and Northern European Renaissance Art (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or permission of instructor. An introduction to selected artworks, artists and patrons in Italy and Northern Europe throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, beginning with Ghiberti and Van Eyck and ending with Michelangelo and Brughel.

ART HS 2238 Italian Renaissance Art (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. The study of sculpture, paintings, and architecture in Florence, Rome, and Venice during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries as reflections of cultural, religious, philosophical, and political beliefs.

ART HS 2240 French Art and Architecture 1400-1715 (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or permission of the instructor. A survey of art and architecture in France from the late medieval period to the late baroque. Topics will include the development of French chateaux and gardens, the rise of the Academy, and the influence of royal patronage of the arts.

ART HS 2245 Baroque Art and Architecture (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or permission of the instructor. A survey of the major paintings, statues, buildings, and their artists and patrons in seventeenth-century Italy, France, Flanders, Holland, and Spain. Special attention will be given to the study of the city of Rome.

ART HS 2248 Eighteenth Century European Art (3) [V, H]
A survey of European art and architecture from 1700 to 1800, primarily in England, France, and Italy. Topics will include the Rococo and Georgian styles; the Classical and Gothic revivals; the impact of the Enlightenment; the Grand Tour and admiration of antiquity; and decorative arts, including ceramics, interior design, and gardens.

ART HS 2250 Nineteenth Century European Art (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. A survey of European art from 1780 to 1880, focusing on developments in England, France, Germany, and Scandinavia. Topics to be addressed include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism.

ART HS 2255 Modern Art (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. A survey of art from 1880 to 1960. Topics to be addressed include Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, and non-representational art.

ART HS 2265 History of Photography (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of instructor. A study of photography: its historical development, an examination of it as an art medium, and its influence on the development of modern art.

ART HS 2270 American Art to 1876 (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. An overview of the major developments in painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts in the United States to 1876.

ART HS 2272 American Art since 1876 (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. Major developments in American painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts since 1876.

ART HS 2279 American Architecture (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. An overview of American architectural practice from 1600 to the present.

ART HS 2281 Art since 1960 (3) [H]
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or consent of the instructor. A survey of art from 1960 to the present. Topics to be addressed include Pop Art, Conceptual Art, Minimalism, performance art, and other recent art forms and movements.

ART HS 2291 Issues and Ideas in Art History (3)
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100 or permission of instructor. Intensive studies of a few selected works from various eras and cultures, with special attention to the particular social and cultural factors surrounding their creation. May be repeated for credit with change of topic and permission of adviser.

ART HS 3303 Media and Technique in Art History (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. Technical demonstration of and research into various materials and media used by artists. In addition to ancient media such as egg tempera and fresco, it will include modern media such as photography and video.

ART HS 3350 Studies in Design (3)
Prerequisite: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. The course examines selected topics in the history of design, and may include genres such as architecture, material culture, or graphic design. May be repeated for credit with a different topic, for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

ART HS 3360 Photography and Society (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. A study of photography as a means of information and expression, as an influence on culture, and as a reflection of concepts in politics, science, morality, and art. This course counts toward the major.

ART HS 3365 The Artist and the City (3)
Prerequisite: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and English 3100, or consent of instructor. Examines the role of urban centers as a focus for significant artistic activity, as a recurring theme in art, and as a spatial and physical architectural reality. Aspects of urban planning, urban imagery in art, and the social, political, and personal networks artists develop as a result of living in particular urban centers at particular moments in history will be among the topics discussed.

ART HS 3374 Philosophy of Art (3)
Same as PHIL 3374. A critical study of such issues as the definition of art, the nature of aesthetic experience, meaning and interpretation in the arts, art and emotion, value in art.

ART HS 3375 The Art of Print (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. A study of the history of print forms: woodcuts, etchings, engravings, lithographs, silk-screens, monotypes, and mixed media. Special emphasis will be given to the importance of prints to the art and artists of our time.

