Introduction to Topology

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Continuous Functions

Chapter 3. Topology

Chapter 4. Topological Properties

Chapter 5. Deconstructionist Topology


(1849 - 1925 )

(1854 - 1912 )


Chapter 6 Homotopy
  1. The Lebesgue Number
  2. Homotopy
  3. Homotopy Equivalence
  4. The Winding Number
  5. Lifting Homotopies
  6. The Gluing Lemma






The WhiteBoard

The course will be based on the Textbook, with some
elaborations and side excursions.

The Textbook for this course is:

Essential Topology
Martin D. Crossley
Springer Verlag
August 2005

* Professor Crossley has kindly given me permission
to make use of a set of notes that he developed,
covering some of the material in the first part of
the text. I intend to base many of my lectures
on this material.
