Assignment 3

The Assignment

JStore - Browser Client actually references two applications of, and Bean Test which consists of testJStore.html and JStoreView.jsp. Assignment 3 is to combine these two application, adding some additional features. The right side image below provides an overview of the resulting Application Logic.
Software interactions in the bottom right vertical portion of the above diagram.


  1. Sessions should be defined by a random Session Management String. The version of in the .zip file below begins to implement this.
  2. Bean instantiation should be handled by the servlet rather than the new JStoreView.jsp. In particular, the database should be locked while instantiating a requested Bean .
  3. Views should have a "Close Session" button

Source Files and References

  1. This should run unpacked and as is in a webapp named js_test on your off-campus "localhost." It also now contains a .sql script to load the java_store.
    To move it to your webapp:
    1. Link references to localhost:8080 in various JSP s need to be changed to
    2. The directory structure under js_test needs to be moved under j-<yourname>.     
    3. getSimpleNotes.jsp
    4. First Draft
    5. Second Draft
    7. JStore - Browser Client
    8. Session Management.
    9. The Database table.
    10. In particular, The Java Server Page.
    11. Chapter 7 Sessions and Cookies.
    12. Some Notes.