Linear Algebra over the Integers Mod 2

Notation and Observations:


Linear Codes over MATH


Suppose we are given alphabet of symbols $\dsum \ $and an encoding MATH then is called a Linear Code if MATH is a subspace of MATH.


Error Detection and Correction for Linear Codes:

Given a Linear Code MATH



The [7,4,3]$_{\QTR{Large}{2}}$ Hamming Code :

The matricies:


Again, given MATH MATHwe encode it by multiplying on the right by MATH


Note that for a unit vector MATH , MATH is just the $\QTR{Large}{i\ }$th row of $\QTR{Large}{G}$ which for every row has at least three $\QTR{Large}{1}$ s.

The claim is that if you flip at least one bit of MATH MATH to say MATH MATH then

MATH and MATH differ by at least three bits(See Bullet $\QTR{Large}{4}$. above).


Notes For Assignment 1:

We need to show that if If MATH MATHdiffer by at least one bit MATH , MATH MATHwill differ by at least three.

If $\QTR{Large}{x}$ and MATHdiffer by three or four bits than so will MATH and MATH MATH since the final four bits of these vectors are the bits of $\QTR{Large}{x}$ and MATH. Therefore we only need to look at the cases

where $\QTR{Large}{x}$ and MATHdiffer by one and two bites.


Suppose $\QTR{Large}{x}$ and MATHdiffer by one bit, then MATHfor some $\QTR{Large}{i\ }$and MATH

Since MATHjust the $\QTR{Large}{i}$ th row, has at least three $\QTR{Large}{1}$ s, that is flips three bits we are done

Suppose $\QTR{Large}{x}$ and MATHdiffer by two bit, then MATHfor some MATH

Since MATH we just need to look the sums of the various pairs of rows of $\QTR{Large}{G}$ to check that there is always at least three $\QTR{Large}{1\ }$s in each sum.

An interesting case is


which just makes it.

All of this provides a methology for developing error correcting codes for other word sizes, say MATH