Division of Teaching and Learning -
Elementary Education (ELE ED)


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Undergraduate Studies

Bachelor of Science in Education: Elementary Education

The elementary education program prepares students to teach in grades one through six.

General Education Requirements:

English and Communication (9 hours)
ENGL 1100, Freshman Composition
ENGL 3100, Advanced Expository Writing
*COMM 1040, Introduction to Public Speaking

Mathematics (9 hours)
MATH 1030, College Algebra or Equivalent (Placement Test)
MATH 1150, Structure of Mathematical Systems I
MATH 2510, Structure of Mathematical Systems II

Biological Science: includes lab (5 hours)
*General Biology 1012/1013

Physical Science: includes lab (4 hours)

Humanities (9 hours)

Three courses from two of the following fields: art, music, philosophy, and literature.
Social Science (18 hours)
PSYCH 1003, General Psychology
POL SCI 1100, Introduction to American Politics, or equivalent
And one of the following history courses:
HIST 1001, American Civilization
HIST 1002, American Civilization
SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology, or any anthropology course.
ECON 3052, Microeconomics for the School Curriculum

Related Area Requirements
PHY ED 3430, Teaching Health in the Elementary School
PHY ED 3465, Physical Education Activities for the Elementary School
MUS ED 3770, An Introduction for the Elementary School Teachers (qualifies as a Humanity)
ART ED 2179, Art Activities for Elementary School

Program Requirements

Level I: Exploring Education as a Profession
TCH ED 2209,
Foundations of Teaching in American Schools (3)
ED PSY 2212, Introduction to Learners and Learning
EDUC 1000, Effective Career Decision Making for Educators

Level II: Analyzing the Nature and Process of Education
ECH ED 3332, Literacy Learning and Instruction for the Young Child (3)
ELE ED 3330, Literacy, Literature and the Learner
TCH ED 3310, Introduction to Instructional Methods
ED PSY 3312, Psychology of Teaching and Learning
TCH ED 3313, Psychology of the Exceptional Child

Level III: Synthesizing Theory and Practice in Education
ELE ED 3336, Communication Arts Learning and Instruction
ELE ED 4246, Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
ELE ED 4253, Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
ELE ED 4320, Classroom Management
ELE ED 4341, Teaching of Science in the Elementary School
ELE ED 4989, Elementary Education Professional Internship
ELE ED 4990 and 4991, Elementary School Student Teaching
TCH ED 3315, Literacy Learning and Instruction

Professional education courses must be completed with a grade point average of 2.5 and no grade lower than a C.

Total: minimum of 123 hours.

Bachelor of Science in Education: Elementary Education (Middle School Certification)
This area of specialization in elementary education prepares students to teach in grades 5-9.

General Education Requirements
General education requirements are the same as for elementary education.

Related Area Requirement
PHY ED 3430, Teaching Health in the Elementary School

Graduate Studies

Master of Education: Elementary Education

General Curricular Program or Specialization in Selected Curricular Areas
The M.Ed. program in elementary education has a general program option, an emphasis in reading option, and an early childhood education option. All options consist of an initial required core of courses; a concentration area; an optional specialization area; a teacher research course; and a capstone or exit course. Areas of specialization are suggested below. A minimum of 33 hours is required for the degree; additional hours may be necessary for reading specialist certification.

1) Required Core (9 hours)
Students are required to complete the following courses within the first 15 hours of study.
TCH ED 6010, Examining History, Community, and Social Justice in Education (3)
TCH ED 6020, Teacher Action, Advocacy & Leadership (3)
TCH ED/ED PSY 6030, Instruction, Learning & Assessment (3)

2) Required Research Course (3 hours)
TCH ED 6909, Teacher Action Research I (3)
(Take semester prior to Teacher Action Research Capstone (TCH ED 6910). For non-teacher candidates, ED REM 6040 or TCH ED 6909 can be taken.

3) Elementary Education Concentration (12-18 hours)
A curriculum course (required): ELE ED 6411Curricular Issues in Early Childhood and Elementary Programs
Students should select at least 9 additional hours in one or more of the following areas: children’s literature, early childhood, language arts, mathematics education, reading, science education, social studies education, special education, physical education, educational technology, curriculum development, improvement of instruction, or another area as identified in consultation with the faculty advisor.

4) Specialization Areas (Optional; 6 hours)
Students may follow one of the core competency courses with two additional courses to develop an area of specialization, such as:

Educational Psychology Option: ED PSY/TCH ED 6030 followed by either ED PSY 6210 Life-Span: Individual and Family Development or ED PSY/ED TECH 6448 Technology Supported Inquiry Learning (3 hours each) and one of the following: ED PSY 6210, Life-Span: Individual & Family Development: ED PSY 6215, Psychology of Early Childhood Development; ED PSY 6220, Psychology of the Elementary School Child; or ED PSY 6225, The Psychology of Adolescence (3 hours each) Educational Technology Option: TCH ED/ED PSY 6030 followed by ED TECH 5301 Introduction to Computers and the Internet in Education and ED TECH 5340 Selection and Utilization of Educational Multimedia.