ART HS 3376 Gender in the Visual Arts (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. Same as GS 3376. Selected topics in the role of gender difference in the production and reception of works of visual art and culture. This course will consider examples of historical and contemporary works through gender theories and the analysis of cultural and social factors that contribute to the construction of sexualities and genders.

ART HS 3385 Studies in Architectural History (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. A study of selected topics in architectural history. The content of the course will vary, and the course may be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor and departmental adviser. Possible topics include the history of the castle, factory architecture, the evolution of the Gothic cathedral, and domestic and vernacular architecture.

ART HS 3387 Professional Internship (1-6)
Prerequisites: Minimum of two 2000-level courses in art history and ENG 3100 and consent of instructor. The internship provides experience in museums, historical societies, galleries, design firms, or visual resource collections. Students will assist in the diverse duties associated with the day-to-day functions of the institution, under the joint direction of a faculty adviser and a supervisor at the institution. Course requirements may include readings, research assignments, and/or a paper. This course may be counted for art history or studio art credit with the department's consent.

ART HS 3388 Saint Louis Art Museum Internship (3)
Prerequisites: Art & Art History or Anthropology major, minimum of two 2000-level courses in art history and ENG 3100 and consent of instructor. Students selected by the Internship Committee will work 15-20 hours per week under the direction of staff at the Saint Louis Art Museum. Projects may include research on the collection, exhibitions, and programs.

ART HS 3389 Visual Resources Management (1-3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of two 2000-level courses in Art History, ENGL 3100, and consent of instructor. A hands-on course in the Department of Art and Art History’s media center that will cover collection development and management as well as technical and theoretical issues in the visual resources profession.

ART HS 3390 Special Study (1-10)
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of department and instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, or field research.

ART HS 3391 Selected Themes in Art History (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. The course examines selected themes in art history. Course content will vary; the course may be repeated for credit with a different theme, for a maximum of six credit hours.

ART HS 3393, Art Museum and Gallery Management (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of two 2000-level courses in Art History and ENGL 3100 or consent of instructor. This course will consider the practical application of professional training in art history as it applies to not-for-profit gallery management. Topics covered will include: grant writing in the arts, the development of art exhibits, the role of the art curator, and the operation of a gallery.

ART HS 3395 Sophomore/Junior Seminar: Research in Art History (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of two 2000-level courses in art history and ENGL 3100 or consent of instructor. An introduction to research and writing techniques in art history, organized around a topic to be announced. Course includes directed readings, research, and writing.

ART HS 3396 The Nude in Art (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. An exploration of the various meanings of nudity in art. The cultural, social, and psychological contexts of nudity in art will be examined in different historical periods and geographic regions, both Western and non-Western. Representations of both males and females will be analyzed in terms of gender construction, political authority, and personal identity.

ART HS 3397 Landscapes Perspectives in Art (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and English 3100, or consent of instructor. This seminar, considers the various conventions for representing landscape and nature, and human relationships in landscape, throughout history and across cultures. Issues to be considered may include landscape as metaphor in European painting, contemporary earthworks, landscape photography, and the relationship of the artist to landscape in the non-Western world.

ART HS 3398 The Portrait (3)
Prerequisites: Minimum of one 2000-level course in art history and ENGL 3100, or consent of instructor. An examination of portraiture in its social, economic and political contexts. Group and individual portraits will be analyzed in terms of gender construction, social status, family history and personal and public identity throughout selected periods of Western and non-Western culture.

ART HS 4408 Topics in the Arts of Asia (3) [CD]
Prerequisites: ART HS 1108 and ENGL 3100, or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. Intensive study of selected topics in the arts of Asia. The content of the course will vary. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.

ART HS 4411 Topics in Ancient Art and Archaeology (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2211, ART HS 2212, ART HS 2213, or ART HS 2214, and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. Intensive study of some aspect of ancient art and archaeology, with emphasis prior to the common era. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser.

