There are three distinct but presumably related areas of activity. One is the use of implants as receivers and/or transmitters. The others are the broadcasting of voices - what has been called synthetic telepathy - and the use of microwaves to influence behaviour. All seem to exist and the technology leading to them has been identified. The patents researched (some have been reported in Lobster --see number 34 for examples), some in Nexus, some in Judy Walls' excellent Resonance (684 C.R. 535, Sumterville, FL 33585; see number 33, for example). The technologies exist in an historical and operational framework which makes both their development, trial on involuntary subjects and eventual deployment not surprising. The opening sentence of story in The Times (London) was: American and Norwegian hospitals were involved in sterilisation experiments on the mentally retarded over a 20-year period up to 1994.9 US and Norway used insane for Nazi-style tests, The Times 29 April 1998. The bastard offspring of Sid Gottlieb and MKULTRA are among us.
This year Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued an (undated) press release on their programme developing so-called non-lethal weapons which began in 1993, headed Physiological Responses Applicable to Development of Less-Than-Lethal Weapons. (At point the release refers to Friendly Force!) It describes three avenues being developed based on known physiological responses to energetic stimuli, including a thermal gun, a seizure gun and a magnetosphere gun.
But this end of the subject is not yet intellectually respectable enough for the major media and/or politicians to take an interest in it. I mentioned this area recently to a friendly reporter on one of Britain's major daily papers. "Oh, that," he said. "I've had letters about that, mostly written in green ink." The green ink touch was probably an invention, a bit of baloney to convince me that the letters' authors were crazies. Press legend has it that crazies always write in green or purple ink; but I've had my share of letters from crazies and I haven't seen green or purple writing for at least a decade. But I took the hint and dropped the subject.
Since the major media won't touch this stuff yet, most of this is happening in fringe magazines and especially on the Internet in dialogue between the victims of these programmes trying to make sense of their experiences.
The problem for the microwave victims is that of evidence: they can produce none other than the first-hand reports of other individuals and accounts of programs being run by this or that military body. None of which would impress the legal mind. The man who first introduced me to this field, Harlan Girard, runs a group in the United States, the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons, which recently tried to get a legal case going in the United States. To quote from the judgement of Gladys Kessler, a judge in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, the Committee charged that many federal departments and agencies unlawfully conduct advanced weapons research using human subjects without first obtaining their consent....that the United States, through various federal agencies, has unlawfully failed to promulgate regulations for the protection of human subjects involved in classified research.....seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as costs.
Judge Kessler rejected the suit on the grounds that the Committee failed to establish standing to sue on behalf of its members, as well as making claims that are too generalized and nonspecific to support a complaint.
If the first objection could be overcome, the second still looks insurmountable at present.
The most dramatic of the microwaves effects are the voices in the head. Since sounds in the head were produced using microwaves by Dr Alan Frey in 1962, this isn't terribly surprising. But until recently I had not seen anything like a plausible hypothesis of the phenomenon. But recently, one of those afflicted with the voices, Kathy Kasten, put on the Net what seem to me to be the best hypothesis about them so far.
The experiences [voices in the head] the survivors report are not live ... they are recorded. The amount of electromagnetic energy that such implanted relays are capable of downlinking is so small as to have very little apparent (direct) effect, if any, upon the brain. However, over a long period of time (months or years) even that little bit of energy can be utilised to condition responses indirectly into the victims' own thinking processes.
Over a period of months and years, conditioned responses are patterned into the brain's neural pathways. This neural patterning requires millions upon millions of repetitions, but eventually the victim's brain is conditioned to produce the responses that their torturers wished to implement.....Hour after hour, day after day, year after year, the torturers broadcast weak electro-magnetic fields which emulate brain wave patterns. Sequences of these emulated patterns are then strung together to emulate a thought process. These sequences are then repeated billions of times............Over time, the neurons in the victims brains become conditioned to repeat these superimposed patterns of brain-wave activity. As time goes by, the victims9 brains become the source of these broadcasts9. Soon, as more neurons become more deeply conditioned, these externally patterned thought processes become more and more pronounced (louder). Ultimately, these brain wave patterns become self-sustaining.
Typically, these conditioned responses are strung together in a looped and/or cross-linked pattern so as to make these superimposed thought processes both self-sustaining and self-reinforcing. This neural patterning is usually linked to the motor and/or sensory centres of the brain in such a way as to utilise pain and pleasure to reinforce the expected responses.
Survivors may notice that when trying to suppress (resist) any of these errant, conditioned thought processes, one or more muscle spasms occur elsewhere in their bodies and these muscle spasms induce pain. The muscle spasm and its resultant pain sensations are part of the conditioned response.
The neural pathways in the victims' brains have been conditioned to induce pain if they attempt to suppress other of these conditioned thought processes. Thus, the victims' brains self-reinforce these voices, et al, in order to avoid pain. Herein lies the key to deconditioning these processes. One must learn to step outside of these errant patterns, analyse how they trigger and reinforce one another, and strategically pit them against one another.
This won't be accepted by all the victims of voices: I've met a couple who have claimed that the voices actually comment on their actions from minute to minute, suggesting constant surveillance. Of that I have always been sceptical - how is it achieved? For the moment I think Kasten has the best hypothesis. Incidentally, her account of becoming a victim of the voices is currently on the Konformist Website.
In Britain for the last few weeks we have been inundated by stories about the sex lives of members of Tony Blair's government. One member of the Cabinet was revealed to be gay after he was robbed while out cruising a public park in London. Two weeks later another came out as gay after a former lover offered to sell the story of their relationship to a newspaper. With two other Cabinet ministers, including Tony Blair's chief spin doctor, Peter Mandelson, already known to be gay, this led Britain's most powerful tabloid, the Murdoch-owned Sun, to ask on its front page, Is Britain being run by a gay mafia? The answer from the rest of the media, was a loud hoot of derision. The general consensus was that everybody knows that it doesn't work like that. Politicians are self-interested and ambitious and there is no way a gay network could operate at the top end of the British political system. No doubt this is true. But the Sun's front-page questions rested not just on the reported fact that four of the 16 male members of the Blair Cabinet are gay, but on rumours about two other senior British political figures that have never been reported but are almost universally believed by the British political media and the political system.
For several years it has been whispered that Gordon Brown, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and William Hague, leader of the Conservative Party, are gay. The rumours have reached the level of jokes on TV and radio which only those who have heard the stories would understand. In response to the rumours, Gordon Brown creates periodic photo opportunities for himself to be photographed with a female friend, and his recent biography included an entire chapter which (not very convincingly, in my view) described his heterosexuality. William Hague went one better and got married almost immediately after he became leader of the Conservative Party. From what I have heard of the sources of the stories, I think the rumours are true, and I look forward to the day when William Hague is outed. A gay leader of the Conservative Party? Now that would really be something. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wilhelm Reich: The Gayn/Straight Connection
Alien Mathematics/Lisker Turns Sixty
Allen Ginsberg and the Student Spies of Czechoslovakia