Semester Project Notes


For the purposes of this project, assume server capacity is not an issue and that at a given time the numbers of concurrent user sessions might be very large. Each might want access to any of the available Views.

The Semester Project Elements:

  1. The Remote Client may be  Browser-based or a Java Desktop Client.
  2. The Views should mainly be JSP s. Some PHP or HTML supporting Pages will be acceptable when appropriate.
  3. The Controller must be a Tomcat Servlet,supporting safe session-level access to multiple simultaneous clients. In particular, it must only allow serial access to the DataStore.
  4. The Model can be Java Beans or other JavaServer-based applications.
  5. The Data Store may be MySQL/MariaDB, XML, other Server-based file types, or some combination of these.
  6. As part of the Project Submission Process, you will asked to give a brief in-class presentation, describing your project and based on a Web Site, consisting of appropriate text, images, diagrams, and source code.

Grading Considerations:

In general terms, in determining a grade for a project I will be looking at how well the project meets the goals of the project proposal and how well the project demonstrates a familiarity with the technical content of the course.More specifically, I will be looking at:

  1. The quality of the Web Page description of the project:
  2. Source Code Technical Details (considering the project's objective):

Project Sketchs:

The attached project sketchs from previous semesters are simply meant to suggestive for possible semester projects. There is also The Music Store in the Text and my The Java Store.

Project Web Page Fragments