ART HS 4425 Topics in Medieval Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2225 and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History or consent of instructor. A study of selected topics in Medieval art. The content of the course will vary, focusing on single topics such as manuscript painting, the Gothic cathedral and its sculptural decoration, or the art of pilgrimage churches. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.

ART HS 4435 Topics in Renaissance Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2235, and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. Studies of selected topics, which will vary. Subjects to be considered may include the art of Florence, the role of patronage in Renaissance Italy, and Papal art. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

ART HS 4445 Topics in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century European Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2245 and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. A study of selected topics in Baroque and Rococo art. The content of the course will vary, focusing on single areas, such as the Baroque in Rome; or on major artists, such as Bernini, Rubens, and Rembrandt. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser.

ART HS 4455 Topics in Modern Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2255 and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. Intensive study of selected topics in art of the nineteenth and/or twentieth centuries. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser.

ART HS 4475 Topics in American Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2270 or ART HS 2272, or ART HS 2279 and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of instructor. Intensive study of selected topics in American art. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser.

ART HS 4481 Topics in Contemporary Art (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 2281 and ENGL 3100 or one 3000-level course in Art History, or consent of the instructor. Intensive study of selected topics in art since 1960. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor and adviser.

ART HS 4490 Special Study (1-10)
Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and consent of department chairperson and instructor. Independent study through readings, reports, or field research.

ART HS 4495 Senior Seminar: Methods of Art History (3)
Prerequisites: ART HS 3395, ENGL 3100 and senior standing in art history or consent of instructor. An advanced class in the methods of art historical analysis. Theoretical perspectives will include connoisseurship, style, inconography, social history, and others.

ART HS 5578 Topics in American Art (3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. This course examines a discrete aspect of the history of American art within the changing social, cultural and historical contexts of Euro-American and/or Native American experiences and traditions.

ART HS 5592 The History of the Visual Arts in American Museums (3)
Same as ANTHRO 5592 and HIST 5592. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. This course is an introduction to selected topics in the history of museology, focusing on art and anthropology museums as sites for the interpretations of art and culture, and as contested meeting grounds for various views of history and culture.

ART HS 6036 Foundations of Museology II (3)
Same as ANTHRO 6036 and HIST 6036. Prerequisites: ART HS 6035 and consent of Director of Museum Studies Program. Audience-centered approaches to museology; visitor research and learning theory; philosophical and practical considerations in museum planning; the physical design of museums; creativity; exhibit and program development; collections and curation; the challenge of diversity; the future of museums.

ART HS 6038 Museum Studies Master's Project (4)
Same as ANTHRO 6138 and HIST 6138. Prerequisite: Consent of Director of Museum Studies Program. Research and writing/exhibit development on a selected topic.

Studio Art

ST ART 1030 Ceramics I (3)
An introduction to basic methods and theory of ceramics including work with hand-built construction, wheel techniques, and glazing. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1060 Photography I (3)
An introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of digital photography, along with photo editing software and printing techniques. Students must provide a digital camera. Lab fee required. Basic computer lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1061 Introduction to Digital Photography (3)
An introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of digital photography, along with photo editing software and printing techniques. Students must provide a digital camera. Lab fee required. Basic computer lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Students who plan to pursue a career in art should enroll in ST ART 1060 rather than ST ART 1061. ST ART 1061 does not satisfy the prerequisite requirements for other courses in Photography beyond the 2000 level, but may count toward Photography electives.

