Wiki Grading Rubric for 1010 Critical Thinking Project Part 2

Critical Thinking Project General Guidelines

Grading Rubric for Part 2 (wiki help)

Part 2 "Conducting the Research" due Thursday, March 22 (end of day). (40 points)

Individual Assignment- Everyone must do all of this (teamwork is acceptable)!  Create a new page in the wiki for each individual's (or team's) report on their "shopping" experiences, and insure these pages are linked to and from the "Part 2" page and each individual's personal page. Make sure to include references and citations in ASA manuscript submission style (local copy with web citation guidelines or a full version of the ASA Style Guide). Your report should be the equivalent of 2-3 pages.

Go shopping. Go to two different types of stores, one in a more impoverished neighborhood and one in a wealthy neighborhood. Does $141.33 (21 meals per week X 4 people @ $1.6825 per meal) cover the costs of your menu (everyone in the group should use the same menu and food list)?  Make sure to include the following:  description of store interior and exterior, employees, customers, neighborhood, Price totals, Price comparisons on selected items,. Do not attach Word documents and the like--do your work on the wiki page, use the wiki to display your ideas and your research work--write your essays as wiki pages.

Be sure to correctly cite all information used from research resources (in-text citations and a list of references for each page) using the ASA manuscript submission guide (local copy with web citation guidelines or a full version of the ASA Style Guide).  Additional assistance with referencing online resources can be found here. Also, remember we are undertaking an academic activity, so please refrain from using opinion, unreliable or invalid resources, sensationalism, and other non-academic practices. See academic integrity statement and Turnitin information.

Group Assignment- Discuss on the group communication page and provide insight and assistance to all as they conduct the experiment. Remember, you are expected to check the group communication page and contribute ideas, provide information, and ask questions at least twice a week throughout the semester. All group related interactions must be documented in the group communication page in order for credit to be assigned.

Be sure to correctly cite all information used from research resources (in-text citations and a list of references for each page) using the ASA manuscript submission guide (local copy with web citation guidelines or a full version of the ASA Style Guide).  Additional assistance with referencing online resources can be found here. Also, remember we are undertaking an academic activity, so please refrain from using opinion, unreliable or invalid resources, sensationalism, and other non-academic practices. See academic integrity statement and Turnitin information.

Grading Rubric and Scoring for this part of the project (40 points possible): General Evaluation Criteria for Written Work and Critical Thinking

20 pts

Individual Contributions


Individual contributions documented and communication posted on the corresponding “group communication page.”


Detailed description of the shopping experience:

  • Description of store interior and exterior
  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Neighborhood
  • Price totals
  • Price comparisons on selected items  
  • Shopping difficulties, availability of products, problems sticking to menu, variety, nutrition (canned vs. fresh), and transportation.


Discussion of the significance of the shopping experience

  • Answer the question: Can you survive while in poverty? (more than a yes or no question)


Presentation: 1-2 pages (250-500 words), style, neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors, introduction/body/conclusion format

20 pts

Group Presentation:; Student must demonstrate timely engagement in group discussions and other activities (incl. wiki construction) to be eligible for group points.


Summary of shopping activity, and explanation of which individuals/teams conducted investigations, where they did it, and why these locations/subjects were included.


Discussion of budget. Include the following discussion points: 

  • Rent
  • Utilities (gas and electric)
  • Phone, Taxes
  • Nutritional Needs
  • Social Support
  • Recreation
  • Health Care
  • Savings
  • Emergencies
  • Transportation (gas, repairs, maintenance, or public?)
  • Clothing
  • Cleaning
  • Toiletries
  • Celebrations/holidays/birthdays
  • Next Month?
  • The Future (how long can you keep it going?).


Presentation: 1 - 2 pages (250-500 words). Neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors, at least 1 image, overall quality


List of links to all members’ individual contributions

40 pts



Owner: Robert O. Keel:
Last Updated: Friday, January 2, 2015 9:24 AM

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