The Latest Word

A key find in the film inventory below: U-2 Salvage Operation, Key West Naval Station 23 November 1963 - SECRET Film Number USAF 35853


Lee Harvey Oswald, U2 spy: served at U2-stationed Atsugi; involved with Soviet shootdown of Gary Powers' U2; worked at U2 film processing lab before moving on to Book Depository in Dallas.


by Michael Ravnitzky,

Recently I received a large partial inventory list of thousands of Defense Department motion picture films and videotapes. I have selected a tiny sampling of these films that seem interesting for some reason or other, or have remained classified for years despite evidence of some public interest in their contents. This is just a personal selection; please keep that in mind. There are thousands and thousands other films out there waiting to be viewed.

The source of these film titles and catalogue numbers are the film transfer lists and proposed transfer inventories held by the National Archives and DVIC.

Forthcoming lists of films in various subject areas will contain the addresses at the bottom rather than at the top.

Most of these films are either restricted in distribution or are still marked as classified, either confidential or secret, as noted. However, most of these films have not been reviewed for declassification or public release in many years, or even decades. You can request a copy of any of these films by writing to the following two addresses and requesting a copy of the film under the Freedom of Information Act. All of these films will be available and under the authority of one or both of the following two addresses.

The first address is the Department of Defense [DoD] FOIA Office. Note: in your request letter to DoD, you may wish to mention that these films are or were under the responsibility of the Defense Visual Information Center, DVIC, but that FOIA requests to DVIC are processed by the DoD FOIA Office.

WARNING: The DoD FOIA Office does not like to process requests for audio-visual materials such as motion picture films, because they are much more troublesome than requests for paper records. Nor do they have a very good track record in regard to processing such requests. Just keep careful track of your requests, and send in an inquiry if an excessive amount of time has gone by. You may need to send an appeal letter if too much time goes by.

The second address is the National Archives office that has accessioned some of these films--it is not entirely clear which films were accessioned and which remain at DoD. One or both of these offices have all of these films.

Freedom of Information Act Director telephone: (703) 697-1160 Directorate for Freedom of Information 1155 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301

William G. Lewis, Archivist Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch National Archives at College Park 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001

Part 2 - Biological and Chemical Warfare Films

Half a Loaf: Evaluation of an Anti-Crop Weapon - SECRET chemical and biological warfare against food crops Film Number PIN 1000500 DF, Film 0949

Mustard Spray Tests with Multiple Planes - CONFIDENTIAL - Old - Film Number FB 163

Biological Warfare Film Number OD-CD TVSP7

Tactical Employment of Chemical Troops in Attack Film Number TF 3-10

Identification of U.S. Chemical Ammunitions Film Number TF-3-2658

ABCR [Atomic Biological Chemical Radiological] Warfare Decontamination, Eglin Field, Florida, 9 March - 11 May 1953 Film Number USAF 21572 - CLASSIFIED

Riot Control Munitions - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 20769 DF, Film FR 759

The U.S. Crime of Bacteriological Warfare - The Evidence a 1950s Chinese Documentary??? Film Number USAF 38216 - CONFIDENTIAL

Chemical/Biological Weapons Development, Equipment and Components USAF, early 1960s Film Number Illegible - SECRET

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 1 Navy, Film Number Illegible - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 2-B Film Number PIN 1011349 DN, Film MN 08549B - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Defense Against Biological Warfare, Part 3-B Film Number PIN 1011349 DN, Film MN 08549C - CONFIDENTIAL

Biological and Chemical Air Launched Weapons Film Number WEPS 1-65 - CONFIDENTIAL

Medical Aspects of NBC: Latest Developments of Chemical and Biological Warfare [HAPMB 528] - SECRET Film Number MED 28-65-A

Biological and Chemical Warfare - SECRET Film Number MN 09170-A

Part 3: Vietnam Related Films

Riot at Thu Duc Prison - Prisoners, Gia Dinh Province, Vietnam, 18 Oct. 1970 Film Number LC 56236 - CONFIDENTIAL

Rebuilding Khe Sanh Firebase Khe Sanh Firebase Khe Sanh, South Vietnam, 29 Feb. 1971 Film Numbers LC 56252 and LC 56253 - CONFIDENTIAL

NVA Invasion, 1972 Kontum, South Vietnam, 28 April - 7 May 1972 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Numbers LC 56913 and LC 56914

US Troop Withdrawals, Koreans Take over Security Functions DMZ Korea, 21-23 April 1971 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Numbers LC 56265, 56266, 26267 and 56268

Mayaguez Control: Operation Rescue - Mayaguez Film Number VR-FS01/508 - CLASSIFIED

Recovery of the USS Mayaguez Film Number VR-FS01/509 - CLASSIFIED

SS Mayaguez Recovery - 1975 Film Number VR-FS01/511 - CLASSIFIED

Ice Cream Anyone, Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam September 1967 Film Number USAF 43600 - UNCLASSIFIED

Part 4: Oddball or Unusual Aircraft

[please note that most of these films have never been seen outside of the DoD, and thus have never been used for any television documentaries]

