Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Missouri - St. Louis

Two Deer

Near the dense forest is a large herd of deer. The herd consists mostly of young deer, who will play all day long. However, there are two deer that stand out by the beauty of their horns, stature and mutual friendship. Their names are Dol and Bol.

After a few years, Dol is chosen to be the leader of the entire herd. On another hand, Bol decides to leave the herd and go to another area and start his own. During those days, all the deer are going to a nearby hill, where the new leader is, to congratulate Dol.

A few years later, three of deer from Dol's herd came to Bol's herd and told him how his friend has changed. They told him that Dol has become a tough, arrogant, morose, and he did not want to listen anybody and only wanted to do things his way. Because of his bad behaviors, poor leadership and decision making, the herd began to crumble. At first, Bol did not believe the stories of others and decided to visit his longtime friend.

When Bol came back he could not recognize his old home. After he reached the bottom of the hill, Dol, who hears the stories of how deer enjoy living in Bol's herd, pretended neither to see nor recognize Bol. After a few hours, Dol ordered to bring Bol up. During that time, Bol stood still at the bottom of the hill, and when he was called, he climbed up the hill and started to look back around. "Who are you looking for? " Asked Dol. "I thought my old friend is here, but I'm probably wrong. I did not see him," said Bol and he went back to his home.

Moral: To distinguish a good a project manager from a bad project manager, the good one will possess capabilities such as good managing, leadership, technical, conflict management, and costumer relationship, which will help him/her to make sure that the projects are on the right track. It also ensures that members of the project team are familiar with the current situation of the project and if there is some issue, they can try resolve it.

These stories are adapted examples written in my class, IS 6840 (formerly MSIS 488).
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