









Erin Lee (Kang-mul Lee)

1987. 09. 16



I’m Erin from South Korea. Kangmul is my Korean name which means river. I am Korea University student and go to UMSL for a year as an exchange student. (2008 Fall and 2009 Spring) My major is English Language Education and I am going to teach English in Korea.


Bio Poem




Enthusiastic, Caring, Sincere


Whose mission for teaching is

to help students find their path and aid them through it, and to encourage them to develop their talents and skills.


Who loves to share experiences and feelings


Whose own favorite teacher was Sung-hee Kim, her fifth grade homeroom teacher


Who wants to teach students

how to learn and make the best out of what they learned.


“The wisest mind has something yet to learn.”

- George Santayana -

A List of Nothing in Particular

A Small List for Great Motivation

Erin Lee (Kangmul Lee)


Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

- Robert Frost

1.      The Story Book

        “Once upon a time…” “… There lived a princess.”  Two voices overlapped.  One little girl suddenly started to follow her father’s reading.  Her father was surprised and then looked at her.  “Hey! Did you read the letters?  Can you read them?”  “Yes, daddy. I can read!”  The little girl shouted out but she also didn’t know what just happened to her.  It was the moment of my first reading, when I was 3 years old.

        I don’t remember how I felt at the very first moment I read.  I only heard the story of it from my parents later on.  All I remember is the fact that when I was young, my father read me a storybook every evening, while my mother took care of my younger sister.  It was the best time of my day at that time.  I would lie in bed under the big and cozy blanket, and my father sat beside me, reading the books. When he read, “Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named ‘Cong-ji’”, I became that little girl. He read another book the other day. “One day, the rabbit and the turtle decided to have a race.” This time I became the rabbit.  I really enjoyed listening to the storybook, because it showed me a totally different world where I’d never been to.  Sometimes the story flowed into my dreams because I fell asleep while he was reading.  I would meet a monster, a princess or the animals there.  I believed that the world in my storybooks actually existed somewhere. 

        Even now I enjoy reading novels before I go to bed because of this childhood memory.  After I went to the elementary school, I learned a lot about ‘how to read a book.  However, it was my father who had the biggest influence on improving my reading skills.  He kept telling me that he couldn’t forget the very first moment I read the letters, how it happened all of a sudden. It’s said that children usually start to read naturally, without a great effort to teach how to read.  For me, the moment came a little early.  I believe it owes much to my father.  Every day I had ‘a book time’ with him and I really enjoyed it.  To me, reading was not a stress, but a joy.  I saw many friends who didn’t like reading books. They usually hated it because they considered it boring.  I think my father not only taught me how to read the letters, but also the more important lesson to enjoy reading. 

        After I realized this fact, I have wanted to be a teacher.  I want to teach others, just like my father did for me.  What he showed me was that teaching is not always about giving away some great knowledge, but helping the students learn how to enjoy their study and how to be involved into it naturally.  I’m not interested in teaching something fabulous.  I just want to share my experience to make the students feel happy, like my father did to me.  It was only a little storybook that my father gave to me, but it was also a great lesson about teaching someone how to enjoy learning.


2.      A piece of paper

        Why should I do this?  It doesn’t make sense at all.  I don’t want to do this STUPID thing anymore.  I looked at my textbook.  Then I looked around to see my classmates.  They were all concentrating on solving math problems.  I was in math class in fifth grade.  At that time, I had trouble with studying mathematics.  In fact, I really hated it.  I had not been in trouble with math earlier, but as I got older, the formulas were getting harder for me to keep up with.  “The sum of two numbers is 255. When the smaller number is subtracted from… What the teacher said sounded like a language I had never heard of.  Is Emma going to marry him?  I thought about the novels that I read yesterday.  I should call Ji-min to change our meeting place.  I also thought about the appointment I made with my friends.  I was sitting in the classroom, but my mind was somewhere else.  My math classes passed by like that.

