Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Scoop Creep

Deep in the bowels of big Systemsville, there lived a tiny creep named “Scoop,”
who never asked questions – he'd dare not to snoop.
Little Scoop would not snoop, would not snoop dare I say,
but would toil, and toil, all night and all day,

Yes, toil, and toil, with shovel in hand,
He would not stop, not rest on his quest,
nor question his quest, ‘till he got to the end.

“There it is! There’s the end! I see it right now!”
gasped little Scoop, as his hand wiped his brow.

Oh, but little Scoop found himself quickly dismayed,
when a diesel dump truck crept up into his way.
It kept creeping and dumping – you know as they say –
It always left just a teeny bit more for Scoop to shovel away.

He took pause for a minute
But, soon, was back in it –
Cause he'd dare not to air any big or small care.
Oh, no, he would not air his concerns, at all costs!
He would certainly not air his concerns to the boss!

And, though things smelled so awfully afoul --
even the pigs in the field wore a scowl --
tiny Scoop would not question his quest, nor would he snoop!
He simply put his head down and continued to scoop.

Moral: Confront scope creep, or it might never end!

These stories are adapted examples written in my class, IS 6840 (formerly MSIS 488).
© Vicki L. Sauter. All rights Reserved.

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