Notes from Chapter 18: Society and Technological Change: The Role of Experts

The ideas and examples referenced below are notes compiled by Robert Keel from his reading of Volti, Rudi. 2014. Society and Technological Change. 7th edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers. They are intended for classroom use

The Role of  Experts and Expertise

"…Experts are in a position to influence the course of technological change, but at the same time, they face many difficulties in converting their knowledge into power. Having the correct technical answers isn’t enough; wielding power requires the mobilization of a constituency and the ability to create a broad base of support." (page 358)

Engineers and The Control of Technology

The Work Environment of Engineers

Questions? (page 364)

  1. Some experts claim nuclear power is safe and economical, others claim the opposite.  How can we decide?  What criteria are relevant to understanding such claims.
  2. What should the role of engineers be in making decisions concerning the goals of their organizations?

Owner: Robert O. Keel:
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:47