Wiki Grading Rubric: Set-Up

Project General Guidelines

Set-up Grading Rubric (wiki help)

Project Set-up: due Thursday, February 2, end of day (11:59 PM). (20 points)

Create Group Wiki Home Page: Should include a group name, list of individual names hyperlinked to their personal pages, list of group assignments for the semester hyperlinked to pages set up for each part of part of the assignment, and a list of who's going to do what for which assignment (if you choose to complete the project individually, you'll need to make links to pages each individual or team will use to present their work).  Leave comments on your group members' page to provide help and assistance and point out minor edits you've done for them, etc.

Create Personal Wiki Page- providing a bit of information about yourselves and other interests you might have.  Experiment with the different features of the wiki--add external links, internal links (link back to your "home page") add an image or two--especially an picture of yourself. Update this page throughout the semester--adding links to your individual contributions to the project.  Make sure to link all individual work here throughout the semester.  This is where the grader goes to access your part of the assignment.  Credit will not be given for individual work if it is not linked on the personal wiki page. For help creating a personal wiki page, see Prof. Keel's Panopto tutorial, "Working in a Wiki" in the Wiki Help folder of the class MyGateway site--Group Areas page. Your personal page must be completed 48 hours before the due date for the setup, to allow time for the group to make final changes, and to develop the rest of the group wiki. Leave comments on your group members' page to provide help and assistance and point out minor edits you've done for them, etc.

Grading Rubric and Scoring for this part of the project (20 points possible):

10 pts

Individual Contributions

+2 Individual contributions documented and communication posted on the corresponding “communication page.”


Formatting (Following Directions)


Presentation: Neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors


Provided textual information about self, interests (at least 3 sentences)


Included 2 or more hyperlinks (1 internal, 1 external) and 1 or more images (including picture of self)



Group Presentation

• Student must demonstrate timely engagement in group discussions and other activities (incl. wiki construction) to be eligible for group points.


Home page created w/group name


Presentation: Neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors, at least 1 image, overall quality


Creation of wiki pages for each part of the group project, hyperlinked to the home page. Also, creation of “communication page” for each part of the project. Each “communication page” should be linked to its corresponding part of the project's page. Also, hyperlink corresponding rubrics (found in group project area) to each part of the project's pages.


List of all group members, hyperlinked to all personal pages

20 pts



Owner: Robert O. Keel:
Last Updated: Friday, January 2, 2015 9:24 AM

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