Other specialization areas are available and information is available in the Graduate Education and Teaching & Learning Division office.

5) Capstone Course (3 hours)
Students must enroll in the capstone course during their last semester and after completing Teacher Action Research I TCH ED 6909 for practicing teachers.
TCH ED 6910 Teacher Action Research Capstone (3)
This course is not offered in summer sessions.

Emphasis in Reading
The M.Ed. program with emphasis in reading (literacy) is designed to enable candidates to further their competencies as teachers of reading, writing, and the other communication arts. The program also prepares them for positions as literacy coaches, reading specialists, curriculum specialist in communication arts and reading areas, consultants in areas of communication arts, and/or for further graduate study. The following program enables the student to earn a M.Ed. with an emphasis in Reading while fulfilling the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s requirements for special reading certification in Missouri. Students must complete the first two levels of the Required Core, an educational psychology course, an approved educational research course, 18 hours of literacy courses, and an action research capstone course. The minimum required and recommended courses are as follows:

Required Core (9 hours)
TCH ED 6010, Examining History, Community, and Social Justice in Education (3)
TCH ED 6020,
Teacher Action, Advocacy & Leadership (3)
TCH ED/ED PSY 6030, Instruction, Learning & Assessment (3) or a graduate level course in child psychology or adolescent psychology may be substituted if needed for certification.

Required Research Course – Evaluation of Abilities and Achievement (3 hours)
ED REM 6707, 6709, or 6716 Choose one course (3 hours) Dependent on student needs and interests.

Reading Concentration (18 hours):
Required Courses

ELE ED 6387, Literacy Acquisition & Learning for Urban Students
ELE ED 6684, Instructional Strategies for Teaching Reading
ELE ED 6686, Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
ELE ED 6493, Reading Specialist Practicum I
ELE ED 6494, Reading Specialist Practicum II

And at least one course from the literacy-related elective list or from the certification-related elective list below (min. 3 hrs):

Capstone Course (3 hours)
ELE ED 6482, Problems and Research in Teaching Elementary School Reading

Literacy Related Electives
ELE ED 6436, Children’s Literature I: Survey & Analysis
ELE ED 6688, Literacy Assessment to Guide Instruction
ENGL 6880/TCH ED 6880, Gateway Writing Project (6)
TCH ED 5312, Differentiated Instruction

To be recommended for Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education special reading certification, teachers must have a valid Missouri teacher’s certificate and two years of classroom teaching experience, and they must have had the following at either the undergraduate or graduate level: two additional courses in reading; language acquisition or development; classroom management techniques; counseling techniques (to include exceptional children and their families: child AND adolescent psychology; and testing, evaluation, and achievement. These certification requirements might be in addition to the courses listed in the program of study above. See your graduate advisor for information about these courses. M. Ed. Students needing any of the above can elect to take these courses at the graduate level where available and apply them to their concentration area.

Certification Related Electives
CNS ED 3320, Counseling Individuals with Special Needs
ED PSY 6220, Psychology of the Elementary School Child
ED PSY 6225, The Psychology of Adolescence
ED REM 6707, Classroom Measurement & Evaluation
ED REM 6709, Educational and Psychological Testing
SPEC ED 6320, Advanced Studies in Classroom Management

*Only one 4000 level course can be applied to the M.Ed.

Certification Options
A combined M.Ed. and certification option exists. Options include elementary education (1‑8), early childhood education (PK‑3), and middle school/junior high (4‑9). Students should consult certification advisers. Graduate credit will not be given for courses at the 1000 to 3000 levels and only one 4000 level course can be applied to an M.Ed. degree.

Elementary Education-Emphasis in Early Childhood Education Concentration (12 hours)
ECH ED 6412, Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3)
ECH ED 6413, The Educational Role of Play (3)
ECH ED 6415, Organization and Development of Early Childhood Programs (3)

Elective hours (6 hours)

Total: 33 hours

Career Outlook

Undergraduate and graduate degrees in elementary education are most directly applicable to teaching at the level appropriate to the program emphasis. Increasing specialization of teaching assignments and downward extensions of ages of schooling continue to open employment opportunities. As in the past, elementary education graduates at all degree levels also continue to be attractive candidates for employment in many positions, which require (or are well suited to) training in social and behavioral sciences. Positions in constant contact with and service to the general public such as sales, service, public relations, and general business are most common examples. Future expansions of opportunities in schools are tied to population growth, increased specialization of services, and reduction in ratios between professional staff and children served. Many currently employed teachers will retire within the next 5‑10 years; consequently, a shortage of teachers is anticipated.