Health Care

Chapter 19: Sociology, Schaefer, 1995-2012

Health vs. Health Care Delivery

Organized in all societies (International Health Care Comparison, 2013)

Social/Cultural basis

  1. Who is sick?
  2. What to do about it?
  3. Defining Disease-Cultural factors (Anorexia)
  4. Medicalization of Society
  5. Endemic vs. Epidemic (The Guinea worm)
  6. Epidemiology (transmission of disease and modern society, impact of spread)
  7. Acute vs. Chronic Illness
  8. Causes: Germs, Lifestyle, Social Conditions
  9. SES
  10. Gender
  11. Age
  12. Race
  13. Technology

Physical-Mental Health

Health Industry


Professionalization of Medicine


Sick Role (What you are): Functionalism

Doctors as "gatekeepers" for the "sick role": insure order, doctor as "parent."

Focus on acute vs. chronic illness

Other elements of the Functionalist perspective

Disease: What you have (Conflict: Interest Groups)

Other Elements of the Conflict Perspective

Illness: How you feel (Interactionism: Symbols and Meaning)

Other Elements of the Interactionist Perspective

Labeling Theory

Mental Illness (Medical vs Social Models)

Disability: social roles and definitions

  1. Blindness: The Making of Blind Men (Robert Scott)
  2. Outsiders in a Hearing World (Paul Higgins)
  3. Physical disability and access



Owner: Robert O. Keel
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Last Updated: Monday, April 23, 2018 10:24 AM