Inflatoplane - Seaplane Version [1202-169] Film Number 945-X - CONFIDENTIAL

*Microjet* - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 33303

Reconnaissance Parasite Aircraft Film Number USAF 19661

XC-99 - Worlds Largest Land Plane Film Number USAF 19738

Convertiplane Test at Wright Patterson AFB, Aug. 1952 Film Number USAF 20772

XV-1 Convertible Airplane, McDonnell Aircraft, Aug. 1955 Film Number USAF 24123

Transcendental??? Convertible Plane Film Number USAF 24324

XFV-1 Progress Report [weird Navy Plane] Film Number USAF 21984

XV-3 Convertiplane Film Number USAF 22691

Horton Wingless Aircraft [WW2 era German Flying Wings] Film Number USAF 22259

Northrop Research Flying Wing Aircraft and XP-56 Film Number USAF 24262

MB-1 High Card Ding Dong Documentary 1955-56 Film Number USAF 23268A

The MB-1 Air to Air Rocket - SECRET Film Number PIN 1000425 DF, Film FR 27

MB-1 Documentary 1955-56 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 29521

Big Buster, the F-89J, MB-1 Bomb System - SECRET Film Number PIN 27458 DF, Film TF 1-5335

Ryan X-13 Vertijet Film Number USAF 23711

X-13 Vertijet, Edwards AFB, CA, May 1956 Film Number USAF 25816

X-13 Transition Phase Film Number USAF 25817

Second F-100D Piloted Zero Length Launch, 11 Apr. 1958 Edwards AFB, CA Film Number USAF 25873

LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin, Friedrichshafen, Germany 1928 Film Number USAF 24056

Early Helicopter and Autogiro Tests Film Number USAF 25516

First Helicopters for the Army Film Number USAF 25516A

25th Anniversary of the USAF Helicopter Film Number PS 104-9/50-1

The B-70 Weapon Introduction System - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 26350

XB-70 Progress Report 1963 Film Number USAF 36374

The B-70 Weapon System - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 26997

B-70 Film Progress Report - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 28149

B-70 Joining Concept - SECRET Film Number USAF 27514

SR-71, June 1966 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 41332

SR-71 Project, Beale AFB, April 1966 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 43370

RS-71 Air to Air Footage Film Number USAF 38289

The Story of the 100th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing [U-2 and later SR-71 aircraft] Film Number SFP 2144, PIN 26750 DF - SECRET

100 Strategic Reconnaissance Wing - SECRET Film Number USAF 47207

C-5 Galaxy Aircraft Model Ditching Investigation 1968 Film Number EC-13-68

Dyna-Soar Wind Tunnel Tests [Dyna Soar was a 1960s Air Force space shuttle design] Film Number USAF 27224

USAF Presents a Report on the Dyna-Soar Progress, April 1960 - June 1961 Film Number USAF 29561

Dyna-Soar Mockup Inspection Film Number USAF 29993

Dyna-Soar Program - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 31246

X-20 Dyna-Soar - April 1962 - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number USAF 33060A

Human Downward Ejection Tests Film Number EC-30

Space Ship Take Off; A Technical Fantasy [A Seized German WW2 era Film???] USAF 28533

MiG-25 Foxbat - SECRET Film Number PIN 47236, FLV 13-0013, videotape

MiG-25 Foxbat - SECRET Film Number VT-D0365/807CH

Operation of System 119-L - SECRET [an intercontinental reconnaissance balloon mid-air recovery program] Air Force Film Number Illegible

Part 5 - Flying Disk Aircraft

Avrocar I Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report, Feb. 1958 - May 1959 Film Number USAF 29668

Flying Disk Aircraft Classified Film - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 29669

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 29670

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 29671

Avrocar Vehicle Manufacture Film Number USAF 29672

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 29673

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 29675

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 29676

Avrocar Flying Disk Aircraft Progress Report Film Number USAF 31347

Advanced Pyewacket Progress Film Number USAF 28520

Part 6 - Broken Arrow Nuclear Accidents and other Incidents

F-105B Incident, September 1958 Film Number USAF 27567

Atlas ICBM Blows Up On Pad Film Number USAF 29764

B-52 Crack Up, Yuba City, Colorado, Broken Arrow Incident, 14 Mar. 1961 - SECRET Film Number USAF 27815

U-2 Salvage Operation, Key West Naval Station 23 November 1963 - SECRET Film Number USAF 35853

Broken Arrow B-52 Crash Near Cumberland, MD 1-13-64 Film Number USAF 36970 - SECRET

Broken Arrow Near Cumberland, Maryland, 14-15 Jan 1964 Film Number USAF 36052 - SECRET

Disaster Control, B-52 and KC-135 Team Operations, Palomares, Spain, 1966 Film Number USAF 40730B - SECRET

Midair Collision, B-52 / KC-135, Camp Wilson, Spain 6 and 7 February 1966 Film Number USAF 40730C - SECRET

B-52 Crash at Thule, Thule AFB, Greenland Jan./Feb. 1968 Film Number USAF 43765 - SECRET