ST ART 1074 Special Topics in Studio Art (1-3)
Selected topics in studio studies. This course may be repeated for credit. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1080 Comics and Cartoon Illustration (3)
A course in creating and appreciating the world of comics and cartoons. This course will investigate the tools and techniques for creating cartoons, cartoon illustrations and the world of comics. Students will create their own cartoons with traditional media and also with computers. While designed for beginners, experienced artists will be encouraged to perfect their personal styles. The class will create and print its own comic book. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1130 Ceramics II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1030. A continuation of ST ART 1030. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1132 Sculpture I (3)
An introduction to traditional and contemporary materials, aesthetics, and theories of three-dimensional art. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1133 Introduction to Fibers and Textiles (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1150. Exploration of a variety of on – and off – loom weaving and other fiber and textile media and techniques. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1140 Drawing I (3)
An introduction to drawing through the study of figure, object, and environment. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1141 Drawing II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1140. The development of drawing skills through continued observation and problems of invention. A further exploration of varied drawing materials and techniques including graphite, charcoal, conte crayon, and inks. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1142 Figure Drawing I (3)
Basic studies of the human form and anatomy from the model in a variety of drawing media. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1143 Figure Drawing II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1142. Continuation of Figure Drawing I. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1150 Design I (3)
Studio problems in the creative use and integration of the elements of two-dimensional design: line, form, space, texture. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1151 Design II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1150. A continuation of ST ART 1150, two-dimensional design, with introduction to color theory. Some application of mixed media problems. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1170 Printmaking I (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1141 or consent of instructor. An introduction to printmaking techniques, materials, and theories. The course will include work in a variety of print materials. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1173 Printmaking: Screen-printing I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1170. An introduction into the techniques, methods, and aesthetics of screen-printing. Studio problems involving uses and approaches will be emphasized. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1180 Painting I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1140, ST ART 1150, or consent of instructor. An introduction to the use of oil and/or acrylic painting media. Studio problems to develop technical and expressive skills on various surfaces. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1181 Painting II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1180 or consent of instructor. Continuation of basic studio problems in painting media. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1210 Graphic Design I (3)
Introduction to graphic design with an emphasis on fundamentals of space, emotion, shape, form, and concept. Projects in design, layout and typography will be addressed. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 1150, Design I. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 1220 Graphic Design II (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1210. Continuing introduction to graphic design, focusing on developing concepts and design process, typographic systems, and layout systems. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2220, Computer Design I. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2100 Advertising Art Fundamentals (3)
Prerequisites: MEDIA STUDIES 2090 or consent of the Coordinator for the Certificate in Advertising. This course introduces students to basic principles of production, including layout, type, color, readability, and image selection. The course is intended for students pursuing a Certificate in Advertising, and does not count towards a degree in Graphic Design.

ST ART 2160 Photography II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1060. An introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of black and white photograph and the darkroom. Students must provide a film camera with adjustable speeds and aperture. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2210 Typography (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1220 or consent of instructor. This course intends to instill a sense of responsibility relative to typographic and production design, while developing the student’s capacity for critical thinking and general typographic rules, visual hierarchy of typographic elements, classical typographic tradition, book design, awareness of typographic aesthetic.

ST ART 2212 Image Making for Graphic Design (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1220 or instructor’s consent. This course teaches skills of making images and custom type for use in visual communication. Topics covered include a survey of traditional and experimental illustration techniques with an emphasis on creation of original imagery. The class will discuss how hand images are further developed and combined on the computer for use in design. Creativity, discovery, and craft are highly emphasized. Lab fee required.

