Drugs and Drug Policy: The Control of Consciousness Alteration
Clayton J. Mosher and Scott Akins
Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, CA 2007

Chapter 10: Policies Regulating Legal Drugs, Part 1: Alcohol and Tobacco
pages 295-330
Notes by Robert Keel

Review Questions


Goals of policies regulating all drugs: 

Legal versus illegal drugs:


A Brief History of Tobacco Regulation

Bans on Smoking in Public Places

Issue: Scientific evidence on harm from secondhand smoke?

Restrictions on Advertising and Marketing of Tobacco Product

Taxes on Tobacco Products

The 1998 Tobacco Settlement and Anti-Smoking Programs

International Tobacco Regulation

The Future of Tobacco Regulation


Temperance Movements and Prohibition in American History

Alcohol Regulation in the Current Era

Minimum Legal Drinking Age

Regulating Drinking on College Campuses

Drunk Driving Laws

Critical Examination of Drunk Driving Policies 

The Definition of "Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities"

The determination of "Impairment" by Law Enforcement Officers

DUI Laws in the Context of Other Dangerous Driving-Related Behavior

DUI Laws: Conclusions



1. Based on the research presented, it appears the greatest likelihood of a serious traffic accident occurring is at a BAC of _______ or above.
a. .05
b. .08
c. .10
d. .12

2. Research indicates that which of the following is (are) likely--in some cases as likely as being intoxicate--to increase the probability of a traffic accident?
a. Driving while tired.
b. Driving while using a cell phone
c. USing an ignition-interlock device
d. All of the above

3. Concerning the rgulation of tobacco, which of the following is (are) true?
a. The first laws prohibiting tobacco use were enacted in the 1990s
b. the 1998 Tobacco Settlement has led to a reduction in the advertising of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
c. Increasing the tax on cigarettes has helped reduce the number of people who smoke, but has not been effective in reducing the amount smoked by those who continue.
d. All of the above

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