Test 1 Information Theory M/CS 4890

1. Shannon's Noiseless Coding Theorem(20 points):

Symbol Probability
A 1/4
B 1 /6
C 1 / 6
D 1 /6
E 1 / 4



Symbol Probability
A 1 /4
B 1 / 6
C 1 /6
D 1 /6
E 1 / 4
Symbol Probability
A 1 /4
E 1 /4
B 1 / 6
C 1 / 6
D 1 / 6
Symbol Probability
[C,D] 1 /3
A 1 / 4
E 1 /4
B 1 / 6
Symbol Probability
[E,B] 5 /12
[C,D] 1 /3
A 1 / 4
Symbol Probability
[[C,D],A] 7 /12
[E,B] 5 /12

Symbol Code
[[C,D],A] 0
[E,B] 1
Symbol Code
[C,D] 00
A 01
E 10
B 11
Symbol Code
C 000
D 001
A 01
E 10
B 11




2. Shannon's Noisy Coding Theorem(15 points):

Let MATH and $\QTR{Large}{R\ <C}$, then for sufficiently large integers $\QTR{Large}{n\ \ }$and MATH we can find:

such that


Letting MATH the approximate value of MATH .:


3. (20 Points): Do a worst case analysis of the four ball weighing problem, 3 the same and 1 heavier or lighter. What is the Shannon Clue?

Compute the Information provided by the various experiments in your analysis. Does the total worst case Information gained conform to the Shannon Clue


There are 4 balls and 1 is heavier or lighter so there are 8 equiprobable outcomes.so the Information gained learning which ball is the odd ball and whether it is heavier or lighter is

MATHBits of information. So the Shannon Clue is that if somehow I could learn a little more than $\QTR{Large}{1.5}$ Bits of Information in each of 2 weighings, as I had done before, I might be able to solve the problem in two weighings.

In the case of one ball on each side two off the balance , there are three possible outcomes, the left side goes up, the left side goes down or the scale balances.

They are not equiprobable. The scale balances in $\QTR{Large}{4\ }$possible ways. The odd ball could be either of the two off the scale and the odd ball could be heavier or lighter Thus the probability of the scale balancing is

$\QTR{Large}{1/2}$ thus learning that this is the outcome give $\QTR{Large}{1}$ Bit of Information.

The left side could only go down in 2 possible ways. The left side has the odd ball and it is heavier or the right side has the odd ball and it is lighterThus the probability of the left side going down is $\QTR{Large}{1/4}$ and learning that this is the outcome gives $\QTR{Large}{2}$ Bits of Information. and we only need $\QTR{Large}{3\ }$based on the Shannon Clue ..

Indeed in this case one additional weighing would be enough. Just weigh the ball on the left side against a good ball. If the scale goes down again, the ball on the left is a heavy ball, if the scale balances the ball that was on the right was a light ball.

Similarly for the left side side going up

Since we are considering worst case, in the case that the odd ball was off the scale in the first weighting we know the odd ball is one of the two left but we don't know if it is heavier or lighter. One additional weighting is not enought to determine this. However, knowing it is one of two, we can weight them against each other and use the previous strategy to solve the problem in a second additional weighing, Hence; The worst case is that it takes 3 weighings to solve the 4 ball weighing problem ( no better than the 12 ball problem)


4. (20 Points): Letting MATH be define by the matrix MATH, MATH

MATHand MATH the two code words are certainly $\QTR{Large}{3}$ apart.

As an aside, this is the Hamming MATHCode.


Besides MATHand MATH , in MATH there are $\QTR{Large}{3}$ vectors with one $\QTR{Large}{1}$. These are Hamming Distance $\QTR{Large}{1}$ away from MATH There are also $\QTR{Large}{3}$ vectors with two $\QTR{Large}{1}$ s that are Hamming Distance $\QTR{Large}{1}$away from MATH

MATH, hence is a Perfect Code.

To know MATH we need an even number of $\QTR{Large}{1}$ s in each column and to know MATHany MATH we need a $\QTR{Large}{1}$ in the $\QTR{Large}{i}$ th row of at least 1 column.


has both of these properties.


5. (25 Points):Solve the following variant of the Three Doors ProblemMATH

  1. The Host hides a money prize behind one of three randomly chosen doors with probability 1/2 for door 1 and 1/4 for doors 2 and 3

  2. The Player chooses door 1.knowing the hosts preference

  3. The Host opens either door 2 or door 3 using the following rules:

The Question: Suppose the Host opens door 3, should the Player open door 1 or open door 2.?

Your answer should consist of filling in the following outline.

  1. The Random Variable: The door that the money is hidden behind: $\QTR{Large}{M}$ , which takes on the values MATH

    with MATH

  2. The Conditional Distribution:


  3. The Random Variable: The door that the Host opens $\QTR{Large}{O}$ , which takes on the values MATH

    with MATH since MATH

  4. The Posterior Distribution:



  5. The Decoding Strategy: MATHeither MATH or MATH and MATHeither MATH or MATH both are equiprobable

  6. The Marginal Information MATHusing any formula version.