ST ART 2220 Computer Design I (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1210. An introduction to the use of computer graphics for the creation of artwork applicable to the graphic design industry. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 1220, Graphic Design II. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2221 Computer Design II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2220. Designed to familiarize students with the methods, processes, software, and computer functions used in graphic design and illustration. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 3310, Graphic Design III. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2232 Sculpture II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1132. Continuation of Sculpture I. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2240 Drawing III (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1140 and ST ART 1141. This course offers studio problems designed to further the development of drawing skills in various media. Limited color will also be introduced. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2241 Drawing IV (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2240. Studio problems with emphasis on color and multi-material approach to drawing. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2242 Figure Drawing III (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1142 and ST ART 1151. Advanced study of the human form and anatomy from the model in a variety of drawing media. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2243 Figure Drawing IV (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2242. Continuation of Figure Drawing III. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2250 Composition (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1151. An investigation of the use of formal design elements as used in historic and contemporary art. Weekly studio problems and discussions will concentrate on skills, application, and unifying effects of compositional elements on a variety of visual art forms. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2251 Design III (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1151. Advanced studio problems in design materials. Use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional mixed media. Experimental use of materials and media will be introduced. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2262 Color Photography I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1060 or equivalent. An introduction to the techniques and aesthetics of color photography. Mastering the printing and finishing processes and producing a color print portfolio will be the requirements of this class. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2263 Digital Color Process (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1060 An extended study in the process of digital printing. The class will help students refine their techniques using digital color management and explore various techniques to assure the closest relationship between the image on the monitor and the resulting print. Hands-on training with different digital printers, digital media and scanning techniques will be offered. This class will involve both learning exercises and the creation of original computer-aided photographic art. Students must provide a digital camera. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2264 Non-Silver Photography (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1060 and ST ART 2160. An introduction to the aesthetics and techniques of non-traditional photographic processes. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2265 Commercial Applications in Photography I(3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 2163. Exploration of issues and applications within the field of portrait photography. Techniques of lighting, posing, and studio equipment will be explored. This class will involve both learning exercises and the creation of original computer-aided photographic art. Students must provide a digital camera. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2266 Commercial Applications in Photography II (3)
Prerequisite ST ART 2265. Exploration of issues and applications within the field of product Photography. Techniques of lighting, posing and studio equipment will be explores. This class will involve both learning exercises and the creation of original computer-aided photographic art. Students must provide a digital camera. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2267 The Constructed Photograph (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2263. An exploration of the constructed photograph through the art of digital collage. The class will survey the history of hand-created photographs. In addition, students will learn advanced Photoshop techniques in order to create original computer-aided photographic art. Lab fee required. Basic computer equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2271 Printmaking II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1170 or consent of instructor. A continuation of Printmaking I. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2272 Printmaking: Lithography I (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1141 or consent of instructor. An introduction to printmaking skills and theory in stone and plate lithography. Studio problems in the use of materials and equipment. Attention will be given to individual development. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2273 Printing: Etching (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1141 or consent of instructor. An introduction to printmaking skills and theory of contemporary etching practices. Development of skills and aesthetic judgments in the media using non-toxic etching processes. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2274 Printmaking and Relief (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1170 and ST ART 2271. Advanced problems in printmaking. Problems in relief printmaking. Work in wood and mixed materials. Development of skills and aesthetic judgments in the media. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2280 Painting III (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1180 or consent of instructor. Continuation of basic studio problems in painting media. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2281 Painting IV (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2280. A continuation of Painting III. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2283 Watercolor Painting (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1150 and ST ART 1141. Beginning problems in watercolor painting. Includes the study of traditional and contemporary approaches to color, color techniques, and treatment of papers. May be repeated for credit. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2290 Special Study (1-10)
Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing and consent of department and instructor. Independent study through readings, reports or field research. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 2312 Special Topics in Graphic Design (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1220. Studies of selected topics, which will vary. May be repeated for credit with a different topic, for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3260 Photography III (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2160. An exploration into contemporary theories and trends in photography. Advanced projects, portfolios and techniques will be expected from those enrolled. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3263 Digital Color Portfolio (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2263. Intermediate exploration of the aesthetics and techniques of digital photography including an investigation of color management in printing. Students will produce one or more portfolios of digital images. Lab fee required. Basic lab equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3310 Graphic Design III (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 1220 and 2220. Advanced studio problems to further the understanding of design and its relationship to typographic elements, illustration, and communication. The course will encourage both conceptual and technical development of the designer. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2221, Computer Design II. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3311 Graphic Design IV (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 3310 and ST ART 2221. Further studio problems in the graphic arts. The course is recommended to be taken concurrently with ST ART 2210, Typography. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3312 Advanced Topics in Graphic Design (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3311 or consent of instructor. Studies of selected topics, which will vary. May be repeated for credit with a different topic, for a maximum of 9 credit hours. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3340 Advanced Problems in Drawing I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2241. This course is focused on professional-level art and portfolio production. It offers studio problems designed to further the development of drawing skills. Emphasis will be given to the study of drawing as an independent art form. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3341 Advanced Problems in Drawing II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3340. A continuation of ST ART 3340. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3350 Studio Art Internship (1-6)
Prerequisites: Junior/Senior standing in studio art and consent of the faculty advisor. The internship provides experience in design firms, professional art studios, or comparable settings. Students will assist professionals in the diverse duties associated with studio art activities. Course assignments may include research assignments and/or reports to be reviewed by the faculty advisor and/or supervisor. May be repeated for credit, up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.

