Wiki Grading Rubric for 1010 Critical Thinking Project Part 1

Critical Thinking Project General Guidelines

Grading Rubric for Part 1 (wiki help)

Part 1 "Getting Organized/Researching and Designing an Experiment" due Tuesday, February 21 (end of day). (40 points)

For 2011, the federal government's (Health and Human Services) poverty guideline was approximately $22,113 for an urban family of four, and is determined by multiplying the cost of a "nutritious" diet for this family by three. Working backwards, we can dissect this number to reveal that the government believes that any family that has more than $1.6825 to spend per person, per meal, per day for food is not living in poverty ($22,113/3= $7,371 for food. $7371/365 days= $20.19 per day for food. $20.19/3 meals per day= $6.73 per meal. $6.73/4 people= $1.6825 per person per meal). Check out this NPR report: "Eating Nutritiously A Struggle When Money Is Scarce" by Pam Fessler (2010).

Individual Assignment: (Everyone must do all of this!)

Group Assignments

Grading Rubric and Scoring for this part of the project (40 points possible): General Evaluation Criteria for Written Work and Critical Thinking

20 pts

Individual Contributions


Individual contributions documented and communication posted on the corresponding “group communication page."


Lit review: Quality of content, defined key terms, related to group experiment


Lit review sources: at least 1 or 2 academic non-textbook sources, properly cited in ASA format


Lit review presentation: 1-2 pages (250-500 words), style, neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors, introduction/body/conclusion format


New page created for lit review, linked from personal page and group page

20 pts

Group Presentation

• Student must demonstrate timely engagement in group discussions and other activities (incl. wiki construction) to be eligible for group points.


Detailed and specific experimental design, adhering to scientific method (research problem, controls, hypothesis, independent/dependent variables, demographic info, intervening variables, etc.) (1 page, 250 words, minimum).


Data Collection Sheet


Detailed description (at least 1 paragraph-125 words minimum) of the family


Detailed description of the menu (true to nutritional needs)


Presentation: Neatness, no more than 2 spelling/grammar errors, at least 1 image, overall quality


List of links to all members’ literature reviews

40 pts


Data Collection sheet must list items to be purchased and provide space for comparing prices at different stores. It should also contain space for providing description of the stores (interior and exterior) and surrounding neighborhood, customers and employees, food selection and variety, etc.

Owner: Robert O. Keel:
Last Updated: Friday, January 2, 2015 9:24 AM

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