Division of Teaching and Learning -
Early Childhood Education (ECH ED)


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Department of Early Childhood, Elemetary, TESOL, and Special Education Home Page

Department of Secondary and K-12 Education Home Page

Undergraduate Studies

Bachelor of Science in Education: Early Childhood
This program is designed for students wishing to teach and direct programs for children from birth through grade three.

General Education Requirements:
Students who enter college for the first time in Fall 2002 or later should refer to the Introductory section of this Bulletin for their General Education Requirements.

English and Communication (9 hours)
ENGL 1100,
ENGL 3100 or 3120, Advanced Expository Writing

Communication: 3 hours

Mathematics (3 hours)
MATH 1150, Structure of Mathematical Systems I

Biological Science: includes lab (5 hours)
BIOL 1012/1013

Physical Science: includes lab (4 hours)

Humanities (8 hours)
Three courses preferably from two or more of the following fields: art, music, philosophy, or literature.

Social Science (15 hours)
PSYCH 1003,
General Psychology
POL SCI 1100, Introduction to American Politics, or equivalent
and one of the following history courses
HIST 1001, American Civilization
HIST 1002, American Civilization
and the following courses:
POL SCI 1850, Global Ecology
SOC 1010, Introduction to Sociology, or any Anthropology course

Degree Requirements
Students are required to take the general education requirements as indicated for early childhood education above.

Note: All classes listed are 3 credit hours unless otherwise noted

Level I: Exploring Education as a Profession
TCH ED 2209
, Foundations of Teaching in American Schools (3)
ED PSY 2212, Introduction to Learners and Learning

Level II: Analyzing the Nature and Process of Education
ECH ED 3300, Introduction to Early Childhood
PHY ED 3282, Physical Growth and Motor Development
PHY ED 3430, Teaching Health in the Elementary School
TCH ED 3310, Introduction to Instructional Methods
ED PSY 3312, Psychology of Teaching and Learning
TCH ED 3313, Introduction to Learners with Disability and Inclusive Education Child
TCH ED 3315, Literacy Learning and Instruction
EDUC 1000, Effective Career Decision Making for Educators

Level III: Synthesizing Theory and Practice in Education
ELE ED 3330,
Literacy, Literature and the Learner
ELE ED 3336, Communication Arts Learning and Instruction

Note: ECH ED 4990 and ECH ED 4991 must be taken during the same semester.

ECH ED 3303, Curriculum and Practice Laboratory: Infant/Toddler
ECH ED 3304, Curriculum and Practice Laboratory: Preschool
ECH ED 3313, Curriculum and Practice: Infant/Toddler
ECH ED 3314, Curriculum and Practice: Preschool
ECH ED 3332, Literacy, Learning and Instruction for the Young Child
ECH ED 3350, Child/Family and Education and Community Involvement
ECH ED 4317, Assessing Individual Needs for Early Childhood
ECH ED 4320, Classroom Management
ECH ED 4346, The Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts
ECH ED 4989, Early Childhood Primary Internship
ECH ED 4990, Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education I (6 hrs)
ECH ED 4991, Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education II (6 hrs)

Attention education majors : Professional education courses must be completed with a grade point average of 2.50 and no grade lower than a C (2.0).

Total: A minimum of 123 hours

Graduate Studies

Master of Education: Elementary Education

Early Childhood Education Emphasis
The M.Ed. program with an emphasis in early childhood education is designed to enable candidates to further their competencies as teachers or program administrators in public and private early childhood program. The program also prepares them for positions in community agencies that support families and young children. The minimum required and recommended courses are as follows.  Students must complete the required Core Competencies and Capstone Course as listed above.

Career Outlook

The field of early childhood education has experienced a marked increase in the demand for highly qualified and professional prepared educators. As research continues to focus on the crucial early years of development, the need for trained professionals in early care and education will continue to rise. Early childhood graduates at all degree levels are attractive candidates for employment in a variety of educational positions. The downward extension of ages of schooling opens employment opportunities in the public and private sector. Future expansions of opportunities in schools are tied to population growth, increased specialization of services, and reduction in ratios between professional staff and children served. Additional career opportunities exist for early childhood educators in specialized childcare, private family care, instruction and training, corporations, self-owned businesses, and family- focused public and private agencies. Qualified early childhood educators can and do make a powerful difference in the lives of families and children.