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FBI Keeps Watch on Activists
Antiwar, other groups are monitored to curb violence, not because of ideology, agency says.
By Nicholas Riccardi
Times Staff Writer
Published March 27, 2006
DENVER — The FBI, while waging a highly publicized war
against terrorism, has spent resources gathering information on antiwar
and environmental protesters and on activists who feed vegetarian meals
to the homeless, the agency's internal memos show.
years, the FBI's definition of terrorism has included violence against
property, such as the window-smashing during the 1999 Seattle protests
against the World Trade Organization. That definition has led FBI
investigations to online discussion boards, organizing meetings and
demonstrations of a wide range of activist groups. Officials say that
international terrorists pose the greatest threat to the nation but
that they cannot ignore crimes committed by some activists.
one thing to express an idea or such, but when you commit acts of
violence in support of that activity, that's where our interest comes
in," said FBI spokesman Bill Carter in Washington.
He stressed
that the agency targeted individuals who committed crimes and did not
single out groups for ideological reasons. He cited the recent arrest
of environmental activists accused of firebombing an unfinished ski
resort in Vail. "People can get hurt," Carter said. "Businesses can be
The FBI's encounters with activists are described in
hundreds of pages of documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties
Union under the Freedom of Information Act after agents visited several
activists before the 2004 political conventions. Details have steadily
trickled out over the last year, but newly released documents provide a
fuller view of some FBI probes.
"Any definition of terrorism
that would include someone throwing a bottle or rock through a window
during an antiwar demonstration is dangerously overbroad," ACLU staff
attorney Ben Wizner said. "The FBI will have its hands full pursuing
antiwar groups instead of truly dangerous organizations."
attorneys say most violence during demonstrations is minor and is
better handled by local police than federal counterterrorism agents.
They say the FBI, which spied on antiwar and civil rights leaders
during the 1960s, appears to be investigating activists solely for
opposing the government.
"They don't know where Osama bin Laden
is, but they're spending money watching people like me," said
environmental activist Kirsten Atkins. Her license plate number showed
up in an FBI terrorism file after she attended a protest against the
lumber industry in Colorado Springs in 2002.
ACLU attorneys
acknowledge that the FBI memos are heavily redacted and contain
incomplete portraits of some cases. Still, the attorneys say, the
documents show that the FBI has monitored groups that were not
suspected of any crime.
"It certainly seems they're casting a
net much more widely than would be necessary to thwart something like
the blowing up of the Oklahoma City federal building," said Mark
Silverstein, legal director of the ACLU of Colorado.
FBI officials respond that there is nothing improper about agents attending a meeting or demonstration.
"We have to be able to go out and look at things; we have to be able to
conduct an investigation," said William J. Crowley, a spokesman for the
FBI in Pittsburgh. His field office filed a report — released by the
ACLU this month — in which an agent described photographing Pittsburgh
activists who were handing out fliers for a war protest. The report
mentioned no potential violence or crimes.
Crowley said his
office had been looking for a certain person in that case and had
closed the file when it realized the suspect was not among those
handing out the leaflets.
The murky connection that the federal
government makes between some left-wing activist groups and terrorism
was illustrated in a Justice Department presentation to a college law
class this month.
An FBI counterterrorism official showed the
class, at the University of Texas in Austin, 35 slides listing militia,
neo-Nazi and Islamist groups. Senior Special Agent Charles Rasner said
one slide, labeled "Anarchism," was a federal analyst's list of groups
that people intent on terrorism might associate with.
The list
included Food Not Bombs, which mainly serves vegetarian food to
homeless people, and — with a question mark next to it — Indymedia, a
collective that publishes what it calls radical journalism online. Both
groups are among the numerous organizations affiliated with anarchists
and anti-globalization protests, where there has been some violence.
Wagoner said she was one of the few students who objected to the
groups' inclusion on the list. "My friends do Indymedia," she said. "My
friends aren't terrorists."
Rasner said that he'd never heard of
the two groups before and didn't mean to condemn them. But he added
that it made sense to worry about violent people emerging from
anarchist networks — "Any group can have somebody that goes south."
where the ACLU fought a lengthy court battle with local police over its
spying on political groups, has the most extensive records of
encounters between the FBI and activists. Documents obtained by the
ACLU there revealed how agents monitored the lumber industry
demonstration, an antiwar march and an anarchist group that activists
say was never formed.
In June 2002, environmental activists
protested the annual meeting of the North American Wholesale Lumber
Assn. in Colorado Springs. An FBI memo justified opening an inquiry
into the protest because an activist training camp was to be held on
"nonviolent methods of forest defense … security culture, street
theater and banner making."
Copyright © 2006, The Los Angeles Times