        One day, my teacher had me stay after class.  Its certainly because of my test result, I thought.  I messed up math exams.  It was terrible, because all I saw during the exam was the combination of black and white(the numbers and the paper).  Is she going to scold me? Maybe shell call my parents.  My heart started beating so fast. “Kang-mul, do you know why I called you?”  I was too scared to answer the question.  “I’d like to give something to you.  Please read it at home.”  To my surprise, she didn’t scold me.  She didn’t say that ‘she was disappointed’-what most teachers would say in this situation.  She just gave me a piece of paper.  When I got home, I started reading it slowly.  It was a paper with the formulas and the explanations of them were written down on it.  It started from the 3rd grade level, which I could understand on my own.  At the bottom of the paper, the time and dates were written.  Monday through Wednesday: 3:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm, Thursday: 4:00 pm~ 5:00 pm.  There was also the teacher’s comment.  It said, “I understand the problem that youre having now.  I didn’t like math either when I was young, but let me tell you something.  What youre obsessed with is the fear that you made up, not the subject itself.  Please understand it.  I wrote down the time when I can help you to study math additionally to keep up with other students.  Feel free to come and see me at that time if you need to.  I encourage you to do so.She was right.  It was me who (unconsciously) decided to hate math, because I couldn’t keep up with others.  I felt that she understood me well.  I was deeply impressed.  For the past two years, the teachers always scolded me or didn’t even care about my poor math level.  Sometimes I thought that the math scores could get better if I tried harder.  Whenever I thought that way, however, I simply threw out the idea because the teachers didn’t even care about me, but this time her paper was a great motivation for me to try studying mathematics.  Even though I’ve not been so good at math after that, at least I could keep up with my grade level. 

        Sometimes I feel that some teachers don’t understand why their students have problems with studying, because the subjects are really easy for the teachers.  They had little experience of struggling in that area when they were learners.  Since they don’t know why students don’t get their words, they can’t teach their students in the right way.  Having the knowledge of a subject is different from teaching it well.  The teacher should understand the learner’s position and feelings first.  I learned it from my 5th homeroom teacher.  She was an enthusiastic, powerful and bright person, yet the most important quality that she had was the ability to fully understand her students.  I want to be a teacher like her who listens to, cares, and understands the students.  The greatest gift I received from her was not the math skill, but a piece of paper that encouraged me and changed me a lot.  


3.  A picture

        It was boiling hot.  The air conditioner didn’t work.  I felt sticky due to the high humidity, and from the open window the disgusting wind blew in.  One summer day, I was teaching English to three high school students.  It was too hot to concentrate.  I didn’t even prepare enough for the lecture.  How about just finishing today’s class here?’  ‘No. I have to help them prepare for their final exam.’   These two thoughts were conflicting in my mind.  So I decided to quickly explain the main points that they should know and finish early.  I hurried, and finally, explained the last grammar rule.  I raised my head up and looked at my students; they were staring at me with six puzzled eyes.  Their faces seemed to say, ‘What’s going on?’

        I clearly remember that day because it was the most terrible memory of my teaching experiences.  Since I entered university, I’ve had a part time job for tutoring English and also volunteered to teach English to children who couldn’t afford to get extra education.  The first class I had with my students was really terrific.  I was pleased when they understood my words and when their grades got better.  I also felt good because I could help someone.  Yet the most important thing was that I was enthusiastic about teaching them.  So I prepared for the lessons every time, strived not to make mistakes, and tried to love my students.  My first student was a girl named ‘Eun-ji.’  Her English level was a little bit low to enter the university she wanted to go to.  She and I studied together for 10 months, and her English scores were getting better and better as time went by.  In the end, she could enter the university that she wished for.  It was a great delight, even though I knew that it was the result of her great effort, not solely because of my contribution.  At the last time we met, she gave me a small present.  It was a picture we took together one day during a short break in our lesson.  On the back of the picture she wrote, ‘Thank you, teacher.  I appreciate that you always tried your best to teach me and encourage me.’  Though I wasn’t good at teaching then, the one thing that I had was the passion to teach. 

As time went by, however, it was getting hard for me to pay full attention to my students.  I had a lot of work and study to do on my own.  I also had to spend time hanging out with my friends.  It was getting easier for me to forget the feeling of joy I had felt at the very first lesson.  I finally realized this on the day I saw the three frustrated faces in class.

        My father, who teaches English in high school, tells me that sometimes its really difficult for him to be enthusiastic for teaching, because he would give the same lecture for every single class.  It isn’t easy or interesting to repeat the same contents several times.  I think this is the biggest reason why some teachers lose their original passion for teaching.  

        The other day I looked up the picture that my first student gave me and had it in a picture frame.  Passion and Enthusiasm.’  If I really want to feel the joy of teaching, I should always remember these two words.  One small picture gave me both the great happiness and the compass I would depend on in the future, whenever I feel like losing my original intention.




Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


– Nelson Mandela -