Sociology 3280 CT Project 3: 80 Points, Due Wednesday, April 1 by 11:59 PM

Critical Thinking Project General Guidelines

Grading Rubric CT3 (wiki help)

Critical Thinking Project Part 3: Networked Organizations

For this part of the project, you will be concentrating on “networked individualism” and the “triple revolution” in American organizations. You will focus on an organization associated with either education or industry and business (work). Choose one OR the other, and then address the ways in which networked individualism and the triple revolution—internet, social networking, and mobile revolutions—are impacting the structure of that organization.

Additionally, you are expected to integrate the following:

Finally, you need to review the work of at least four other students and post comments (minimum 125 word--constructive critique) on their wiki pages (you'll find a place to add comments near the bottom of every wiki page). Your Comments are due by Saturday, April 4 by 11:59 PM. You must email Prof. Keel with the names of the students on whose work you commented and include the text of the comments in the email (no attachments). If email notification is not made, comments may not be evaluated.

For help working on a wiki page, see Prof. Keel's video tutorials on "Working in a Wiki, "making links," and "inserting images" in the Wiki Help folder of the class MyGateway site (Critical Thinking Projects). See also: Wiki Help and Tips and the "Wiki User's Guide." Be sure to review the changes made to the wikis since I last updated these tutorials.

Part 3: Networked Organizations—80 points total (roughly 3-4 double-spaced pages, or 750-1000 words in length), broken down as follows:

Address the ways in which networked individualism and the triple revolution are impacting the structure of an organization. (500 words minimum)

25 pts.

How are recent advances in information and communications technologies (ICTs) changing the traditional American student or worker? (125 words minimum)

10 pts.

Do you see these changes as beneficial or harmful? Why or why not? Consider the long-term effects. (125 words minimum)

10 pts.

Use at least 3 scholarly resources to support your reasoning.

10 pts.

Integrate relevant images, hyperlinks, and other wiki features into your work.

5 pts.

Spelling, grammar, citations and bibliography in ASA; and neatness and organization of ideas and writing.

5 pts.

Overall presentation and design of your part 3 page. 5 pts.

Comments (125 word minimum) on 4 other students work, Due Saturday, April 4 and emailed to Prof. Keel.

10 pts.

Outside Sources: Peer-reviewed sociology journals (other peer-reviewed social science/humanities journals may be acceptable--ask if you are uncertain), original work by the theorists--not included in the class reading assignments, and other primary source documents, articles and books. Other textbooks--especially introductory texts, encyclopedias of any sort, Wikipedia, online dictionaries, sites like "," blogs, etc. can be used but will not be accepted as "outside sources" and should not form the basis for your essay. And, don't use "outside sources" that simply repeat information we have in the text, lecture notes, and develop in class discussion--the point here is to go beyond these basics. Before using information found on external web sites, please review the guidelines found at: to insure the information is reliable.  Better yet, try looking for research and information from the libraries database system (, it's a wealth of academic research at your fingertips.

Owner: Robert O. Keel:
Last Updated: Saturday, January 31, 2015 11:54 AM

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