The Church-Turing Thesis:

Informally: Given sufficient data storage capacity and time, all computers (laptops, iPhones, super computers,...) can perform the same set of computations. In particular, they can perform numerical computations with any degree of precision required and, in particular, as Turing Machines


Turing Machines:


Definition :

A Turing Machine $\QTR{Large}{T}$ consists of:

Notation: MATHdenotes that is in state $\QTR{Large}{q_{i}}$ and the tape contains the consecutive sequence of symbols MATH with all blanks to the left of $\QTR{Large}{s_{1}}$ and to the right of $\QTR{Large}{s_{n}}$.

Moreover the head is over the cell containing $\QTR{Large}{s_{j}}$. We call this the state of $\QTR{Large}{T}$ , as opposed to the head state.

Given MATH and valid step MATHwe write MATH More generally MATHwill be used to denote a sequence of valid steps refered to as a derivation.


Alternate Definitions: There are many computationally equivalent definitions of Turing Machine..

One A: simple, in fact more commonly used, variation is as above except in the Transition Function, rather than Head MATH, only MATH are available.

To create a computationally equivalent MATH for a given MATH Turing Machine

Two Another variant defines MATH. Here, in a given step, either the cell under the Head gets rewritten or the Head moves not both.

A Convenient 3-tape Turing Machine :

We say such a Turing Machine halts on input $\QTR{Large}{p}$ with output $\QTR{Large}{x}$ , and write MATH if $\QTR{Large}{p}$ is to the left of the input head and $\QTR{Large}{x}$ is to the left of the output head after $\QTR{Large}{T}$ halts. .