Broken Arrow Nuclear Accident - Date/Location Unknown Film Number USAF 50655 - SECRET

B-52 Landing Incident, Edwards AFB, CA, early 1955 Film Number USAF 24401

C-123B Crash, Thailand, April 1963 - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 36721

Nuclear Training - Emergency Nuclear Weapons Evacuation Film Number PIN 28091 DF, Film TF 6578 - SECRET

Part 7: Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Matters

Intelligence Operations - Air Sea Land Exfiltration Film Number TF 30-3514-B - CONFIDENTIAL

Intelligence Operations - Air Sea Land Infiltration Film Number TF 30-3514-A - CONFIDENTIAL

ALSOS Mission, Colonel Pash Reports, 1941-1948 [ALSOS targeted WW2 German nuclear and chem/bio research] dec. file supplemental file 210.68 16 mm film at Record Group 319.0004 - STILL CLASSIFIED!

A Day in the USSR - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 20844

Taiwan Alert, September 1958 - CLASSIFIED Film Number USAF 26819

Recognition Training - Sino Soviet Aircraft Film Number FS 3187 - CLASSIFIED

Aircraft Recognition - Soviet Jet Aircraft Recognition Film Number PIN 1011004 DN, MN 06898-D - CONFIDENTIAL

Aircraft Recognition - Soviet Jet Aircraft Recognition Film Number PIN 1011005 DN, MN 06898-E - CONFIDENTIAL

Communist Defeat in Malaya Film Number USAF 36343

The Thrill of it All - National Security Seminar Film Number USAF 36388 - CLASSIFIED

Reporting Espionage, Sabotage, Terrorism and Subversion Film Number VR-D1-569/508CH

Interview With Soviet Pilot - SECRET Film Number USAF 50791

Defector: A Soviet Pilot - SECRET Film Number PIN 51187 DF, Film AVR 239

Defector: A Chinese Pilot - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 51337 DF, Film TS 1471

Conrolled Counter-Intelligence Assets - SECRET Film Number PIN 47600 DF, Film TF 6312

Red Flag 78-5: Quick Look - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 50276 DF, Film TS 0992

Red Flag 79-2 Quick Look - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number TS 1334

Blue Flag SAM/TAC Air ECM Confrontation Film Number PIN 48139, Film TS-1172 - SECRET

So You Think You re Secure? - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 28059 DF, Film TF 6502

The Third Man is Listening - SECRET Film Number AVA 145

Countering Vehicular Kidnapping - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number TS 723

Responsibilities for Latin America, Jan. 1963 Film Number Illegible - SECRET

HUMIT Film Number USAF 49637 - SECRET

Protection of the President Film Number PIN 21019 DF, Film FRV 1029

Skyjacking Film Number FS 3262

TAC Intelligence Briefing Nicaragua TIP-83-21 - SECRET Film Number PIN 600660 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing - People's Republic of China - SECRET Film Number PIN 600661 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing - Poland TIP-83-22 - SECRET Film Number PIN 600664 DF, RB DF3

TAC Intelligence Briefing - Soviet Assault Helicopters - SECRET Film Number PIN 600665 DF, RB DF3

OPSEC in Action - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 11273 DF, Film TF 6651 - videotape

Target Intelligence In Action - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number PIN 26249, Film SFP 661

Deception: Methods Soviets Use to Deceive US Aircrews Film Number PIN 48124, FLV 04-0020 - SECRET

Worldwide Security Police Symposium - The Threat Videotape - SECRET Film Number PIN 50691 DF, Film AVR 148

RX for STINFO - scientific & technical information Film Number FR 0541

USAF Counterinsurgency Course: British Tactics for Counterinsurgency Film Number TF 1-5542-F

Naval Intelligence - The Intelligence Cycle Film Number MN 10889B - CONFIDENTIAL

Informants - CONFIDENTIAL Film Number MA 98560 or MN 9850

Enemy Territory, USA - SECRET Film Number MN 11018

Naval Intelligence - The Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center Film Number MN 10889D - SECRET

Naval Intelligence - Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support Center Film Number MN 10889E - SECRET

Naval Intelligence - Intelligence and You Film Number MN 08279B

Communication Discipline - videotape - SECRET Film Number PIN 52745 DF

Communication Security Briefing - the ALPHA 3 Story Film Number PS 99-1/C - CONFIDENTIAL

OSI Source System - Contact and Sources Film Number TF 6492 - CONFIDENTIAL


The U.S. Army Intelligence Command seminar briefing, speaker B/G William Blakefield February 20, 1969, 7" Tape Reels 1, 2 and 3 - CONFIDENTIAL Accession number Record Group 319.009, 319.010, and 310.011

The US Intelligence Command, speaker B/G William Blakefield, April 10, 1969, Accession Number Record Group 319.012 CONFIDENTIAL, 7" Tape Reel

Command Readiness presentation to Chief of Staff, June 17, 1966, accession number Record Group 319.013 CONFIDENTIAL

Intelligence Command briefing by B/G William Blakefield, October 12, 1967 in Bell Hall Auditorium, Record Group 319.015 - CONFIDENTIAL

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