ST ART 3362 Color Photography II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2262. An advanced exploration into the aesthetics and techniques of color photography. Students will be expected to refine their vision utilizing color processes. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3363 Special Topics in Photography (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 2160 and permission of adviser. Selected topics in photographic practice. May be repeated for credit with permission of adviser. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3370 Advanced Problems in Printmaking I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3274. This course is focused upon professional-level art and portfolio production. After completion of this and the preceding course, students should be ready to meet the artistic and intellectual demands of today's visual art world. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3371 Advanced Problems in Printmaking II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3370. A continuation of ST ART 3370. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3372 Advanced Lithography (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 1173. Continuing problems in lithography with problems in black and white, photolithography, and/or color. May be repeated for credit. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3380 Advanced Problems in Painting I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 2281. Course is focused on professional-level art and portfolio production. Non-traditional materials might be explored. Attention is focused on individual development of painting theory, self-expression, and advanced techniques. The student is expected to assume a substantial responsibility with regard to direction, motivation, and content. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3381 Advanced Problems in Painting II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3380. A continuation of portfolio production in ART HS 3380. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3383 Advanced Problems in Graphic Design I (3)
Prerequisites: ST ART 3311 and ST ART 2210. This course is focused on professional-level art and portfolio production. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3384 Advanced Problems in Graphic Design II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3383. A continuation of ST ART 3383. The course includes the preparation of a faculty-reviewed portfolio. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3390 Special Study (1-10)
Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing and consent of department. Independent study through readings, reports, or field research. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3391 Advanced Problems in Photography I (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3260 and ST ART 2263. This course is focused on professional-level art and portfolio production. Students may employ black and white, color, non-silver or other traditional or non-traditional press for projects in this course. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 3392 Advanced Problems in Photography II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3391. A continuation of ST ART 3391. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 4389 Graphic Design Studio (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 3384 or consent of instructor. Students will work on actual client projects in a studio setting from creative concept through client presentation. Studies will include client interviews, project planning, studio operations, project budget and estimating, vendor selection, prepress preparation, working in creative groups and professional presentations.

ST ART 4490 Senior Seminar in Photography I (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 3392. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in methods of portfolio display, documentation, gallery representation, grant writing, and professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during Fall semester.

ST ART 4491 Senior Seminar in Photography II (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 4490. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in methods of portfolio display, documentation gallery representation, grant writing, and professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during Spring semester.

ST ART 4495 Senior Studio Seminar I (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 3381, 3341, 3392 or 3371. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in methods of portfolio display, documentation, gallery representation, grant writing, and professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during fall semester.

ST ART 4496 Senior Studio Seminar II (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 4495. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in methods of portfolio display, documentation, gallery representation, grant writing, and professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. Offered only during winter semester.

ST ART 4497 Senior Seminar in Graphic Design I (3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and ST ART 3384 . Students must pass the junior portfolio review. Weekly critiques and discussions of technical and professional issues. Will instruct students in the methods of professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 4498 Senior Seminar in Graphic Design II (3)
Prerequisite: ST ART 4497. Continuation of ST ART 4497. Will instruct students in the methods of professional preparation. Lab fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies.

ST ART 5590 Special Study (1-6)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Independent study through art making, readings, reports, or field research. Studio Art fee required. Basic studio equipment will be provided, though students will need to supply some personal equipment and supplies. May be retaken for credit with consent of instructor.